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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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Rather speaking of Lollipop Chainsaw x Persona 4 fanart:


I mean, come on. Rise's a much more natural fit.

I am all for this!


Oh man, PersonaGAF, how I've missed you guys. After catching up, I see nothing's really changed, save for Inorigo being back (and really, welcome back!) and TrueSelf still being rad with making images.

After doing some serious deliberation last night, I've decided that Objection! 2013 and Courtroom Révolutionnarie slightly edge out Pursuit for my favourite AA5 track.

One of my favorite tracks from this year, only narrowly being beat out by SMT4's Asura-Kai Shop Theme.

Anyway, I'll just list things for specific people:
  • Levito: How's your back treating you now? You never said what specifically caused it, but was it just over-exerting yourself?
  • TinTin: Etrian's a lot of fun, assuming you know what you're getting yourself into. Personally I think Untold's the second-worst game in the series, only beating out II, which was basically just an expansion pack of the first one. Then again, it's not true that the games don't have any story (especially with the first one's massive plot twist) -- they just don't have any real, defined characters. Untold actually has about the same amount of story as any other EO game, it's just that its story's much more in your face and trope-ridden. It doesn't help that EO4 will probably give people a better sense for how Q will play, since Untold stripped away so much from the combat, most egregiously locking you into the same five characters for the entire game.
  • Also, Scrafty, which KH do you think is "the best one"? I ask because even though I got bored of KH2 on standard with just button-mashing X and Triangle, I'm really interested in trying critical, since it sounds like it forces you to use everything. It certainly sounds better than 3D, which since playing on critical mode, I've realized has terrible boss battles. Like, really, really bad.
  • Also, Scrafty, which KH do you think is "the best one"? I ask because even though I got bored of KH2 on standard with just button-mashing X and Triangle, I'm really interested in trying critical, since it sounds like it forces you to use everything. It certainly sounds better than 3D, which since playing on critical mode, I've realized has terrible boss battles. Like, really, really bad.

I think that KHII.5 HD is going to be the best, since it includes the HD Final Mix versions of II and Birth by Sleep, my two favourite titles in the series.

And yes, you haven't truly experienced KHII until you've played it on difficulties abovr Normal. It's one of my favourite games ever for a reason!


I think that KHII.5 HD is going to be the best, since it includes the HD Final Mix versions of II and Birth by Sleep, my two favourite titles in the series.

And yes, you haven't truly experienced KHII until you've played it on difficulties abovr Normal. It's one of my favourite games ever for a reason!

So start it on hard/proud?


I think that KHII.5 HD is going to be the best, since it includes the HD Final Mix versions of II and Birth by Sleep, my two favourite titles in the series.

And yes, you haven't truly experienced KHII until you've played it on difficulties abovr Normal. It's one of my favourite games ever for a reason!

I'm really looking forward to it, if even a fraction of what people have said about it holds up. I mean, I like what Osaka team has done, but it always seems like all sense of game balance disappears under the slightest bit of scrutiny involved with playing the higher difficulties. Mostly like what I'm stuck on now, which would be throwing huge bosses with screen-filling attacks originally designed for huge stages in a cramped arena never designed to have them in the first place. It's down to me hoping that when they jump, they get stuck on the lamp posts all over the place, so I can just wail on them. It's like they just put something in thinking it would look cool (and it does), without thinking if it actually makes sense as a boss battle (which it doesn't).

Birth by Sleep's a lot more fun, but it's also way too easy to get overpowered in it.

Critical if possible.
Critical and with the no-EXP ability equipped if you're feeling cheeky.
Just not in KH1. It was never designed with the ability in mind, so the ability does all sorts of game balance changes that aren't mentioned but turn the difficulty into a weird rollercoaster.


I started KH1 on Hard and I can't beat the Olympus D: I keep dying on the 6th or 7th round, and I'm pretty sure I'll have to face a boss at the end of it, won't I?

