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Persona Community Thread |OT9| SPOILER TAGS OR DIE

Thanatos, that post is... not exactly balanced.

It seems heavily influenced by hype.

There's only one Dantis.

Well it's clear that we disagree on the game since i also disagree on your thoughts on the ending.

It's ok to have different opinions.
I've finished the game and i'm still hype .. what can i say ? i really liked the damn game.
By gameplay do you mean the battle system and being able to control all members?

Being able to issue direct commands, yes; other changes to the battle rules that they don't explicitly tell you about, like changes to the knock down rules; things like follow up attacks and the other link bonuses; more interesting dungeons; being able to link all party members; the list goes on. It's just way more polished and interesting from a gameplay and pacing perspective. P3 has some truly awful pacing. The middle of the game just drags horrendously. Also P4 has a better NG+.


Unconfirmed Member
P4 is absolutely better than P3 purely from a gameplay standpoint.

There is a heck of a strong argument it even being stronger from a writing perspective, better pacing(P3 starts off really weak especially since you gotta deal with garbage like magician slink at the start, but it ends insanely strong with lots of the best stuff being around the last few months) and stronger overall slinks.
Really to me the only thing P3 got over P4 and this flips flops for me anyway depending on the day and what I'm feeling is atmosphere and a more interesting thematic(more thematically dire stakes).

PK Gaming

There is a heck of a strong argument it even being stronger from a writing perspective, better pacing(P3 starts off really weak especially since you gotta deal with garbage like magician slink at the start, but it ends insanely strong with lots of the best stuff being around the last few months) and stronger overall slinks.
Really to me the only thing P3 got over P4 and this flips flops for me anyway depending on the day and what I'm feeling is atmosphere and a more interesting thematic(more thematically dire stakes).

Yeah, there's that point in P3 where it's just so fire, but everything before that is kind of zzz.

P4 is way more consistent throughout, and the confrontation with the "true culprit" is so. damn. good.

P3 has without a doubt the best final (final) boss + ending. Like, I doubt it's ever going to be topped.
Yeah, there's that point in P3 where it's just so fire, but everything before that is kind of zzz.

P4 is way more consistent throughout, and the confrontation with the "true culprit" is so. damn. good.

P3 has without a doubt the best final (final) boss + ending. Like, I doubt it's ever going to be topped.

P3 has peaks and deep valleys, but P4 tends to remain consistently good, save for some (bafflingly) divisive fumbles.

IMO, P5's going to be the latter, only with far less comedic screw-ups.

You can't tell me some of those character designs aren't Scooby Doo. They even have an animal mascot.

Lemme guess...
The only reason P4 doesn't have a dog is cause that was P3's thing?


Persona 3 was a lot more ambitious of a game, mechanically.

Persona 4 is a more streamlined experience, at the cost of much of that ambition.


Tartarus flips flops from tolerable to outright terrible. The game hits you hard with those slink requirements, so at times it feels like you're playing a dating sim (rather than a life sim). What do you mean you want to eat burgers after school to replicate an authentic high school experience? Lmao, hit the arcade or miss out starting Mitsuru's slink at a reasonable time, scrub. Slinks are generally worse. It has some of the best slinks in the series, but it's also weighed down by stupid shit like Kenji's social link, and it's incredibly obvious when the "we don't have friends that are girls" fact shines through. (They clearly get better by P4/P3P though). Finally, the the full moon bosses were uniformly terrible and it has one of the worst final bosses in RPGing.
All of this applies to P5, funnily enough (except the full moon bosses).


Unconfirmed Member
All of this applies to P5, funnily enough (except the full moon bosses).

How does all of it apply? Slinks in P5 are generally good srsly no garbage ones there. Can't speak to the non P3 specific rest since I haven't done a no all slink run since original P4 but lots of the rest sounds like generally true for the all of the titles since P3.

Slink stories being bogged down by the formulaic gameplay framework they're beholden too is a problem that definitely should be tackled in the next entry if they're continuing the system. But really each game has problems on that front.
I feel people enjoy p4/p3p battle system more cause it's easier. "shrug"
If easier means less irritating then l'll take what I can get. Even though P3's battle system is still technically deeper, like everyone always says, the AI really hurts it. I find a battle system where I can control the party much more engaging between the two since I have more of a direct input instead of hoping my input goes through.
I'm completely sick of AI companions. The more recent trend to move to fast paced and action RPGs forcing most of your party to be AI has been awful. P3 was for some reason doing AI in a game it never fit. It was awful.

