Mr. Morooka week.
Don't you guys want to see more of this adorable man?
You meaneats lead.
Not in my canon. >:|
I thought we weren't allowed to post that kind of fanart here...Shinjiro eats ass tho.
I thought we weren't allowed to post that kind of fanart here...
I thought we weren't allowed to post that kind of fanart here...
I am in favour of Shinjiro week.
Oh, he still did.It's just a question as to whether he survives or not.
I thought it was more likehis watch ate the lead.
And yethe's still out of action for months.
I could ask for a Marie week without being sarcastic...
Naoto first though
If you can think of it, it exists.That exist too?
GO for itMods are asleep, post hentai?
It's her birthday, right?
But we already had Naoto week!
Oh I know, why not do a joint week with Naoto and Marie? 2 months. The 2 best girls. 2tal u2pia.
Is that okay? Yes? Marioto week? Yes?
It sure is!
I should do a picture of her. What's a fitting birthday outfit?
It sure is!
I should do a picture of her. What's a fitting birthday outfit?
Go for it.
No P3MC but Naoto and Fuuka get a second chance? Boooooooooo.Next Character Challenge Poll
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I'll check the results in a couple of days and organise what we're going to do towards the beginning of May.
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Next Character Challenge Poll
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I'll check the results in a couple of days and organise what we're going to do towards the beginning of May.
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Next Character Challenge Poll
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I'll check the results in a couple of days and organise what we're going to do towards the beginning of May.
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No P3MC but Naoto and Fuuka get a second chance? Boooooooooo.
Voted for FeMC.
Haven't been in here in a while, but I saw someone's avatar had some cute NaotoxYu art. I went to find the source, but could only find the picture. No artist or source (e.g. Pixiv, DA). Anyone know who drew this?
The Sokuho@Hokanako flying get for this week's issue of Famitsu doesn't seem to tease anything special for the next issue (releasing on May 14) like the DPS issue did. Separate from the "next issue notice" section is something hinting at Monster Hunter Frontier G news on May 8th. Was hoping for something more definitive, but it could mean no P5 stuff if they're not hinting at something significant.
A new character reveal for P4D could happen through leaks on May 12 or May 19. Oh yeah, it also seems like the P4G "high-cut" armors are in P4D. They're running out of character trailers, though. Maybe it'll go something like:
- May 1 = Nanako/Teddie Trailer
- May 8 = Not a character trailer
- May 15 = Nanako/Teddie Trailer
- May 22 = New Character Trailer
I've given up on any info on 5/5/15. They'd have said something by now.
Guess we have to wait for P4DAN to come and go before we move on.
hi. I found it on pixiv, ill see if I can dig it back up for the sourceHaven't been in here in a while, but I saw someone's avatar had some cute NaotoxYu art. I went to find the source, but could only find the picture. No artist or source (e.g. Pixiv, DA). Anyone know who drew this?
-.-Call me crazy, but I'm not sure 'cute' is the word I'd use for that art.
Call me crazy, but I'm not sure 'cute' is the word I'd use for that art.
Oh yeah, it also seems like the P4G "high-cut" armors are in P4D.
Is it cause of the great gazongas?
its more like "about to have a long make out session where they think about boning, but theres like a 50% chance it actually happens"I mean, partly. But even then, it's two people who look like they're about to bone. Cute doesn't seem like the right word.
Unsurprising, but where'd you hear this?
Next Character Challenge Poll
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I'll check the results in a couple of days and organise what we're going to do towards the beginning of May.
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Unsurprising, but where'd you hear this?
Neato! Thanks!
Meh. Having been in that position before, it really doesn't lead to boning as much as you might think. Too many movies and video games. Sometimes it's just nice to sit face to face and have a moment.I mean, partly. But even then, it's two people who look like they're about to bone. Cute doesn't seem like the right word.
Bleugh. That just looks poorly designed.