I'd suggest just skipping that world for now, since there are TWO bosses waiting for you. At least beat Deep Jungle first so you get access to cure magic, or do what I did and wait 'til the middle of the game and then come back. I honestly thought that it was one of the hardest parts of the entire game, especially if you jump into it right after Traverse Town.
I'd suggest just skipping that world for now, since there are TWO bosses waiting for you. At least beat Deep Jungle first so you get access to cure magic, or do what I did and wait 'til the middle of the game and then come back. I honestly thought that it was one of the hardest parts of the entire game, especially if you jump into it right after Traverse Town.
thanks for your advice! I'll probably do that then.
I had some problems with the boss in Traverse Town (it took me like an hour) but then I had no problem with Wonderland and its boss for example.


I think that KHII.5 HD is going to be the best, since it includes the HD Final Mix versions of II and Birth by Sleep, my two favourite titles in the series.

And yes, you haven't truly experienced KHII until you've played it on difficulties abovr Normal. It's one of my favourite games ever for a reason!

My Man
(Too bad coded has to foul up an otherwise perfect combination. Should have been the 3D cutscenes instead,)

I started KH1 on Hard and I can't beat the Olympus D: I keep dying on the 6th or 7th round, and I'm pretty sure I'll have to face a boss at the end of it, won't I?

I loved BBS, definitely one of the best games I have ever played!

Did you clear deep jungle first? Cure helps immensely and you'll be strong enough to steamroll the regular enemies.

So start it on hard/proud?

Proud if you're playing for fun, critical if you want a challenge
I finally finished Eternal Punishment earlier today.

It's not easy to put into words how much I enjoyed them... it's much easier to write about how these games almost drove me to madness :p
But I prefer to leave those things behind me and focus on the positiveness, Let's Positive Thinking!!

All in all it was a really nice experience, these games have a unique atmosphere (if a bit oppressive at times in 1 and especially EP), beautiful music, entertaining characters and an interesting and complex storyline. It saddens me to think that Atlus decided to put it all behind and start anew with Persona 3, but now that I finished playing all three, I can see why they did so.

Persona 1, Pesona 2 Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment story spoilers will follow INCLUDING ENDINGS

The story is over, I feel like there is nothing left to add. This world is at peace and the other is about to start a new life on its own with Tatsuya at its helm. Possibly as a new Philemon.

The way in which Innocent Sin is related to the storyline succession of Persona 1 -> Eternal Punishment is genius.
I really enjoyed seeing characters from Persona 1 in EP, and especially I liked how their story got closure too with the end of EP.

My favorite characters from each game were Maki, Eikichi and Baofu (quite the easy win this one, considering I disliked pretty much everybody else in EP), with Maki probably being my favorite overall. Powerful Persona user and an impressive Shadow.

I still regret missing out on using Eriko in Persona 1 :(
Good thing I had the chance to see something about her in EP :)
Even if it meant giving up Nanjo, another character I really liked.

Out of the story scenes the one that had the biggest impact was definitely Innocent Sin's ending.
Maya is dead, are you willing to give up all your memories about each other to save her?

I also created a time paradox :p
I didn't punch Philemon in IS ending, since it wasn't his fault afterall, not as much as Nyarlatothep's at least.
I however punched him during EP's flashback near the end!

Why am I not talking about the gameplay? Because I didn't enjoy it, so I'll leave that for another time or I risk turning this post into a rant.
TinTin: Etrian's a lot of fun, assuming you know what you're getting yourself into. Personally I think Untold's the second-worst game in the series, only beating out II, which was basically just an expansion pack of the first one. Then again, it's not true that the games don't have any story (especially with the first one's massive plot twist) -- they just don't have any real, defined characters. Untold actually has about the same amount of story as any other EO game, it's just that its story's much more in your face and trope-ridden. It doesn't help that EO4 will probably give people a better sense for how Q will play, since Untold stripped away so much from the combat, most egregiously locking you into the same five characters for the entire game.

To be fair when I first started Untold's demo, I wasn't like "wow what an interesting story, such great characters," I was kinda hyped for the way they handle dungeons. How you have to draw your way through the map, was really interesting. So you say that 4 is the best one to start?


To be fair when I first started Untold's demo, I wasn't like "wow what an interesting story, such great characters," I was kinda hyped for the way they handle dungeons. How you have to draw your way through the map, was really interesting. So you say that 4 is the best one to start?