PK Gaming

I feel people enjoy p4/p3p battle system more cause it's easier. "shrug"

Definitely not.

P3 vanilla is "harder" but also unnecessarily frustrating. I'm not going to harp on A.I partners for "XD XD Mitsuru Marin Karin XD" since it's such low hanging fruit (and easily avoidable in practice) but i'm sure as hell going to call them out on for being needlessly restrictive. You can't do jack shit with A.I. Want Yukari to do Garu > Garu > Heal? Fuck you, deal with her being limited to basic healing or basic offense. Want Yukari to prioritize healing you over Akihiko? Fuck you again, Akihiko has 10 less HP so he's getting the Diarama. Partners using items that aren't basic? Lol. This isn't even challenging either (unlike what people claim), but the lengths you take to work around A.I partners makes battles take twice as long.


anyone else like P3 over P4?


Not Spaceghost

Uh is victory cry supposed to be completely broken? I was just screwing around fusing personas to fill up my compendium and i guess i triggered a special bonus because my kaiwan suddenly was granted a skill called victory cry and this looks like invigorate on crack.

Playing p4g btw
Uh is victory cry supposed to be completely broken? I was just screwing around fusing personas to fill up my compendium and i guess i triggered a special bonus because my kaiwan suddenly was granted a skill called victory cry and this looks like invigorate on crack.

Playing p4g btw

Considering it's pretty much the endgame of endgame skills, yeah.

Hmmmm considering im still in June I might roll back to a previous save then.

Not a bad idea. It's not like the one that gets it naturally is obscure ;)

Not Spaceghost

I would save it. Just don't use it if you don't want.

Ill jump into the TV later and see how I feel about it lol, I am worried it will basically trivialize dungeons which are so much fun to me.

If it's as good as I think it's gonna be then it might not be awful to keep it banked in case things get rough.
Ill jump into the TV later and see how I feel about it lol, I am worried it will basically trivialize dungeons which are so much fun to me.

If it's as good as I think it's gonna be then it might not be awful to keep it banked in case things get rough.

Well, keep in mind, you have to keep that Persona equipped to have it have any effect, which means you're not giving exp to ones that need it.


I actually like the exhaustion system and the battle system of P3 more than P4s. I also enjoy the fact you can let your party go off and find stuff and fight battles on their own.


Just ordered it from amazon.co.jp, it's surprisingly cheap even with shipping costs and customs.

Too bad I will receive it way before I can play the English version, but I guess I can browse at least the first few pages without getting spoiled.

do you have a link for it?
Has anybody had their orders for the Take Your Heart edition on Amazon changed to the April 4th release date? I asked Amazon customer support if they were going to change it, but they said it wasn't going to be until it was a system wide sort of thing...and now I'm starting to get kind of worried.

Not Spaceghost

Well the skill change into victory cry made me curious so I screwed around with the fusion bonuses for an hour or so and I ended up creating this abomination.

He basically soloed the contrarian king lmao. I love this game I'm ashamed I haven't played it sooner, the persona's combat mechanics and fusions are so ridiculously deep with the way skills, resistances and weaknesses play off each other..


Wasn't Ryuji's theme for Europe supposed to be available today, and today only? Seen nothing on the store :(

Whoops, people asked already. Anyway, still nothing here!
I apologize for the OTT in advance but I think a lot of you guys might be interested or at least become interested in the Yakuza series after reading this thread. We at Yakuza-GAF have made a sort of starter guide for the series since very few people actually know what the series really is about and mistake it for "Japanese GTA" which it definitely is not.

Anyway, since I know how Persona is I think a lot of you guys might actually enjoy Yakuza as well. So please give this a read even if you are just a little bit intrigued.

Yakuza Series Starter Guide | Welcome to Kamurocho

Again, sorry for the OTT. Hope to see some of you guys among Yakuza-GAF in future. Cheers.
I apologize for the OTT in advance but I think a lot of you guys might be interested or at least become interested in the Yakuza series after reading this thread. We at Yakuza-GAF have made a sort of starter guide for the series since very few people actually know what the series really is about and mistake it for "Japanese GTA" which it definitely is not.

