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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number


Good good, more people should give Soul Hackers a shot if the can! Feel free to drop by IRC and ask PK and I and some of the others for tips and stuff should you ever need em!

I hear the second to last dungeon sucks. Besides that, what should I be concerned with? already looking up stats for builds and whatnot. The attribute points remind me a lot of Diablo 1/2.


Battle for Everyone's Souls is one of the best boss themes ever yo. Actually pretty much all of the music in P3 in the last month is amazing.

I agree! But if you've played Persona 4 first and spent a significant amount of time in
the Velvet Room,
there was, at least for me, a brief moment of "oh for FUCK'S SAKE"

Followed then by "You know what? This is a fucking banger. And it's too fitting to be mad at."
I hear the second to last dungeon sucks. Besides that, what should I be concerned with? already looking up stats for builds and whatnot. The attribute points remind me a lot of Diablo 1/2.

You will deal with a little obtuseness with the Demon Loyalty system and the MAG system, do you know the trick for the Demon Loyalty system? Buy a ton of the sake that turns a demon into the kind personality, give it to every demon that is not kind, then get into a battle and have every kind demon either block or heal, they will max Loyalty in no time! MAG? Either don't run with a full 6 person party when you are low, and if you are running low, fight every random encounter and you will have a crapton of MAG in no time!
For anyone new here to PersonaGAF, like Buddha said, there is a PersonaGAF IRC Channel.
It's a fairly busy chat-room, so you'll usually find someone to chat with in the room most of the time, and we do sometimes play Arena together on occasion in the chat.
So drop on by if you have the chance.


You will deal with a little obtuseness with the Demon Loyalty system and the MAG system, do you know the trick for the Demon Loyalty system? Buy a ton of the sake that turns a demon into the kind personality, give it to every demon that is not kind, then get into a battle and have every kind demon either block or heal, they will max Loyalty in no time! MAG? Either don't run with a full 6 person party when you are low, and if you are running low, fight every random encounter and you will have a crapton of MAG in no time!

Seems pretty straight forward, thanks for the heads up.
My Junpei is at level 16. No regrets.

You monster.

My Junpei's at level 99 in my current file. He's also decked out in Armor and Shoes of Light, and rockin' Masakado's Katana. On days when he's feeling great, he's pretty much the ultimate killing machine. I don't know how I would've beaten P3P BONUS BOSS SPOILER
Large Marge
without him.
My Junpei is at level 16. No regrets.

Hey guys, I just got a Vita last month and got Persona 4 Golden (which is amazing) and I'm loving this game so freaking much...

It's dawning on me that I'm nearing the end of the game... Which makes me sad

Is P3P ok to play after this? It won't be too hard to go to a PSP game with no cutscenes or 3D worlds/characters?

Genuinely curious. How different will the mechanics be?
Have any of you gone from P4G->P3P?

I've only ever played the PSX games so this is all new and awesome territory for me


I need to get back to Soul Hackers sometime. I'm not that far in, but it was goodly.

Hey guys, I just got a Vita last month and got Persona 4 Golden (which is amazing) and I'm loving this game so freaking much...

It's dawning on me that I'm nearing the end of the game... Which makes me sad

Is P3P ok to play after this? It won't be too hard to go to a PSP game with no cutscenes or 3D worlds/characters?

Genuinely curious.

I've only ever played the PSX games so this is all new and awesome territory for me

If you can, FES is a better bet for a first playthrough of FES. Then you can play P3P female route and appreciate the much better S.Links while having already experienced the stronger presentation in FES.
"We're going to Tartarus tonight!"

Junpei: :D

"And Junpei doesn't get to come!"

Junpei: D:

Retroactively glad I chose not to use him, the game
forces him to sit out for two boss battles
, fuck that noise, I hate it when games do that. In Persona I find one team and stick with it. Games shouldn't randomly punish your choices like that.

Junpei's level has kind of become a running joke for me. Honestly, the other unused characters aren't faring much better.