Totally. The combat's a lot more well-balanced, and if you really like the cartography part, then Four has an overworld that you can travel around in that really complements the feeling of exploring uncharted lands. It also was probably the least monotonous for me. Most Etrian games stick you in a singular ~30-floor dungeon that changes appearance every five floors. I liked what Four did, though, which was to have five
3-floor main dungeons scattered about, with plenty of smaller side-dungeons to find as well.

And like I was saying before, it offers a lot more options for customization, since you can actually choose what classes you want in your party (in a game where pretty much any combination's viable), and later on, you unlock sub-classes, which give you even more options for crazy combinations. Want a hexer that can throw out a curse that completely removes the enemy's ability to cast magic at all (that also works on bosses) and heal your entire party in the same move? Done. It also removed a lot of things in the series that felt like busy-work and made everything more accessible without dumbing things down, unlike Untold.

If it says anything, for a 3DS game that came out in February, it's easily in the running for my GOTY.
I need to ask something of you guys.

So, I'm applying to a new univeristy in order to follow my dreams of becoming a journalism, and part of my application for both a scholarship and a voice program requires me to submit a 10-15 minute-long voice acting project that proves that I both can speak with a good "radio voice" and also direct people in such a fashion.

Me being the big nerd that I am, I've chosen to voice my own version of hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comic. The only problem is that a good deal of my friends are unable to help me out by filling voice roles, meaning that I'll need to do a different project with fewer voices if I can't find people to help me out.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: would anyone be willing to take on one or more roles in order to lend me a hand? You don't have to worry about sounding exactly like the character or being super professional-sounding at all, since A) the person judging me probably won't be familiar with P4 so they won't know what the characters are supposed to sound like, and B) I'm being judged more on my organization and understanding rather than the pure quality of the video.

RebelDwebble and PK have already volunteered to help out and will be voicing Adachi/The Fox and Yosuke respectively. I myself will be playing Yu and several of the incidental male characters, meaning the following roles still need to be filled:

Chie (I've contacted someone I know irl who may be interested in playing this character, but I've received no response)
Naoto (she only has like one line though)
Kou and Daisuke

Once again, it doesn't have to be professional. If you're willing to lend me a hand, then just have fun with it! Thanks a lot for your consideration, folks, and sorry for clogging up the thread if this stuff doesn't interest you in the slightest.


Hey PersonaGAF, how are you all this morning?

Lollipop Chainsaw is proper garbage.

I have mixed feelings on it. Some of the writing is really sharp while a lot of the humor gets old fast. Combat system is fun though.

Still nowhere near No More Heroes quality.

[*]Levito: How's your back treating you now? You never said what specifically caused it, but was it just over-exerting yourself?

Yeah it started after doing a set of lanes at the pool. It's getting a lot better, higher ups got a new chair for me at work and I've been going to the gym and doing just elliptical workouts. Seems to be helping.

Good seeing you again, stick around!


That picture has P4 spoilers. Should probably just link it, considering how often people who haven't finished the game come in here.


I need to ask something of you guys.

So, I'm applying to a new univeristy in order to follow my dreams of becoming a journalism, and part of my application for both a scholarship and a voice program requires me to submit a 10-15 minute-long voice acting project that proves that I both can speak with a good "radio voice" and also direct people in such a fashion.

Me being the big nerd that I am, I've chosen to voice my own version of hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comic. The only problem is that a good deal of my friends are unable to help me out by filling voice roles, meaning that I'll need to do a different project with fewer voices if I can't find people to help me out.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: would anyone be willing to take on one or more roles in order to lend me a hand? You don't have to worry about sounding exactly like the character or being super professional-sounding at all, since A) the person judging me probably won't be familiar with P4 so they won't know what the characters are supposed to sound like, and B) I'm being judged more on my organization and understanding rather than the pure quality of the video.

RebelDwebble and PK have already volunteered to help out and will be voicing Adachi/The Fox and Yosuke respectively. I myself will be playing Yu and several of the incidental male characters, meaning the following roles still need to be filled:

Chie (I've contacted someone I know irl who may be interested in playing this character, but I've received no response)
Naoto (she only has like one line though)
Kou and Daisuke

Once again, it doesn't have to be professional. If you're willing to lend me a hand, then just have fun with it! Thanks a lot for your consideration, folks, and sorry for clogging up the thread if this stuff doesn't interest you in the slightest.

