Persona Community Thread |OT7| P5 is nyaow. (Mark all PQ and P4U spoilers!)

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Hilarious because they're publishing it in Europe.


It's a little Mitsuru ish, but I think I'll have Elly speak French in place of her English mannerisms. (She speaks random English words in the JP version.)


Oooh are we making lists now?

1. Ulala
2. Baofu
3. Kanji
4. Maya
5. Chie
6. Katsuya
7. Tatsuya
8. Aigis
9. Eikichi
10. Eriko


Here is my list, in the same style as PK's:

1. SAT Captain
2. Umiko Shiyama
3. Aigis
4. Yuu Kimijima
5. Kyouka Sayama
6. Kiyoshi Sakuma
7. Kenta Yokouchi
8. Shiori Miyashiro
9. Junpei
10. Rihito Shimizu

I don't think I could actually make a list of all my favorites. Outside of Aigis, it'd be too debatable. There's a whole ton of characters that are awesome.

Kudos to anyone who can guess where these characters are from without looking it up.
Lists, huh?

1. Akihiko (Persona 3, before protein)
2. Akihiko (The Answer, middle school, before protein)
3. Akihiko (Trinity Soul, post protein)
4. Akihiko (Arena/Ultimax, succumbed to protein)
5. Akihiko (Persona Q, succumbed to protein)
6. Brown
7. Principal Hanya
8. Kinshiro Morooka
9. Longinus #6
10. Agastya Tree

Jokes aside, it's pretty hard to narrow it down to just 10. I like a bunch of them.


Yuka's alright. I played through the Snow Queen Quest a while back and the way she constantly trash talks people was pretty funny.

lol. Yeah, I was actually pretty okay with her aside from her voice during combat, but she was still pretty much the lowest rung in party members.
I'm sorry for bringing in that IGN list, I must atone for my sins. To make it up to you guys, i'll post my top 10 favorite characters for Persona:

1) Yu Narukami
2) Yosuke
3) Makoto Yuki
4) Adachi
5) Teddie
6) Sho Minazuki
7) FeMC
8) Tatsuya
9) Maya Aigis
10) Naoya (P1MC)

I think it's a pretty reasonable list, tbh


Leaving off the best Persona character of all time? Bro. Seriously.

The actual 100% proper list:

1. Junpei Iori
2. Kanji Tatsumi
3. Shinjiro Aragaki
4. Eikichi Mishina
5. Rise Kujikawa
6. Ulala Serizawa
7. Terry Bogard
8. Tohru Adachi
9. Katsuya Suou
10. Mitsuru Kirijo

I'm not a huge fan of the P1 cast.


I bet Hatsune sing better than Hirata lol
i dont like her dont mind me

But seriously , that design looks great. I really wants her as partner in all songs and no only one song.


I cant wait to see her trailer.
BTW Atlus , Dancing All Night is already in sale where is Persona 5... move on
hahaha frickin despair


Yeah i was about to make the joke about this is the closest Aigis or Labrys make it to the game , but she is more like pc program than a robot.

PK Gaming

Here is my list, in the same style as PK's:

Uh yeah, my list was a massive, massive troll. I mean it's almost entirely comprised of Persona protagonists! Plus listing Yu, Makoto Sho Minazuki, Adachi and Yosuke pretty much all in a row... it's your textbook fanboy favorite character package. Anyway, if I were to take a proper go at making a list, it would look like this:

1) ;)

2) Junpei: It's Junpei, Ace Defective! The P3 team strived for a "Yeah, I totally knew that guy" type of character and they absolutely nailed it. Of course I knew that guy... he's me! He's you, he's every awkward person who had trouble expressing themselves in highschool. He's everyone who never bothered to apply themselves in highschool due to a variety of circumstances, and in P3, they take you... err, him and put him through the ringer. Junpei is so damn resonant. He tries, he tries so hard just so that he can be acknowledged by the people around him, but it never really pans out for him. For the most part, nobody really pays attention to him. And he takes it pretty hard. He experiences, jealousy, resentment and even slight sexism in P3P; his character is very human and relatable. The best part? He manages to get over it his personal demons, and genuinely grow as a person (he is straight up the best character in the Answer). So yeah, Junpei is fucking great. Literally the best bro.

3) Tatsuya: The most compelling character in the P2 duology, hands down. He's nothing special in IS, but his character arc in EP is spectacular. He spends most of the game running around with his baller Persona trying to fix... everything
spoiler: to which he is mostly responsible for
. To say that he does a lot of growing is an understatement, since he's essentially forced into being an adult. Easily the most tragic character in the franchise.

4) Maya: Maya's great! She's so positive and cute. She's reassuring, and silly and it's fun to just see her do things. She's a crucial character in IS, and her backstory is very intriguing, and although she's reduced to a silent protagonist in EP, you still get to play as her which is a plus. Also, she's got great boobs, apparently ("eyes up here, mister!") and her catchphrase(s) rock. Yep, Maya is awesome, no 2 ways about it about it.

5) Ulala: How can anyone not love Ulala? She's a Flamenco dancing, public health volunteering, tennis playing, scuba diving, fortune telling kind of a gal! She's pretty much the perfect example of someone who's empty, but tries to fill her life with all sorts of stuff to fill that void. She actually suffers from a lot anxiety about life and lately I find myself relating to. But I digress; Ulala is hella compelling, but also really funny, and a good example of someone who manages to be a joke character of sorts, but also a serious character with a ton of depth. Her relationship Maya is particularly great, and I love it when
the group defeats "her", and you decide to make Maya acknowledge Ulala as a friend, their contact changes from Friends? to Friends. It's such an understated but incredibly powerful moment for me.