I think, knowing what I know now, I would drop Aigis for Akihiko. Her sharing a weakness with Yukari doesn't come up much but when it does, it sucks, and she just feels like dead weight at times. Like, she doesn't seem strong enough to compensate for a lack of an element. That and
she's unavailable for the entire month of December

Mitsuru is just destroying everything now that she has Varuna Bracers (which strongly amplify ice damage). She says "This ends now!" and it usually does.

Except when she uses Tentarafoo.

hao chi

You will deal with a little obtuseness with the Demon Loyalty system and the MAG system, do you know the trick for the Demon Loyalty system? Buy a ton of the sake that turns a demon into the kind personality, give it to every demon that is not kind, then get into a battle and have every kind demon either block or heal, they will max Loyalty in no time! MAG? Either don't run with a full 6 person party when you are low, and if you are running low, fight every random encounter and you will have a crapton of MAG in no time!

I'll have to keep all this in mind. I'm only about four or five hours in and finally figured out why my demons would occasionally leave, but I didn't know about the sake and MAG tricks. So far MAG hasn't been an issue though.

The sake will have to wait since I'm in a dungeon (
I was doing the astronomy quiz last time I played and I've been too lazy to finish it
), and I don't feel like backing out.

BTW, I think I read today that in Persona 2(?) intelligence helps your negotiating skills. Is that also the case in Soul Hackers?
Hey guys, I just got a Vita last month and got Persona 4 Golden (which is amazing) and I'm loving this game so freaking much...

It's dawning on me that I'm nearing the end of the game... Which makes me sad

Is P3P ok to play after this? It won't be too hard to go to a PSP game with no cutscenes or 3D worlds/characters?

Genuinely curious.

I've only ever played the PSX games so this is all new and awesome territory for me

Glad you're enjoying Persona. The battle system work just like persona 4 were you have full control of your party, so you should have no issues. The visual novel elements aren't terrible, but some of the scenes have way more impact with in-game cutscenes. You can play P3P if you want, but I would suggest going with P3FES. Especially since FES has the The Answer which is the epilogue.

This is a great version with one major caveat, the game is not smooth at all, because its based on the GBA version, but the improvements of the GBA version greatly offset that annoyance to make it a better version.

This IS a hardcore game though, it does not guide you, if you are not the kind to explore and find where you have to go, this game is not for you. It is a great look at how this entire series started though, and if either a hardcore old school rpg with Megaten stuff you know and love, or a look back in time at the series roots interest you, jump on this guys, its great to finally have this in English, and I hope we get their 16 bit era Magnum Opus SMT2 in English (SMT1 is good, but SMT2 is superior) and finally the game that never even got a fan translation, SMT If...!

Also, if you already played the fan translation of the SNES one and loved the game, this one has the new features the GBA and PS1 versions introduced, so extra story, a demon compendium that allows you to resummon demons like the modern titles, a much better menu system, an instant short cut to the map (VITAL). Also, this is the GBA version, but it plays the PS1 music. The graphics are also way better than the SNES version.

PK Gaming

You have to be joking me with this horribly tedious final battle. Good God we're not really
going to churn through every fucking card, are we?

-Gets through the tedious 13 stage boss fight
-Boss has a sliver of health
-Boss uses custom reflection spell
-I use Megidola, with the assumption that Megidola would pierce through said spell and kill the boss
-Boss reflects Megidola and I die
-Uses every ounce of will power to prevent myself from throwing Vita
-Gets through the tedious 13 stage boss fight
-Boss has a sliver of health
-Boss uses custom reflection spell
-I use Megidola, with the assumption that Megidola would pierce through said spell and kill the boss
-Boss reflects Megidola and I die
-Uses every ounce of will power to prevent myself from throwing Vita

-Gets through the tedious 13 stage boss fight
-Boss has a sliver of health
-Boss uses custom reflection spell
-I use Megidola, with the assumption that Megidola would pierce through said spell and kill the boss
-Boss reflects Megidola and I die
-Uses every ounce of will power to prevent myself from throwing Vita

Please. My first time fighting it I only had to hit him 1 more time and it RNG crit MC and he died. Which was followed by me incomprehensibly yelling.