I don't mind doing Kanji if you don't expect Troy Baker level quality.
I need to ask something of you guys.

So, I'm applying to a new univeristy in order to follow my dreams of becoming a journalism, and part of my application for both a scholarship and a voice program requires me to submit a 10-15 minute-long voice acting project that proves that I both can speak with a good "radio voice" and also direct people in such a fashion.

Me being the big nerd that I am, I've chosen to voice my own version of hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comic. The only problem is that a good deal of my friends are unable to help me out by filling voice roles, meaning that I'll need to do a different project with fewer voices if I can't find people to help me out.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: would anyone be willing to take on one or more roles in order to lend me a hand? You don't have to worry about sounding exactly like the character or being super professional-sounding at all, since A) the person judging me probably won't be familiar with P4 so they won't know what the characters are supposed to sound like, and B) I'm being judged more on my organization and understanding rather than the pure quality of the video.

RebelDwebble and PK have already volunteered to help out and will be voicing Adachi/The Fox and Yosuke respectively. I myself will be playing Yu and several of the incidental male characters, meaning the following roles still need to be filled:

Chie (I've contacted someone I know irl who may be interested in playing this character, but I've received no response)
Naoto (she only has like one line though)
Kou and Daisuke

Once again, it doesn't have to be professional. If you're willing to lend me a hand, then just have fun with it! Thanks a lot for your consideration, folks, and sorry for clogging up the thread if this stuff doesn't interest you in the slightest.

Okay, I'll bite. No promises, but this sounds pretty damn fun if you ask me. I'm not sure if I'd be good at it at all, but I'm certainly up for learning more about what you have in mind.

I've got a pretty low voice, so I could maybe do Kanji, Dojima, Daisuke, and maybe even Igor. I'll have to listen to some clips again and see...


I need to ask something of you guys.

So, I'm applying to a new univeristy in order to follow my dreams of becoming a journalism, and part of my application for both a scholarship and a voice program requires me to submit a 10-15 minute-long voice acting project that proves that I both can speak with a good "radio voice" and also direct people in such a fashion.

Me being the big nerd that I am, I've chosen to voice my own version of hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comic. The only problem is that a good deal of my friends are unable to help me out by filling voice roles, meaning that I'll need to do a different project with fewer voices if I can't find people to help me out.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: would anyone be willing to take on one or more roles in order to lend me a hand? You don't have to worry about sounding exactly like the character or being super professional-sounding at all, since A) the person judging me probably won't be familiar with P4 so they won't know what the characters are supposed to sound like, and B) I'm being judged more on my organization and understanding rather than the pure quality of the video.

RebelDwebble and PK have already volunteered to help out and will be voicing Adachi/The Fox and Yosuke respectively. I myself will be playing Yu and several of the incidental male characters, meaning the following roles still need to be filled:

Chie (I've contacted someone I know irl who may be interested in playing this character, but I've received no response)
Naoto (she only has like one line though)
Kou and Daisuke

Once again, it doesn't have to be professional. If you're willing to lend me a hand, then just have fun with it! Thanks a lot for your consideration, folks, and sorry for clogging up the thread if this stuff doesn't interest you in the slightest.
I also PMed you, but I'd be willing to do a male character.
I don't mind doing Kanji if you don't expect Troy Baker level quality.

Okay, I'll bite. No promises, but this sounds pretty damn fun if you ask me. I'm not sure if I'd be good at it at all, but I'm certainly up for learning more about what you have in mind.

I've got a pretty low voice, so I could maybe do Kanji, Dojima, Daisuke, and maybe even Igor. I'll have to listen to some clips again and see...

Thanks a ton, guys. I really appreciate it :)

That's a pretty cool project Scrafty, I'd volunteer but I really can't act at all.

It doesn't matter if you can act or not, any help is very much appreciated! You've got a really good voice, so I'd love to have you on board!


I finally finished Eternal Punishment earlier today.

It's not easy to put into words how much I enjoyed them... it's much easier to write about how these games almost drove me to madness :p
But I prefer to leave those things behind me and focus on the positiveness, Let's Positive Thinking!!

