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Persona Community Thread |OT7| P5 is nyaow. (Mark all PQ and P4U spoilers!)

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PK Gaming

We should have a contest on here that we have to rewrite a chapter from PxD.

You have to keep the main plot points the same but you can make any other changes you like.

Im sure gaf could write a better light novel than that crap XD

Or we'd make it more creepy somehow, depends on who writes it :p

Challenge Accepted

Here's my take on Detective x Naoto

My new Persona

For those who are unaware, my Persona is called Sukuna Hikona (or Yamato-Takeru... or Yamato Sumeragi... it depends). It's fairly unique (even by Persona standards) due to the fact that it outright lacks a weakness. It also specializes in Hama and Mudo skills, and is fairly versatile. As you can no doubt infer, I am quite proud of this Persona and it's abilities, which is why... its been rather difficult to accept my current situation. A couple of days ago, my Persona evolved into Amatsu Mikaboshi—a support type Persona. I'm no stranger to the concept of Persona evolution, but is there a reason why it has no combat abilities whatsoever?! It's flawless coverage... Gone. It's supreme versatility... also gone. Amatsu Mikaboshi is only capable of doing one thing; supporting others. I'm not averse to taking a more passive role, but I thought a Persona was a reflection of one's heart? No, this was mistake. Amatsu Mikaboshi is clearly unfit to be my Persona.

Chance Meeting

I will never forget what transpired on that day. On that fateful day, I received a call from a friend, Rise Kujikawa. She said she had something urgent to discuss with me. With senpai gone, I had assumed leadership of our team (We all knew that Yosuke-senpai was too incompetent to succeed senpai—himself included) so this was a regular occurrence. In the months since his departure, Kujikawa had taken to treating me like his surrogate. It was charming at first, but quickly wore out its welcome. Once I arrived to the specified meeting spot, Rise explained the situation.

"...Ah, u-um, Nao-chan? You're sooo cute...you're really cute, you know that?"

"...Continue (suddenly enraptured)"

"So um... canyouhelpwiththisphotoshootyou'resosexypleasecomeiwantto."


I turned her down immediately. I assumed her favor would be something silly but this... this was far beyond my purview. I had no idea it would be so depraved. This wasn't a favor; this was sexual exploitation at it's finest. I was really disappointed in Kujikawa.

"I didn't expect you to be this shallow. I thought you were better than that."


"Goodbye Kujikawa-san"

I walked away and didn't turn back. That day will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

An android that can turn into a motorcycle and summon a Persona is an absurd concept.

Purely by chance, I had run into Yosuke-senpai at a convenience store. I tried to evade him (because talking to him for more than 5 minutes gives me an intense migraine) but he caught me.

"That's stupid."

Yosuke-senpai was a baboon, but he had a point. An android that can turn into a motorcycle and summon a Persona is without a doubt the most ridiculous thing ever. Setting aside the idea a highly advanced android (which is suspect in itself), why on earth can one summon a Persona, in addition to transforming into a motorcyle?!? Being able to do one of those things is somewhat plausible, but both? Madness.

"That's definitely impossible. An android can't summon a Persona AND turn into a motorcyle... everyone knows that's just like... impossible."


"See, i'm pretty sure he's some dude who's pretending to be an android."

"I highly doubt that. His body was entirely mechanical."

"You never know. Did you uh... check? To see if it was mechanical?"

"Check what?"

"You know... his you know what... Santa's little helper... his unicorn..."

"Spit it out."

"His dick, i'm talking about his dick."


I immediately left the convenience store. On my way home, I ran into Yukiko. She was heavily bruised.

"OH! Naoto-kun, it's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. It seems that you were involved in some sort of altercation. Are you hurt?

Yukiko was another one of my seniors. Smart and beautiful, I had admired her for spirited nature but... she has always been rather odd.

"I need your help Naoto-kun!"

To be continued



This post exists entirely because of the following comment made in IRC. I apologize ahead of time.

<PK_Gaming> Sophia do you seriously want to take me on

Amusingly, after writing it out, it became more serous than I had actually intended. Go figure.


We should have a contest on here that we have to rewrite a chapter from PxD.

You have to keep the main plot points the same but you can make any other changes you like.