Also, if you already played the fan translation of the SNES one and loved the game, this one has the new features the GBA and PS1 versions introduced, so extra story, a demon compendium that allows you to resummon demons like the modern titles, a much better menu system, an instant short cut to the map (VITAL). Also, this is the GBA version, but it plays the PS1 music. The graphics are also way better than the SNES version.

Only version I've played was the SNES version, so everything on this iOS is pretty much an upgrade for me.

Although I did get the PS1 version when I had Playstation Plus for a bit.

I just bought it, but too bad I'll have to wait until after finals.
Only version I've played was the SNES version, so everything on this iOS is pretty much an upgrade for me.

Although I did get the PS1 version when I had Playstation Plus for a bit.

I just bought it, but too bad I'll have to wait until after finals.

Yea, you will notice that this version runs noticeably choppier than both the SNES and PS1 version. The good outweighs the bad though.


Hey Corvo. You've played Persona 4. You've played through Persona 3 effectively twice. (p3 final boss spoilerz)
Are you sick of the Velvet Room music yet? I sure hope not. Because, you know. We've got this ridiculously lengthy boss battle. And the theme music...

"The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate. Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope... yet the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Beyond the beaten path, lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are. Death awaits you."

Enjoy the ending(s)! I've been very entertained reading your reactions to P3 and I'm kind of bummed there won't be any more.

(tiny music spoiler later on)
Hope you're ready to Burn Your Dread.

I hate to be this guy, but honestly "Burn My Dread" was the lesser song. Velvet Room Remix was the good one. About the 20th time someone said "BURN MY DEEEAAAD" I was done with the song for the night.

My Junpei is at level 16. No regrets.

In a bizarre twist of fate, Clara's party turned out the more effective one. Yukari was a good healer, but she was worth nothing else. Mitsuru was fairly versatile, and Aigis had the buffs, but when it came time to lay the raw hurt, Koro/Junpei/Aki were a far better team. Especially because late games enemies have such an odd love of fire spells.

Haha, nice.

-Gets through the tedious 13 stage boss fight
-Boss has a sliver of health
-Boss uses custom reflection spell
-I use Megidola, with the assumption that Megidola would pierce through said spell and kill the boss
-Boss reflects Megidola and I die
-Uses every ounce of will power to prevent myself from throwing Vita

I actually didn't have any trouble with the fight at all. Like, either time. If anything the less broken team got through the fight even faster. Orpheus was almost as broken as Izanagi in the end, and Telos was absurdly OP.


It actually doesn't sound very complicated, tips on the little things like Magnetite being consumed by walking help a lot though.

Also, restarted to call Hitomi sexy.

When I was a youngn' I had the patience to get through Planescape Torment or the classic Fallouts no problem. Now that I'm a senor citizen at 26 years old I stick to walking simulators and visual novels.


Well, last time I tried to ditch someone my S Link reversed. So yeah, it's bad.

Crap. Figured as much. It's the first time someone called me after I already made plans. I ended up spending time with Kenji, but it didn't improve the s-link for the second time in a row. Bleh.

PK Gaming

It actually doesn't sound very complicated, tips on the little things like Magnetite being consumed by walking help a lot though.

Also, restarted to call Hitomi sexy.

When I was a youngn' I had the patience to get through Planescape Torment or the classic Fallouts no problem. Now that I'm a senor citizen at 26 years old I stick to walking simulators and visual novels.

You made the right choice



Nobody's got time for the loser lesser elements
Crap. Figured as much. It's the first time someone called me after I already made plans. I ended up spending time with Kenji, but it didn't improve the s-link for the second time in a row. Bleh.

You should know that you get more points with an S link if you have a persona with the same S link with you.


Persona 3 Portable Spoilers

I'd love to tell you what happened to Clara and Makoto after they entered Nyx, used the Universe and Sealed Nyx away, but I'm not entirely sure myself. It seems that, since the Seal required all of their HP to use, the two of them only clung to life until graduation day. A little over a month, watching everyone around them slowly forget them. Which is sad, but the fact that they remembered before the end helps to mitigate the pain. Especially the discovery that Shinjiro had woken up, that Saori was doing okay, that Akinari's mother had made peace with his death and so on. Judging by this and the original ending to Persona 4, I expect there'll be no small amount of bittersweet to the ending to Persona 5, too.