All in all it was a really nice experience, these games have a unique atmosphere (if a bit oppressive at times in 1 and especially EP), beautiful music, entertaining characters and an interesting and complex storyline. It saddens me to think that Atlus decided to put it all behind and start anew with Persona 3, but now that I finished playing all three, I can see why they did so.

Persona 1, Pesona 2 Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment story spoilers will follow INCLUDING ENDINGS

The story is over, I feel like there is nothing left to add. This world is at peace and the other is about to start a new life on its own with Tatsuya at its helm. Possibly as a new Philemon.

The way in which Innocent Sin is related to the storyline succession of Persona 1 -> Eternal Punishment is genius.
I really enjoyed seeing characters from Persona 1 in EP, and especially I liked how their story got closure too with the end of EP.

My favorite characters from each game were Maki, Eikichi and Baofu (quite the easy win this one, considering I disliked pretty much everybody else in EP), with Maki probably being my favorite overall. Powerful Persona user and an impressive Shadow.

I still regret missing out on using Eriko in Persona 1 :(
Good thing I had the chance to see something about her in EP :)
Even if it meant giving up Nanjo, another character I really liked.

Out of the story scenes the one that had the biggest impact was definitely Innocent Sin's ending.
Maya is dead, are you willing to give up all your memories about each other to save her?

I also created a time paradox :p
I didn't punch Philemon in IS ending, since it wasn't his fault afterall, not as much as Nyarlatothep's at least.
I however punched him during EP's flashback near the end!

Why am I not talking about the gameplay? Because I didn't enjoy it, so I'll leave that for another time or I risk turning this post into a rant.

Similar feelings on my part, up to preferring IS's cast.
I did punch Philemon though. Sure Nyarly is the real villain, but the only reason all this happened is because he made some sort of bet about human potential with him.

Awesome pic. This series has so much great fanart.


So I found out that I get to work on X-mas Eve. My boss and I are pissed about it. I know that I'll be on my ass four hours of my five hours shift reading Rubicon. At least I'll be paid for reading my book. But I want to sleep in!


I need to ask something of you guys.

So, I'm applying to a new univeristy in order to follow my dreams of becoming a journalism, and part of my application for both a scholarship and a voice program requires me to submit a 10-15 minute-long voice acting project that proves that I both can speak with a good "radio voice" and also direct people in such a fashion.

Me being the big nerd that I am, I've chosen to voice my own version of hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comic. The only problem is that a good deal of my friends are unable to help me out by filling voice roles, meaning that I'll need to do a different project with fewer voices if I can't find people to help me out.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: would anyone be willing to take on one or more roles in order to lend me a hand? You don't have to worry about sounding exactly like the character or being super professional-sounding at all, since A) the person judging me probably won't be familiar with P4 so they won't know what the characters are supposed to sound like, and B) I'm being judged more on my organization and understanding rather than the pure quality of the video.

RebelDwebble and PK have already volunteered to help out and will be voicing Adachi/The Fox and Yosuke respectively. I myself will be playing Yu and several of the incidental male characters, meaning the following roles still need to be filled:

Chie (I've contacted someone I know irl who may be interested in playing this character, but I've received no response)
Naoto (she only has like one line though)
Kou and Daisuke

Once again, it doesn't have to be professional. If you're willing to lend me a hand, then just have fun with it! Thanks a lot for your consideration, folks, and sorry for clogging up the thread if this stuff doesn't interest you in the slightest.

Audition reel for Izanagi, Igor, Shadow Teddie (and regular Teddie?) coming through!


So I found out that I get to work on X-mas Eve. My boss and I are pissed about it. I know that I'll be on my ass four hours of my five hours shift reading Rubicon. At least I'll be paid for reading my book. But I want to sleep in!

I'm working 4 hours on both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. I just assumed that most places are like this.


So Makoto is the 'official' name for P3's male MC right? I'm only confirming cause I still see people calling him Minato.

People have been calling him Minato for about 4 or so years now, it's hard to let go. Unlike Souji which hadn't been around as long before Yu came up. Once the movie gets a BD release or if he gets a mention in P4A2, people will start calling him Makoto more often.
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