Im sure gaf could write a better light novel than that crap XD

Or we'd make it more creepy somehow, depends on who writes it :p

I stood upon the school grounds, as the light spring wind blew in my face. Wearing my Yagakoro High School uniform, I looked up at the new building which I would call home for the time being. True, it didn't match up to the schools seen in the bigger cities, but it made the school in my home town small by comparison. Yasogami High was a small rural environment, with uninspiring buildings and a slight feeling of nostalgia. In contrast to that, Yagakoro was a much bigger school. No feelings of nostalgia, no sense of rural familiarity. It seemed like fitting in with the other students might be difficult in comparison.... For that matter, so would getting used to this uniform. I always felt more comfortable wearing neutral gendered cloths. Skirts and blouses simply weren't my style... but here I had no choice. I had to blend in with the rest of the students for the sake of my mission.

So I, Naoto Shirogane, was wearing a skirt and a blouse for the second time in my life...

"How do other girls move in these clothes...?" I muttered under my breath. The sailor style blouse was fancy, with a large bow, and the skirt was arguably too short to move significantly in. Were these outfits truly what normal girls wear? Ridiculous. But I'd have to make do with what I had.

I recalled the events that had led up to this day. So much had happened in such a short period of time. A few months prior I received a contact from an old friend of mine. At Yagakoro High School, a number of students had gone up missing. The police were at their wits ends, unable to find any evidence regarding their disappearance. Running out of options, they turned to my friend, a police detective named Touko Aoi for help. After some initial investigating, she, in turn, came to me...

The sound of the school bells ringing jogged me back to reality. I quickly began to walk as fast I could. It wouldn't simply be acceptable to be late on the first day, would it? Rushing down through the halls of a school I was unfamiliar with, I made it as the second bell rang. The classroom being the first one on the floor made it significantly easier to find. There, in front of me, stood the stern teacher. His demeanor was unflinching, and he made no notice of my tardiness...

"Shirogane-san? Wait here, please, while I start class." he said. I gave him a quick nod, as he took off into the classroom. Quickly glancing into the classroom, I saw what appeared to be a rather cheerful girl wearing a headband. She was not unlike some of my old friends from Yasogami. Who she was talking to, I couldn't quite make out. Perhaps, rather unusually, she was wearing the winter uniform in contrast to myself and the other students, who were wearing the summer uniforms. Unable to get a glimpse into the later rows in the back, I stopped peering in and simply waited to be welcomed in. The calls of the classroom represented reached my ears, as the students were ordered to stand and bow. Before long, the teacher spoke.

"We have a new transfer student arriving this year. Please come in." said the homeroom teacher, his voice having not changed at all from the short but stern words that he gave to me mere moments ago within the hallway. It seemed he was a man of few words and getting straight to the point. I quickly walked into the classroom, and began writing the characters that represented my name. Turning around, I got a better glance of the classroom, and something immediately rang warning sirens off in my head.

In the back of the classroom, a male student wearing the winter uniform was glancing at me...

No, perhaps it would be more accurate to say he was glaring at me intensely. Far too intensely for someone merely observing a new transfer student.

I quickly regained my composure, despite the unusual-ness of the situation, and proceeded to introduce myself. "My name is Shirogane. Shirogane Naoto. I hope we'll be able to get alon-", but before I could finish, the student in the back of the class had suddenly stood up much to the surprise of the other students.

"Shirogane...?" he muttered, his eyes now slightly wider.

"Is there a problem, Kurogami-kun?", replied the teacher. Still in his same sternly voice, but anyone with sharp people skills could tell there was an implication of irritation in his mannerism.

"No... it's nothing, I apologize..." he said, quickly sitting down again. He still continued to glare at me from the back of the classroom however. His gaze was still as intently as ever from the back row... What exactly was his problem? And what was the nature of that outburst for?

"Well then, if there are no more interruptions to be had. Shirogane-san, please take the empty seat behind Ai there in the front." said the teacher, pointing at the seat behind the girl with the headband. She too now was giving me an unusual glare, although not nearly as intently as the one called Kurogami in the back.

I let out a low muttered "Yes..." as I quickly took to my seat, placing my belongings under the chair. As I looked up to the front, there was a piece of paper on my desk, and the girl in front of me was giving me an aside glance. I quickly flipped over the small paper and looked at what was scribbled hastily on it.

Be careful, you're on the Midnight Site... is what it said.
This post exists entirely because of the following comment made in IRC. I apologize ahead of time.

<PK_Gaming> Sophia do you seriously want to take me on

Amusingly, after writing it out, it became more serous than I had actually intended. Go figure.


Be careful, you're on the Midnight Site... is what it said.

I.....would legit read this. Very well written and with a sense of subtlety that the actual LNs dont seem to possess!



I drew a thing.
So I, Naoto Shirogane, was wearing a skirt and a blouse for the second time in my life...

I know this is stupidly nit-picky considering the context, but I feel like there's a line somewhere that basically implies that she occasionally wears skirts at home. Maybe a Drama CD or something?


I think the triumph of all of the P3 Movie stuff is that it's fairly accurate to the tone and feel of P3, even with the new music.

With all the P4 spinoffs I sometimes get worried that they've changed a bit, but they honestly keep proving that P4 is what it is, but they still cherish each of their projects in the right way. I know the P3 movie is not necessarily Atlus itself, but I'd imagine they have a small bit of oversight.

It gives me an immense amount of hope for P5. P4 is my favorite, but I just want P5 to stand on its own, be its own thing, you know? They're so good at staying true to the themes of each respective game, including Catherine.


the holder of the trombone
It's not that it's implied, it's that it fits her as a character.

Naoto isn't meant to be upset or afraid or embarrassed or whatever that she's a girl; she thinks that it will hinder her ambitions for the future, and she'll be judged negatively by those above her.

Eh, I guess it's cultural context, but I've never associated long hair with femininity.

If anything her line of work most women would either keep it short or tie them in a bun anyway. :p


You do a very credible Naoto there.

Thanks, I guess. I don't know if I'd consider the writing very competent or credible tho, seeing as it was something hastily written in an hour and a half while I was constantly being interrupted by other people.

It's decent by the incredibly poor standards of the original novel tho. >_>;

I know this is stupidly nit-picky considering the context, but I feel like there's a line somewhere that basically implies that she occasionally wears skirts at home. Maybe a Drama CD or something?

Probably, but I wasn't too instead in figuring out details when writing bad fan fiction.

Nice drawing tho!
Nice one Dantis, as usual. You should do more colored drawing :p

Also, Amazon JP just emailed me that my copy of Persona Magazine has been shipped and estimated delivery is this Friday yessssss!

Nice, mine shipped too, but it's not due until Monday.

although I'm sure all the info will be online in a few hours anyway.


Yeah, seems like it should be shipping to those who pre-ordered it from Amazon.

No scans wandering about even though it released in Japan hours ago, so there most likely aren't any images of interest in it, as I thought from the preview. Looking forward to any tidbits of info that come out of the interviews, though.


Goddamnit you start rewriting stuff on my not-free night? Jerks

Interesting. I read the Haruhi visual novels from the official spanish translations and they didnt seem too bad in stiffness.

honestly it's probably just that I have ridiculous tastes in what I want out of writing styles. Patrick Rothfuss and Brandon Sanderson are both pretty well-regarded authors that I just simply couldn't stand their writing style and dropped... I just have a lower tolerance for some stuff I guess.

PK Gaming

I think the triumph of all of the P3 Movie stuff is that it's fairly accurate to the tone and feel of P3, even with the new music.

With all the P4 spinoffs I sometimes get worried that they've changed a bit, but they honestly keep proving that P4 is what it is, but they still cherish each of their projects in the right way. I know the P3 movie is not necessarily Atlus itself, but I'd imagine they have a small bit of oversight.

It gives me an immense amount of hope for P5. P4 is my favorite, but I just want P5 to stand on its own, be its own thing, you know? They're so good at staying true to the themes of each respective game, including Catherine.

I was thinking the other day about how Persona 4 sort of embodies the Fool arcana. Nowadays, it basically has no boundaries; from the anime/manga adaptations to the various video game spinoffs, there are literally all kinds of possibilities when it comes with Persona 4. And i'm totally cool with that, though I hope it's just restricted to just Persona 4.


Importing P4D through any of the usual venues will get one the Persona 5 special Blu-ray movie, as long as you pre-order it.

That's what I thought but the play asia site has a disclaimer about it being on a first come first serve basis and that worries me because half the reason I'm getting the Japanese version of the game is the Blu ray. Is this something to be worried about?


