Maries asscrack threw everything off, made me go Atlus wat r u doin Atlus pls
Chie's outfit and snowboarding was amazing.
But yeah, worst additions were probably the concert and the second hot springs scene. Didn't necessarily mind the change to the first one, but was still kind of "eh".
Second hot springs established Marieexhibiting powers in the real world, though not sure if that was just supposed to be the classic anime trope or not(going with not considering the epilogue).
Marie wasn't featured enough in the game, and it figures that even in her fan service appearance it's misused. :\
And Hitman may or may not be amazing, but I can probably guarantee it'll be better than what US gets. Just look at this month's releases in both regions for confirmation.![]()
Second hot springs scene is from the very pits of hell itself.
Girls und Panzer had a better hot spring scene and that took place on a goddamn aircraft carrier
What annoyed me the most was that vanilla P4's hot springs scene was (Like a lot of vanilla P4) a twist on a silly anime trope. In P4G they then put a twist on that by making it completely generic, pervy and uninteresting.
"NANAKO STOP. GET OUT OF HERE."Also the added scene to the first hot springs
Nope. Probably shows the best in the additional events.Was P4G's new stuff done by the same people that did P4 anyway?
Was P4G's new stuff done by the same people that did P4 anyway?
The lead writer on Golden's new content was Teppei Kobayashi, who didn't work on P4 at all. The P4 writers had a smaller role, presumably because they're working on P5.
The director was also different. P4's director only produced P4G.
I see. Well all in all I don't think the new stuff was that bad, but it could have been much better.
So what about P3P? Was that done by other guys too? I don't think I had any issues with any of the additional content there.
I thought the beach scene was pretty hilarious, 'We're reenacting the Birth of Venus'. Didn't watch the hot springs one, heard it was pretty bad and even the original one was kinda weird.
Question, do the social links change much depending on what you answer or the time you do them? I'm currently on my second playthrough and I'm sure there was a scene in Yosuke's link that was different. The first time through I remember there was a dialogue choice that was completely absent this time, think it was pat him/hug him/stand there or something similar. Then with one part of Naoto's link, the first time there was a dialogue choice and the second time there was a scene with Nanako instead (though I have an idea why this one happened).
Does this have a great impact on how quickly you can finish the links? I'm guessing more dialogue choices means more chance to get 'points' towards the link. Honestly thought now that I have a better idea of how the game works maxing all the links would be a no-brainer but nope. I had 4 links still on rank 9 and ran out of time :S. Now my persona compendium will be like 98% or something.
Are you sure you have more than enough time to max everything in one playthrough? Without a guide I mean? I tried to in my last run of P4G and I didn't manage to max Naoto and that Ai girl in time. >>
Everyone looks goddamn adorable in heavy winter clothes
First time seeing this video clip of the Persona 4 stage play.
Awkward is kind of an understatement.
The party members were more balanced somewhat with the new skills added during links, as well as Naoto's overhaul being desperately needed. Their ultimates are either overpowered(females) or borderline useless(males), and Rise's new abilities break any semblance of challenge the game may have had.
Well, her shield can also block the Mudoons and Hamaons from getting through, so it still has pretty good use against things using that.
If Yosuke's heal wasn't a mediarama and was a mediarahan, I could see more use with it. Then again, I'd rather have Chie use Dragon Rise and get Matarukaja, Masukukaja, and Marakukaja and just have Yosuke attack or something. I'd compare Chie's with Yosuke's, Yukiko's with Kanji's, and Naoto's with Teddie's.
For buffs, I always look at it purely as a DPS count. I can have one character do all 3 at once and not worry about it for 3 turns while everyone else attacks, or I can use one whole turn to do all of the buffs based on party. Can pump out more damage quicker going in with a persona with auto-all 3, then have chie refresh when it starts wearing off. Her only use for SP is Power Charge anyway late game(if you build her that way). It's so late game, that while it sucks having it cost half her pool, her using one turn to chewing soul or precious egg herself isn't a big deal.
And is very hard actually harder than hard? Looking at the sliders on game + on options, the only thing it looks like is you just get half the experience and gold, so you have to fight twice as much stuff. That's not exactly a difficulty increase, or much of one. The only real difficulty for P4 has always been at the very beginning, before you get Rise anyway.
I actually liked Sumeo-Okami and Kouzeon. I only wish that the ultimates were just a bit less iterative on the ones that came before.The design of some of the tier 3, ugh.
Susano'o with a fro! Telescope planet orbiting Kanzeon! Amatersu with long wavy hair sticking straight back! Yeah, no thanks.
I abused Naoto's ultimate to hell in the last fight. It was very useful, even if I had to refill her sp every few turns. Very Hard.
I might be in the minority, but I also liked the fact that the 3rd tiers built upon the 2nd tiers.
First time seeing this video clip of the Persona 4 stage play.
Awkward is kind of an understatement.
It... It's beautiful. ;-;
First time seeing this video clip of the Persona 4 stage play.
Awkward is kind of an understatement.
...There's a live action porno? Well I suppose I didn't have anything important to do today anyway.