But our young siblings, once so full of life, so prone to bickering and so intent on their own sides of their adventure, left the world much as they entered it: together, hands clasped, and at peace. Their friends gathered around, and what happens next I can't quite say. But no small amount of tears were shed, I'd bet.


I assume that P4A and The Answer are going to explain this a bit more? Kind of a big ending to just leave as is.

Anyway, what is there to say about Persona 3? Well, let me just get what you don't want to hear out of the way as fast as I can, huh?

It isn't as good as Persona 4. Please don't take that to mean I don't think it's a good game, but it's clear that Persona 4 builds upon and perfects ideas begun in Persona 3.

It's maturity, seriousness, and darkness are all exaggerated. Which isn't to say that there aren't moments that are dark, serious, or mature, but I think that to say it's any of these things more than its successor is a silly claim to make. Certainly, terrible things happen in the game, but none I would call darker or higher in stakes than the ones that happen in Persona 4. I'm appreciative of the fact that death is the theme, and I could see why one might feel this theme makes for a more oppressive atmosphere, but the way the two games are paced honestly doesn't leave me feeling that Persona 3's theme is as present as Persona 4's was, which in turn leaves me wondering if that oppressive feeling can be attributed to the game or, if like Persona 4, things just got darker in the back end of the game. Which itself is fairly common for RPGs. FF6 and FF7 get considerably more serious toward the end. It's just the nature of stories. I'm sure this will be a point of contention, and tomorrow after a good night's sleep I might be able to better defend my point, but these words will suffice for now.

It's very clearly a flawed game. By which I only mean that many of the "flaws" I saw are more a result of it being Persona 4's predecessor and a game trying to reinvent a series than anything else. And given the difference between Persona 1 and Persona 4, I'd say Persona 3 does an excellent job of setting up things which Persona 4 would then improve upon. Flawed here is a word which conveys only the idea that Persona 3 suffers from being a sort of rough draft. I'm sure this sounds far more insulting than I want it to.

Male side is not as good as Female side. Well it just isn't. I mean, Sun, Hanged Man, Tower and Hierophant were pretty good Social Links, and some like Swim and What's-His-Name-Other-Athlete were okay, but there were duds like Chihiro, Kenji, Nozomi and the like in there, too. Note that the "duds" are not all duds for the same reasons. Chihiro's suffers from being fairly boring, where Kenji's and Nozomi's suffer from being shit. MAYA IS AMAZING AND I CRIED SO HARD AT THE END OF THAT SOCIAL LINK ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL.

Okay. I think that's all I really have in terms of "unpopular" opinions. So let's jump into the good ones, huh?

My favorite part of the game was actually the girls vs. boys element. While it did require that I play through the game twice at the same exact time, I actually came to love it so much that I cannot, actually, imagine any other way to play Persona 3 than to do both playthroughs at the same time. It can be tedious, but when it came together it was a positively rewarding experience. I mentioned earlier that the game took a long time to click with me, but I feel that by the time that October happened and the game FINALLY decided to get under way I couldn't put it down. It didn't resonate as well as Persona 4, but it still really shone to me. Playing through events and seeing both the guys' and girls' side of them, managing two sets of friends, different clubs, and different personas, weapons and parties really helped to make the two sides of the game distinct for me.

Persona 3 is a game about husbandos. Sorry, Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis et al, but P3 is all about them husbandos. From the glorious Theo to the maddening unattainable status of Junpei, the dudes and the pursuit of them had me most entertained where Social Links were concerned.

Game was a bit harder than Persona 4. Until I broke it over my knee and had a bazillion majestic Personas at my command. Then it was EASIER.

The Soundtrack was great, but that's SMT for you.

I enjoyed Tatsumi Port Island and Iwatodai as a contrasting setting from sleepy Inaba, and I enjoyed that the people kind of changed to reflect the different setting. Even if it meant that Gekkoukan's teachers were horrible, evil, despicable pieces of shit.
Except for The Wizard and Maya, of course.