That's what I thought but the play asia site has a disclaimer about it being on a first come first serve basis and that worries me because half the reason I'm getting the Japanese version of the game is the Blu ray. Is this something to be worried about?

First serve basis just means first-print copies. The Persona 5 special Blu-ray just comes with first-print copies of P4D in Japan, so that disclaimer would be there to warn anyone who would get a copy after the initial shipment. From Play-Asia, you'll get a first-print copy as long as you pre-order (early, I suppose, to get in on a first shipment if they were to somehow run out of copies).


I hope that an eventual Persona 4 and 5 cross over happens so Teddie can finally have a waifu for himself by hitting on Morgana


First serve basis just means first-print copies. The Persona 5 special Blu-ray just comes with first-print copies of P4D in Japan, so that disclaimer would be there to warn anyone who would get a copy after the initial shipment. From Play-Asia, you'll get a first-print copy as long as you pre-order (early, I suppose, to get in on a first shipment if they were to somehow run out of copies).

Thanks :)


I drew a thing.

I know this is stupidly nit-picky considering the context, but I feel like there's a line somewhere that basically implies that she occasionally wears skirts at home. Maybe a Drama CD or something?

you're a good artist


I think the black and white really works well here. I think color would just detract from this one, but that's me...
I'm not saying for this specific drawing, I just rarely see a colored drawing by Dantis. I'll be fine with whatever drawing method he chose to do though.


Man, so I'm getting my girlfriend to play through Persona 4 Golden, and she fucking picked Very Hard at the beginning. She totally does not have the intuition or patience necessary to beat the game like this. At first, I kind of scraped her by by just doing segments for her, like taking control at the bosses, since that's a huge wasted time investment and would deter her, but holy shit was Mitsuo's dungeon a fucking ordeal. God damn.

After grinding 12 levels out, I was finally able to fuse Black Frost and take him out, but it was so annoying and grueling to start out. I also took the time to get a Persona with every Invigorate skill, all the Auto-Ma skills (except Ta, but that will come in due time), Alertness, and Trafuri. Hopefully starting every single combat with this will lessen the load in the future.

I'm just super frustrated that I ended up having to do all the work for this dumb decision I told her not to make, which she made based on the logic that "My best friend told me you should play these kind of games on the hardest difficulty, since you'll only play them once."

Add onto this the fact that she hangs out with Yosuke all the time and won't hang out with Chie or Rise because she "doesn't want to date them" despite my explaining that that's an option they present, not a requirement, and my frustration increases manifold, since Chie and Rise are pretty much objectively the most useful party members to S Link (dat Galactic Punt).


Anyway it looks like it's gonna be smooth sailing until I reach A-S, at which point I'll need to grind out a Trumpeter. Shouldn't be the end of the world, though, since I have time to prepare over the next few dungeons and I know BF will carry me all the way there. My Black Frost has Ice Boost, Ice Amp, Mind Charge, Fire Boost, Fire Amp, Agidyne, soon Bufudyne, and some other skill that doesn't matter that I can't remember. Probably a -da.


Looks like no new P5 screenshots so far. I'll be disappointed if the magazine doesn't at least contain some new visual material.

It doesn't. People have gotten their magazines already, and it's been reported that there's nothing like that in there. Just like I took from what the Dengeki preview said, it's all art that was originally seen from the post-reveal magazines.

Same goes for P4D. That was to be expected; I don't think they've ever really had media scoops like that from these magazines.I think the only thing new here in regards to that is the P4U2 promo above. There'll probably be a few bits of new info for P5 and P4D via the P-Studio interviews, and some for P3M#3 via those interviews.

PK Gaming

What really gets me is that Soejima is 100% sincere with that illustration. It isn't a parody or a joke; Soejima basically decided that the world needed more sexy Yu art.

I think he made the right call.

The full advertisement (promos stated to be allowed as scans):

Don't know if it says anything new.

Ah cool, I didn't know that. I'll be sure to keep that in mind in the future.


What really gets me is that Soejima is 100% sincere with that illustration. It isn't a parody or a joke; Soejima basically decided that the world needed more sexy Yu art.

I'm fairly sure Soejima didn't draw that, but someone whose name includes "Saito", as can be seen in the promo itself where it says: "Ultra Suplex Hold Art By [???] Saito Original By Atlus." It might be about a P4U2 manga releasing in 2015, but I dunno.
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