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Persona Community Thread: The Butterfly Effect

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Chie's outfit and snowboarding was amazing.

But yeah, worst additions were probably the concert and the second hot springs scene. Didn't necessarily mind the change to the first one, but was still kind of "eh".

Second hot springs established Marie
exhibiting powers in the real world, though not sure if that was just supposed to be the classic anime trope or not(going with not considering the epilogue).

Marie wasn't featured enough in the game, and it figures that even in her fan service appearance it's misused. :\

And Hitman may or may not be amazing, but I can probably guarantee it'll be better than what US gets. Just look at this month's releases in both regions for confirmation. :(


Second hot springs scene is from the very pits of hell itself.

Girls und Panzer had a better hot spring scene and that took place on a goddamn aircraft carrier


Chie's outfit and snowboarding was amazing.

But yeah, worst additions were probably the concert and the second hot springs scene. Didn't necessarily mind the change to the first one, but was still kind of "eh".

Second hot springs established Marie
exhibiting powers in the real world, though not sure if that was just supposed to be the classic anime trope or not(going with not considering the epilogue).

Marie wasn't featured enough in the game, and it figures that even in her fan service appearance it's misused. :\

And Hitman may or may not be amazing, but I can probably guarantee it'll be better than what US gets. Just look at this month's releases in both regions for confirmation. :(

But crowd surfing! D:


Second hot springs scene is from the very pits of hell itself.

Girls und Panzer had a better hot spring scene and that took place on a goddamn aircraft carrier

What annoyed me the most was that vanilla P4's hot springs scene was (Like a lot of vanilla P4) a twist on a silly anime trope. In P4G they then put a twist on that by making it completely generic, pervy and uninteresting.

Also, as far as the concert goes, my problems were with its presentation, its awkward insertion into the flow of the game and the song they chose to have the characters play. If the band had been a focus throughout the game, with them practicing as the year went on and finishing with their performance at Junes at the end of the year, that actually would have been pretty cool. I really wish they didn't pick the shitty idol song as the track also. I don't like True Story at all.
What annoyed me the most was that vanilla P4's hot springs scene was (Like a lot of vanilla P4) a twist on a silly anime trope. In P4G they then put a twist on that by making it completely generic, pervy and uninteresting.

Also the added scene to the first hot springs


Was P4G's new stuff done by the same people that did P4 anyway?

The lead writer on Golden's new content was Teppei Kobayashi, who didn't work on P4 at all. The P4 writers had a smaller role, presumably because they're working on P5.

The director was also different. P4's director only produced P4G.


I see. Well all in all I don't think the new stuff was that bad, but it could have been much better.

So what about P3P? Was that done by other guys too? I don't think I had any issues with any of the additional content there.


Which explains oh so much. Could've been great new content in the same vein as the original, instead of a lot of it just being fanservice, some of it a much lower quality than they usually do. Ah well, still worth having a portable P4.


The lead writer on Golden's new content was Teppei Kobayashi, who didn't work on P4 at all. The P4 writers had a smaller role, presumably because they're working on P5.

The director was also different. P4's director only produced P4G.

That explains the Marie stuff.


I see. Well all in all I don't think the new stuff was that bad, but it could have been much better.

So what about P3P? Was that done by other guys too? I don't think I had any issues with any of the additional content there.

P3P was made by the actual factual team for the most part. Hashino didn't direct because he was doing Catherine, but everyone else worked on both projects at the same time.

And that's why P3P's new content crushes Golden's in terms of quality.

As much as I complain about Golden's additions though, I'd rather the main team worked on P5 and understand that P5 would have to be delayed for everyone to work on Golden. