Persona Community Thread |OT7| P5 is nyaow. (Mark all PQ and P4U spoilers!)

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Oh, all the talk of Persona 5 delays made me forget about another interesting point that article raised.

If True Story was the hardest part of localisation for Atlus, I wonder how bad it will be for Nintendo to have to do a game focused around that sort of thing

I can't imagine it being anything short of a nightmare. Really curious to see how Nintendo handles that.

Persona 5 in famitsu tomorrow #believe

Every Monday I think the same thing, haha. I'm going to be right one of these days.


I hope that Atlus doesn't pull this crap again with any of their other games.

I dunno, everything surrounding Persona 5 is especially magnified because it's been so long in the making and because it's so extremely anticipated that we're looking at these things with a magnifying glass at every occasion (hence, the mini freak out before atlusprime posted). If it were something like P4D, I doubt we'd care too much that its second promotional video was bundled exclusively with Persona Q or something.

Atlus probably won't have a title coming out that has been this anticipated for a very long time after P5, so they probably won't be able to justify handling things for future games quite as they have been for P5.

Then again, Etrian Odyssey V might be looking to follow suit, haha.
Heh, this is facetious, but something like that would probably be a dual feature with Famitsu and DPS in a week where they're both releasing.

The contents of this week's DPS issue:

If that leaves room for something like Persona 5... heh, guess we'll find out. That Atlus x Vanillaware stuff has a good chance of being one of the titles in the magazine that's not in the above.

Famitsu did actually confirm that they'll have stuff on Odin Sphere this week in one of their articles about it today.


Famitsu did actually confirm that they'll have stuff on Odin Sphere this week in one of their articles about it today.

Yeah, I did see that for Famitsu after the stream ended and they posted their articles. The relationship between those two magazines can be a weird one; sometimes even PlayStation games featured in Famitsu won't be seen during the same week's DPS and vice-versa. The Vanillaware content should be significant enough to work for both.

PK Gaming

Something to consider:

AtlusUSA has consistently insisted that P5 is still on track for 2015. Consistently. With that in mind, it would be complete and utter suicide for them to renege on that, so I'm definitely inclined to believe that we're actually getting it within the year.

And on that note, there's a good chance we'll be getting P5 pretty soon after Japan gets it. I mean, there's absolutely no we'll make 2015 unless they started localizing it asap. Seeing as how John Hardin is a pro at keeping his mouth shut (do you remember when [redacted] and Marie were the only planned DLC characters for Ultimax?) there's a strong possibility they may have started localization already.

I dunno, I could be off base but I believe in Hardin.
Something to consider:

AtlusUSA has consistently insisted that P5 is still on track for 2015. Consistently. With that in mind, it would be complete and utter suicide for them to renege on that, so I'm definitely inclined to believe that we're actually getting it within the year.

And on that note, there's a good chance we'll be getting P5 pretty soon after Japan gets it. I mean, there's absolutely no we'll make 2015 unless they started localizing it asap. Seeing as how John Hardin is a pro at keeping his mouth shut (do you remember when [redacted] and Marie were the only planned DLC characters for Ultimax?) there's a strong possibility they may have started localization already.

I dunno, I could be off base but I believe in Hardin.

He really a Legend at it, hopefully he will keep up his strong Legacy.


Seeing as how John Hardin is a pro at keeping his mouth shut (do you remember when [redacted] and Marie were the only planned DLC characters for Ultimax?) there's a strong possibility they may have started localization already.

I'd hope he'd be a pro at it. It's his job. >_>;


Localization is already complete. Jk.

Maybe not , but who long takes to dub and localize this game this big,

I mean they usually start record voices months before the games came no ?, so if the game is coming in December in the worst scenario , you can say they already have a good part translated for sure.


Maybe not , but who long takes to dub and localize this game this big,

I mean they usually start record voices months before the games came no ?, so if the game is coming in December in the worst scenario , you can say they already have a good part translated for sure.

we may as well can asume so.
The game was supposed to be out in winter 2014 already and as far as we know was only pushed back due the ps4 version having to be programmed. Which leads to the assumption that p5 had to be as good as done at that point.

And it wouldnt be that unlike to assume that atlus usa already has accses to atleast the ps3 verison since months and is translating it.


we may as well can asume so.
The game was supposed to be out in winter 2014 already and as far as we know was only pushed back due the ps4 version having to be programmed. Which leads to the assumption that p5 had to be as good as done at that point.

And it wouldnt be that unlike to assume that atlus usa already has accses to atleast the ps3 verison since months and is translating it.

A lot of assumptions in that post. We have no idea if the reason it didn't make the Winter 2014 date is purely due to the PS4 version.


A lot of assumptions in that post. We have no idea if the reason it didn't make the Winter 2014 date is purely due to the PS4 version.

In fact, we know for sure that isn't the case because the P Studio scenario writer Nanako Kobayashi was just finishing her work up on Persona 5 in March 2015.

Edit: I shouldn't say we know for sure; the impetus could have been whatever. But we do know they haven't just been working on technical port stuff in the interim.
Things are really coming along and we’re starting to hit our quality benchmarks in terms of what goes into the game, so at this stage, we’re hard at work building the game and fleshing it out. We’re just as eager to bring this game out finally so they can enjoy what all we've been working on and day by day, we’re getting closer to the finish line. It’s just going to be a little while longer now before it’s here.

We know that the game wasn't finished by Super Live at the very least.


I could see them already having the english scripts and doing it now as we speak.

And are saving the technical stuff till the end


I could see them already having the english scripts and doing it now as we speak.

And are saving the technical stuff till the end

Keep in mind Atlus USA has no programmers, something Victor from Gaijinworks practically brags about. All Atlus JP has to do is send them the script, which I'm sure has been done for months, then implement it once Atlus USA is done.
My opinion on this matter:

When it's been said that JPN office doesn't believe or trust the US office to do anything, and considers them, for all intensive purposes, stupid babies who deserve no respect, what Hardin says doesn't instill much confidence anymore.

It's pretty obvious that the only reason Hardin keeps saying 2015 is because he knows that Atlus JPN will have his hide if he says anymore. For that, I really believe that 2015 is the release date, and NA will get it in the first three months of 2016.


although, a quote from an interview a while back suggests to me that they do actually need to wait for the game to be finished, since the translators need to play it, I guess for context.

Sometimes they use the Japanese copy for that. I'm guessing by the time a US build is done, it goes straight to QA.

I wish more localization houses did it like Gaijinworks, but maybe JP devs don't want to give out their source code.


I've been sketching a lot to try and improve my artistic abilities and someone nagged me to post this here.


So uh yeah... I don't really plan to post more rough sketches like this.
I've been sketching a lot to try and improve my artistic abilities and someone nagged me to post this here.

So uh yeah... I don't really plan to post more rough sketches like this.

The shading for the eyes is a tad uneven, which is kind of distracting, but aside from that it looks really cool.
gave a friend my vita so he can play P4G. We played a bit of P4A together and we talked waifu and he was into Yukiko classic and sober design. So he plays Persona 4 for the first time (his first Persona) and there are Chie and Yukiko and he's all into Yukiko then come Rise. After the scene in the tofu shop he drop the Vita and said " damn, can you have two girlfriends ? "

The Rise effect people. That fast. I was laughing hard

Also, he knows a LOT his tropes (he writes a bit) and he knows hit tarot. When he saw that Adachi was the joker, he turn to me and said " hummmm that can't be good right ? With such an arcana, he has to be the bad guy or related to the bad guy somehow "


I'm looking to give the Persona franchise a try. Is Persona 3 Portable a good place to start?

I've heard that a lot of people got into the series through Persona 4 Golden, but I don't own a Vita (at least yet).


I'm looking to give the Persona franchise a try. Is Persona 3 Portable a good place to start?

I've heard that a lot of people got into the series through Persona 4 Golden, but I don't own a Vita (at least yet).

Persona 3 Portable is great but as a note, there is no anime cutscenes and you only see portraits of the characters rather than 3D models when going around town. The gameplay is improved over the PS2 version.
I'm looking to give the Persona franchise a try. Is Persona 3 Portable a good place to start?

I've heard that a lot of people got into the series through Persona 4 Golden, but I don't own a Vita (at least yet).

If you don't really mind it, pick the female main character, it's the better option of the two because the main cast gets more dialougue.

There's also a scene very early on where you have to guess whether someone's assistant is male or female, also pick the female choice there, this is pretty debatable though.


obvs miles better than whatever shitty music i can make anymore jesus
but kind of... I don't know... a bit too industrial metal clashy maybe?

I know what you mean, it certainly isn't the standard covers we see where it's the exact same song but I like it because of that. It's a different take on it. I prefer the original (drums specifically) but I prefer this cover to other covers, if that makes sense.


Persona 3 Portable is great but as a note, there is no anime cutscenes and you only see portraits of the characters rather than 3D models when going around town. The gameplay is improved over the PS2 version.
Unfortunately I don't have a PS2 in my apartment at the moment, so it's either P3P or nothing (at least for now).

If you don't really mind it, pick the female main character, it's the better option of the two because the main cast gets more dialogue.

There's also a scene very early on where you have to guess whether someone's assistant is male or female, also pick the female choice there, this is pretty debatable though.
Will the player character be involved in a relationship? I am fine with picking a female character as long as that won't lead to me having a male Waifu.


Unfortunately I don't have a PS2 in my apartment at the moment, so it's either P3P or nothing (at least for now).

Will the player character be involved in a relationship? I am fine with picking a female character as long as that won't lead to me having a male Waifu.

it's also on PS3 as a PS2 classics

but female MC has male love interests.
Will the player character be involved in a relationship? I am fine with picking a female character as long as that won't lead to me having a male Waifu.

Your choice, you could just friendzone everyone if that's what you're into.

Akihiko will sway your heart though.


The shading for the eyes is a tad uneven, which is kind of distracting, but aside from that it looks really cool.
I don't know if you noticed, but one of the glass on his glasses is cracked and the other one is broken. So maybe that's why his eyes look like they have different shades.

(84X, Next time when you draw P3MC, post the drawing pls)


I all friendzone that protein douche, but my "female" heart was weak by Shinji
and becuase i am piece of shit i want to have more feels for his death


Unfortunately I don't have a PS2 in my apartment at the moment, so it's either P3P or nothing (at least for now).

Will the player character be involved in a relationship? I am fine with picking a female character as long as that won't lead to me having a male Waifu.

Female MC has more happy go lucky dialogue options so I love her for that. She also has social links with all the party members. In those, you can if you want go down the road of having a/some male Waifu/s, but you can just friendzone everyone if you want. Just like in Persona 4, my favourite part of the social links is not really romancing more than it actually is just fleshing out some characters and having the game touch on some interesting subjects and themes.
I'm looking to give the Persona franchise a try. Is Persona 3 Portable a good place to start?

I've heard that a lot of people got into the series through Persona 4 Golden, but I don't own a Vita (at least yet).

Up to you, but to simplify things

Persona 3: FES = Anime cutscenes, dialogue and cutscenes are set in the overworld, you can navigate the 3D overworld, can only control MC in combat and assign tactics to your teammate AI, and you cannot form social links with your male teammates

Persona 3 Portable = no anime cutscenes, VN style backdrops and dialogue screens, you navigate the world as a blip/ circle on a 2D plane, can control all teammates in combat, and have the option to play as the Female MC (who has different personality dialogue choices than the male MC, some dialogue changes to reflect the FeMC, lets you form social links with your teammates of the same gender, and now male teammates are love interests)

I perosnally prefer FES for a first playthrough because some of the events do not translate well from the 3D overworld to the visual novel format, but you'll essentially get the same experience either way you choose
Being already back at work after being at Evo suuuuuuuucks!

Evo was awesome though :p I see a few people saw me and Lucas battle it out in Catherine lol (and a few people saw me win a match of Tekken on stream too).

Spoke to John, aka Atlusprime, a bunch. Dude is super nice, always willing to talk about anything and put on a great booth, so many thanks to him and all the other Atlus staff that were there.

I also got to play Dancing All Night for the first time. That game is super fun and I cannot wait for it to be released in English. I managed to get King Crazy on a song on Normal and then immediately fail a song on Hard. This is a game I'm going to dump a lot of hours into, I can already tell.

Persona top 8 was amazing, and even before that, top 16 and even pools matches were super hype. I even spent about 45 minutes watching two Kanji players (Dawn and Graham) show off some stuff in training mode that I've never seen before!

Oh! And i also bought these amazing posters by @_shunao. So go show her some love, because her art is fantastic! She had a bunch of other posters but I only bought the persona ones.

I'll post these again once I've gotten them framed and put up on my wall.

So yeah, Evo was awesome and I'm absolutely going again next year if I can get the time off work!


it's also on PS3 as a PS2 classics

but female MC has male love interests.
It's good to know I have this option.

Your choice, you could just friendzone everyone if that's what you're into.

Akihiko will sway your heart though.

Female MC has more happy go lucky dialogue options so I love her for that. She also has social links with all the party members. In those, you can if you want go down the road of having a/some male Waifu/s, but you can just friendzone everyone if you want. Just like in Persona 4, my favourite part of the social links is not really romancing more than it actually is just fleshing out some characters and having the game touch on some interesting subjects and themes.

Up to you, but to simplify things

Persona 3: FES = Anime cutscenes, dialogue and cutscenes are set in the overworld, you can navigate the 3D overworld, can only control MC in combat and assign tactics to your teammate AI, and you cannot form social links with your male teammates

Persona 3 Portable = no anime cutscenes, VN style backdrops and dialogue screens, you navigate the world as a blip/ circle on a 2D plane, can control all teammates in combat, and have the option to play as the Female MC (who has different personality dialogue choices than the male MC, some dialogue changes to reflect the FeMC, lets you form social links with your teammates of the same gender, and now male teammates are love interests)

I perosnally prefer FES for a first playthrough because some of the events do not translate well from the 3D overworld to the visual novel format, but you'll essentially get the same experience either way you choose
Thanks for the input guys.

I will probably end up making the decision based whether I'm more in the mood for a console experience or a portable experience. Also, I'm squarely in the middle on Xenoblade right now, so all of this is kind of moot.

To re-frame this slightly, is Persona 3 a good place to start with the series? Or is there a different title that would serve as a better gateway?
Being already back at work after being at Evo suuuuuuuucks!

Evo was awesome though :p I see a few people saw me and Lucas battle it out in Catherine lol (and a few people saw me win a match of Tekken on stream too).

Spoke to John, aka Atlusprime, a bunch. Dude is super nice, always willing to talk about anything and put on a great booth, so many thanks to him and all the other Atlus staff that were there.

I also got to play Dancing All Night for the first time. That game is super fun and I cannot wait for it to be released in English. I managed to get King Crazy on a song on Normal and then immediately fail a song on Hard. This is a game I'm going to dump a lot of hours into, I can already tell.

Persona top 8 was amazing, and even before that, top 16 and even pools matches were super hype. I even spent about 45 minutes watching two Kanji players (Dawn and Graham) show off some stuff in training mode that I've never seen before!

Oh! And i also bought these amazing posters by @_shunao. So go show her some love, because her art is fantastic! She had a bunch of other posters but I only bought the persona ones.

I'll post these again once I've gotten them framed and put up on my wall.

So yeah, Evo was awesome and I'm absolutely going again next year if I can get the time off work!
those prints look familiar... I wonder why
I bought a few more as well...Elphelt and Ram from @_shunao and Lulu and Mikasa from Jessica Gaona.

Met John as well, got to beat him in the Catherine tourney. And found this great Chie Cosplayer

I also went to the Anime Suite and got to play some more P4AU casuals there until the bally's threw us out.
Album of the suite
Absurd fun until 2:30AM when they kicked us out. Daisuke Ishiwatari even came up and did an interview and played an exhibition match of guilty gear against Jiyuna. Mad Catz donated sticks to raffle off (which were signed by Daisuke). was also super awesome seeing the JP players show up in the suite. Even the ones that didnt speak a lick of english. Purepure was just chilling in the persona room playing casuals, even had a conversation with Axis through someone that translated.
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