6) Yukari: She gets a ton of unreasonable hate which completely baffles me (oh wait, no it doesn't) but it doesn't matter because she is definitely among the best of the P3 cast. She's Junpei's polar opposite (a charming, cute, talented and popular girl who stands out from most people) but someone who is equally dissatisfied and unhappy with her life. It's easy to get invested in her character, as nearly single aspect of her character is justified, and seeing her turn around as a person is legitimately heartwarming. I hate, hate, hate it when people write her off as "just a bitch" when she's more than that.

7) Elly: Boy oh boy do I love Elly. While her friends are cautious and wary about the state of their city, she's taken by every little thing. The impending apocalypse? No biggie. Demons running around? Oh, how fascinating! Persona? My Persona is great and amazing! etc You get the point. She's straightfoward, but she has a surprising amount of depth too, most of which is shown in detail in P2. Oh right, she's a playable character in Persona 2 and she's still amazing.

8) [Redacted]: In a game where villains are ugly, crazy and generally fairly telegraphed, [redacted] dares to be different. They're a little rough around the edges, but they look decent overall. And they're fairly pleasant and nice... except not really, since they're a serial killer. Persona 4's main antagonist is great. They're great because of what he represents. The truest representation of someone with of sociopathic tendencies. A sexist, arrogant, vile person who shirks all genuine relationships with others in a game that actively encourages the opposite. They're not some outwardly sociopathtic, or some otherworldly deity or whatever. In other words, they're a person who exists. A killer just because they can, and a killer, that can absolutely exist in real life. I love how [Redacted] gets it, but at the same time they don't. Their brutal takedown of people and the Investigation is valid in a certain light, but as Yosuke points out, "You're nothing but a rotten criminal!" which is to say, someone who needs to be dealt with.Fantastic antagonist all around, and arguably the best in the series. On Nyarlathotep from Persona 2 holds a candle to them.

9) Yosuke: This might come to a shock to some of the people who know me, but it is what it is. Yosuke's not my favorite character, and the thing is, he used to be. The instant I started P4, he was a character just clicked with me—bam, just like that. I still really like him, but... as a character he's definitely flawed. I've noticed that Persona 4 has a tendency of throwing his character under the bus for a joke. I get that he's an immature high school kid, I really do, but they really do squander him for the sake of jokes. (the scene where he tries to guilt Chie and Yukiko into wearing the swimsuits is the perfect example of that) . He's portrayed as a dedicated, friendly and reliable in one scene, but tactless, stupid and a general baboon in another. His character is very similar to Junpei (with some neat differences that set them up), but the key difference is, while Junpei was that guy you knew, Yosuke was that guy knew but greatly exaggerated. Overall though, Yosuke's still a good character and probably the best "best friend" in the Persona series. He'll always be there for Y(o)u.

10) Margaret: Believe it or not, I wasn't on team Margaret at first. I felt that Elizabeth was infinitely more interesting, and that Margaret was rather bland in Persona 4 (she still is), but she makes the list for 2 reasons:

1) Her characterization in Persona Q is legitimately great, and it makes me wish she was like that from onset. They strike the perfect balance of quiet and professional, yet quirky. She's a supporting character in that game, but she manages to get a bunch of great scenes.
2) Her moveset in Ultimax. Yep, it's that good.
I guess a top 10 list is as good an introduction as any. Long (long) time lurker, first time account haver.

1. Akihiko
too bad they forgot how to write him
2. Mitsuru
3. Naoto
4. Rise
5. Katsuya
6. Aigis
7. Kanji
8. Yukiko
9. Maya
10. Junpei

Now You Know
While it's kinda wierd that Miku is in this I can't really blame them. Miku is going to bring in a lot of people just because she's Miku, she's probably more popular than any individual Persona character. Easy money no?

They could've included another Persona/SMT character but who would they pick? The only character that's really missing in my opinion is Dojima, a shame that he isn't in this.
Using Demifiend/Flynn would be cool but I'd argue that using SMT characters is also out of place.

Of course they could've picked a Persona 3/2/1 character but if you're going to pick one character of those games you kinda have to commit and include everyone who is relevant into the game. If they are going to use other Persona characters it will be in the form of a sequel/expansion, not one single piece of DLC.

I guess a top 10 list is as good an introduction as any. Long (long) time lurker, first time account haver.

1. Akihiko
too bad they forgot how to write him
2. Mitsuru
3. Naoto
4. Rise
5. Katsuya
6. Aigis
7. Kanji
8. Yukiko
9. Maya
10. Junpei

Now You Know

Anyone who puts Akihiko on the first place gets my respect, Welcome!


Persona Community Thread |OT8| Funky Student Wasn't Funky Enough

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Steal Back Your 2015

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Are They On The Road to 2015... or Ruin?

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Marketing & Localization Experts
Persona Community Thread |OT8| Funky Student Wasn't Funky Enough

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Steal Back Your 2015

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Are They On The Road to 2015... or Ruin?

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Marketing & Localization Experts

This one is great
Persona Community Thread |OT8| Funky Student Wasn't Funky Enough

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Steal Back Your 2015

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Are They On The Road to 2015... or Ruin?

Persona Community Thread |OT8| Marketing & Localization Experts

I'm partial to this one.
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