moar art promptz
Naoto and Marie :3
moar art promptz
If you're playing as the male protagonist, you can only start a few social links with some of the female members. Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka, and Aigis. Yukari and Fuuka should both be available to you now, with Aigis and Mitsuru becoming available later.
If you're playing as the female protagonist, in addition to the above four, you may also start social links with Junpei, Ken, Koromaru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro. Junpei is obtained very early on, which suggests to me you're probably playing as the male protagonist. Yukari is also obtainable much sooner when playing as the female protagonist.
Persona 3 in general handles it's social links a bit differently from Persona 4. The female protagonist social links in turn benefit from the improved writing.
Mitsuru and Aigis SLinks are such a pain on first playthroughs of P3. They come super late in the game in months with long ass gaps of being unable to do any SLinking at all.
If you're playing as the male protagonist, you can only start a few social links with some of the female members. Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka, and Aigis. Yukari and Fuuka should both be available to you now, with Aigis and Mitsuru becoming available later.
If you're playing as the female protagonist, in addition to the above four, you may also start social links with Junpei, Ken, Koromaru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro. Junpei is obtained very early on, which suggests to me you're probably playing as the male protagonist. Yukari is also obtainable much sooner when playing as the female protagonist.
Persona 3 in general handles it's social links a bit differently from Persona 4. The female protagonist social links in turn benefit from the improved writing.
Did anyone buy p4g physically? And will you buy p4dan physical or digitally? What about p5? Is it always a good thing to buy physical atlus games?
Mitsuru and Aigis are the primary reason I maintain that a perfect SLink run of Persona 3 on a first playthrough is (probably) LITERALLY impossible without a guide.
I could see someone accidentally lucking their way into a perfect P4 run. P3 can't even happen by accident.
Did anyone buy p4g physically? And will you buy p4dan physical or digitally? What about p5? Is it always a good thing to buy physical atlus games?
Never underestimate the difference between 'snowball's chance in hell' and 'impossible'.Mitsuru and Aigis are the primary reason I maintain that a perfect SLink run of Persona 3 on a first playthrough is (probably) LITERALLY impossible without a guide.
I could see someone accidentally lucking their way into a perfect P4 run. P3 can't even happen by accident.
I buy physical mostly for whatever pack-in they usually include with things(partial ost/cards/whatever the hell) so I usually go for CEs if they do them. Bought the P4G CE, and then later bought it digitally when it was on sale.
Now, if they release a Persona 5 themed PS4 I will buy the hell out of that, otherwise I'll just buy the game flat-out(hoping for a CE at the very least). Then if I like it enough and atlus does a sale I'll just go digital. I MAY do digital off the bat with P4D depending on what they do with CEs. Like, if they release one that has the full OST like one of the japanese CEs has, I'll go for that.
I'm playing as the Male MC. Is there any kind of prompt or do I just find them at school at some point? I've been waiting for something to happen, because it seemed like P4 made it pretty clear when you could start a social link with your party, at least from how I'm remembering it.
Mitsuru and Aigis SLinks are such a pain on first playthroughs of P3. They come super late in the game in months with long ass gaps of being unable to do any SLinking at all.
Mitsuru and Aigis are the primary reason I maintain that a perfect SLink run of Persona 3 on a first playthrough is (probably) LITERALLY impossible without a guide.
I could see someone accidentally lucking their way into a perfect P4 run. P3 can't even happen by accident.
Oh you children who did not play vanilla Persona 3. Woe to you both. Maxing out social links was harder despite Aigis not being there in the original.
And if I remember right, wasn't P4G easier to max out than vanilla, despite the addition of two Slinks?
And if I remember right, wasn't P4G easier to max out than vanilla, despite the addition of two Slinks?
Yup, for the reasons that Guess Who stated.
Vanilla P3 was intended to be impossible to max them out. There's not even a reward for doing so, as it was only added in FES.
Did anyone buy p4g physically? And will you buy p4dan physical or digitally? What about p5? Is it always a good thing to buy physical atlus games?
I don't think I could deal with going digital for the vita, too much hassle dealing with available space.All digital for vita.
Console games are getting too big for me to buy digital sadly.
Retail store here in Hong Kong now has DeSu2BR first print edition in stock!
I don't think I could deal with going digital for the vita, too much hassle dealing with available space.
Naoto and Marie :3
You never played Ultimax until now? Bit I thought you loved Arena?I am not digging Margaret's new voice in Ultimax at all.
Hah, fair point.As opposed with the hassle of swapping in cards?
Granted, I like to juggle a few games at a time and I don't really care about downloading every game I have on a card at once. Carts to me always seemed like a huge inconvenience on a portable device that you would play when you're out and about.
Question: does Naoto ever actually interact with Marie? I don't remember them talking to each other at all.
Yukari requires max charm. Fuuka requires max courage. You should be able to talk to them in the school once those requirements have been met.
Oh you children who did not play vanilla Persona 3. Woe to you both. Maxing out social links was harder despite Aigis not being there in the original.
Did anyone buy p4g physically? And will you buy p4dan physical or digitally? What about p5? Is it always a good thing to buy physical atlus games?
You never played Ultimax until now? Bit I thought you loved Arena?
Question: does Naoto ever actually interact with Marie? I don't remember them talking to each other at all.
Thanks to my good friend here I got to play around p4g both on a 1000 and a 2000. I'm not sure what Im feeling right now can someone help me?
Why is it on the 1000 characters have more lifelike face colours? while on the 1000 everyone looks pale as a ghost?
Did I screw up since i just bought a psv2000 model?
I want to prepare myself best for p4dan and remote on p5, should I go for 1000 or keep my 2000? I can return my 1000 for a trade-in at the local store here.
I just cannot believe how much more lifelike the 1000 makes the p4g portraits look, idk what's wrong.
Just my anecdotal experience but there is a huge difference in remote play experience for me between my 1000 and 2000. The 2000 wifi is just so much more reliable than the 1000.
Screen wise, I could see how the OLED could favor the blacks and bright colors in P4D, but comparatively the 1000 is so much lighter and easier to hold.
really disappointed with my purchase decision right now. gutted.
really disappointed with my purchase decision right now. gutted.
Yukari requires max charm. Fuuka requires max courage. You should be able to talk to them in the school once those requirements have been met.
really disappointed with my purchase decision right now. gutted.
Naoto and Marie :3
Shinjiro week.
Fuuka week.
Fuuka week.
Fuuka x Shinjiro week
Okay. FeMC week?