Anyway, since I know how Persona is I think a lot of you guys might actually enjoy Yakuza as well. So please give this a read even if you are just a little bit intrigued.

Yakuza Series Starter Guide | Welcome to Kamurocho

Again, sorry for the OTT. Hope to see some of you guys among Yakuza-GAF in future. Cheers.

I have enjoyed Yakuza 4, which I really need to get back to, along with 3, Dead Souls, and 5.

PK Gaming


Ace??? Google isn't turning up any relevant hits, so I have no idea what they mean.

In any case, I don't think I like that person's tone at all. Needlessly condescending from someone who has such a poor read on the character. Like, what you said is pretty much on point (UGH), but the more glaring issue is that they read into something that was clearly done for fun. Nobody has the right to lecture an artist on something they drew for fun. If I want to draw my favorite character in a sexy cat suit, let me goddamn draw my favorite character in a sexy cat suit, "character" be damned. Restricting your art based on how "they would feel" feels borderline counterproductive. (unless it's really jarring)

It's pretty damn unforgivable tbh, i'm surprised you even bothered responding.

In regards to how I think Naoto would react to wearing an outfit like this (if we assume that this is an outfit, and not a portrayal of her as a succubus), I guess I’d fall halfway between yours and your friend’s perspective. I don’t think it’s something Naoto would choose to wear, but I don’t think she’d be against wearing it in a certain situation.

The only situation I could think of is if Master Yu told her to do it.
Ace??? Google isn't turning up any relevant hits, so I have no idea what they mean.

Asexual. (I assume in terms of preference and not... other things)

In any case, I don't think I like that person's tone at all. Needlessly condescending from someone who has such a poor read on the character. Like, what you said is pretty much on point (UGH), but the more glaring issue is that they read into something that was clearly done for fun. Nobody has the right to lecture an artist on something they drew for fun. If I want to draw my favorite character in a sexy cat suit, let me goddamn draw my favorite character in a sexy cat suit, "character" be damned. Restricting your art based on how "they would feel" feels borderline counterproductive. (unless it's really jarring)

That's the way things are. EVERYTHING has to have a deeper meaning or serve a higher purpose nowadays to justify its existence.


Ace??? Google isn't turning up any relevant hits, so I have no idea what they mean.

In any case, I don't think I like that person's tone at all. Needlessly condescending from someone who has such a poor read on the character. Like, what you said is pretty much on point (UGH), but the more glaring issue is that they read into something that was clearly done for fun. Nobody has the right to lecture an artist on something they drew for fun. If I want to draw my favorite character in a sexy cat suit, let me goddamn draw my favorite character in a sexy cat suit, "character" be damned. Restricting your art based on how "they would feel" feels borderline counterproductive. (unless it's really jarring)

It's pretty damn unforgivable tbh, i'm surprised you even bothered responding.

I mean, I just took it as an off-hand thing, rather than a criticism. Their interpretation of the character is miles off, in my opinion, but it's all good for a lark.

The only situation I could think of is if Master Yu told her to do it.

I mean, kind of, right? A lot of the additions in P4G portray her as quite an intimate, intense person, so it's not that absurd to say.

She's also a character who would totally cave under peer pressure if everyone else was dressing in similarly stupid outfits though, so there's that. There's a hilarious number of times which basically boil down to 'Naoto has no willpower whatsoever'.

Asexual. (I assume in terms of preference and not... other things).

In my innocence, I think I assumed Ace referred to her detective skills.

Naoto is definitely, definitely not asexual. She's like, the most into Narukami out of the whole cast second only to Yosuke.
Has anybody had their orders for the Take Your Heart edition on Amazon changed to the April 4th release date? I asked Amazon customer support if they were going to change it, but they said it wasn't going to be until it was a system wide sort of thing...and now I'm starting to get kind of worried.

I got the mail a few days ago (amazon.fr)


Why would people think Naoto is asexual when she's shown to be sexually attracted to Yu? Not even going into the transgender interpretation.
For Persona 1, which soundtrack do y'all prefer? PSX OST sounds like it fits better in many cases -and it's apparently far more varied- but I'll be damned if A Lone Prayer is any worse than that generic PSX battle theme.

Looking into giving PSP P1 a go and was wondering if I should get this one soundtrack fix patch floating around
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