Now, for the final tally of the cast:

Clara and Makoto were what I made of them, which is how it should be. If you really are one of those people who doesn't like FeMC or devalues her because she's "not canon" I urge, implore, and plead with you to pull the stick out from up your butt and learn to have fun, canon be damned. This isn't the dark ages, we are not medieval serfs who must obtain canon through the mouths of a select few. Welcome to the Enlightenment Era of Canon, guys. Take a deep breath and shape your own experience.

Junpei was Best Boy I mean, obviously Delicious Theodore was Best MAN, but Junpei really grew over the course of the game. He started out a serious loser who embodied all of the shit traits Acid08 thinks Yosuke has, and quickly shed them to become one of my favorite characters in the game. His relationship with Clara, and its constant dancing around the "will they won't they" was hands down the best written relationship in the game, as Junpei ran the full gamut of teenage boy emotions when dealing with girls. Absolutely loved him.

Much like Clara, I can't pick between Akihiko and Shinjiro. On the one hand, Aki got more development male side, but on the other hand, I cannot even fathom how I was meant to react to October if I hadn't done the Shinjiro Social Link. That one may well be one of the best written SLinks in the game.

Ken wasn't that much of a shit. I guess. I mean, considering how awful Hope Estheim was, Ken could've been much worse, and in Ken's defense, he learns from what he did and does try to fix it as best as he can be expected to thereafter.

But Koromaru is probably the real best character. Just wook at dat widdle puppy wuppy and tell me I'm wrong.

Aigis was Best Girl. Don't get me wrong, Mitsuru was Hottest Girl, by like, an infinite margin, but I mean, come on. The way that her voice actress manages to go from sounding gratingly robotic to deeply human by the game's ending? Hat's off to that. The
moment she cries for you at the end of the game?
Flipping amazing. I'd go so far as to say that on the Male Side of the game, Aigis is hands down the best character. Her S-Link, I understand, was added in, but I really loved that one. Particularly the moment she
confides that she's slowly grown to be jealous of the couples she finds embracing on the rooftop
because that's such a great little detail. Loved Aigis.

Mitsuru is next best because holy crap have you seen her? A genius babe who is fucking LOADED, has a motorcycle, is utterly reliant on me for emotional support AND engages in mealtime hijinks? AND SHE'S A RED HEAD? I mean you may as well just put a sticker over her portrait saying "ALL YO WET DREAMS HERE SON" and there you go. Might be a little shallow in that respect, but with all due respect to the character, she actually does a fantastic job filling the leader role out and at the same time demonstrating why she herself did not hold onto it after you arrived.

Yukari got better as the game went on. She's not my favorite girl, but I probably did hang out with a lot of girls who behaved just like her, and true to form, Yukari had depths beneath that salty exterior of hers that helped her to improve. As the female foil to Junpei and predecessor to Chie I feel like she didn't quite measure up, but she certainly ceased to be the pain in the ass she was for the first four months of the game or so.

Fuuka had neither an appealing design nor an appealing voice, but I will throw out the bone that Fuuka was easily the most well adjusted member of the team. She made her own friends, her family problems didn't consume her, and she kept her drama about not being able to fight to a minimum until she was able to find a more constructive means of addressing it.

If I may take one moment to address a final complaint with the game, though, it's that I felt that, short of
what Persona 3 lacked in comparison to Persona 4's narrative was a compelling villain. Persona 4's villain, the murderer, is an unseen force who is never the less a constant threat and presence throughout the plot, and their unmasking lives up to the game's hype. Until
The Sagiri and Izanami
step into the plot, there's very little in the way of a villain who is not the game's central foe. Certainly there are brief distractions in the form of
two false killers
but on the whole, the villain aspect of the plot was much more focused than P3's, I felt. I've already addressed my disappointment with the fact that
Shadow Jesus and Ikutsuki were not the same person at all,
but beyond that, Strega felt too weak a threat to ever consider the main villains, even as they tried and tried to play up Takaya's cred. Even after
he brings serious injury to two loved ones
he was too pathetic for me to even bother
trying to off.
And Jin. Oh God, JIN. Now there is a loser who'd make FF's Biggs and Wedge seem like competent threats. But the point is, between
Takaya, Ikutsuki and Ryoji
there just sort of felt like a lack of a really compelling foe because the role had become too divided in the game.

I hate to close on this note, though, so let me simply reiterate that I actually really enjoyed P3P.


"You truly were magnificent guests."
Persona 3 Portable Spoilers

Corvo's Wall of Thoughts on P3

There's a lot I could comment on, but I'll just go ahead and say...

She'll never be canon.

Seriously though, I am glad you didn't outright hate the game. I mostly agree with you but I would still argue that it's a slightly darker game than P4. Now you can enjoy The Answer and it's lacking social elements. Have fun~

PS: You get bonus points for realizing Junpei's greatness
Corvo, now that you beat both sides, take a look at the opening cinematic for when you start The Answer and comment on it in spoiler tags, I want to see your reaction lol.

The Answer- Prelude

Also, of course the dude is worse, that was the modern Persona team's very first crack at it! If you dont count P4G, The Female Protagonist is their latest, with all their wisdom and experience over the years applied to it!



Hells yes.

There's a lot I could comment on, but I'll just go ahead and say...

She'll never be canon.


Corvo, now that you beat both sides, take a look at the opening cinematic for when you start The Answer and comment on it in spoiler tags, I want to see your reaction lol.

The Answer- Prelude

Also, of course the dude is worse, that was the modern Persona team's very first crack at it! If you dont count P4G, The Female Protagonist is their latest, with all their wisdom and experience over the years applied to it!

Uhm, so, at some point someone sticks a thing on Aigis' head, making her fight the gang and um, I guess maybe hopefully we get some hope that Makoto and Clara aren't gone forever? And also I guess Labrys had really short hair and a funky mask at first?

How long is The Answer?


Glad you liked it Corvo. There was something very special about P3 when it first came out. It was very unique and I had not played a JRPG like it ever. I imagine playing P4 before it can sort of takes some of that away from the experience. It's always tough reading criticism for that game :p

FeMC will always just be a fun detour for me though. She's good but I will never think of her first when I think about Persona 3.


Persona 3.

It's maturity, seriousness, and darkness are all exaggerated. Which isn't to say that there aren't moments that are dark, serious, or mature, but I think that to say it's any of these things more than its successor is a silly claim to make. Certainly, terrible things happen in the game, but none I would call darker or higher in stakes than the ones that happen in Persona 4. I'm appreciative of the fact that death is the theme, and I could see why one might feel this theme makes for a more oppressive atmosphere, but the way the two games are paced honestly doesn't leave me feeling that Persona 3's theme is as present as Persona 4's was, which in turn leaves me wondering if that oppressive feeling can be attributed to the game or, if like Persona 4, things just got darker in the back end of the game. Which itself is fairly common for RPGs. FF6 and FF7 get considerably more serious toward the end. It's just the nature of stories. I'm sure this will be a point of contention, and tomorrow after a good night's sleep I might be able to better defend my point, but these words will suffice for now.

Persona 3 is undoubtedly "darker" than Persona 4. However, like you said, it's quite overblown. People act like
losing Makoto
suddenly propels this game into George R. R. Martin territory. It's like... guys, this is a game were your robot girlfriend has conversations with a dog. She speaks the dog language, you see.

Having just started Soul Hackers, I'm already having a similar reaction to the one you just had. For all the touting I hear tr00 Megaten fans saying how dark an mature the rest of the brand is outside of Persona, I'm not very impressed thus far.

Like, there's a lot of these tr00 fans that unironically call Persona 4 "Scooby Doo". Yet in Soul Hackers, you're part of a group of teenage hackers called the "Spookies"--and they drive around in a van with a cartoon ghost logo on it. I don't know if being tr00 also means you're blind and stupid as well, but it sure seems that way. :p

Also, the rate at which some of you complete insanely long RPG's blows my mind time and time again.
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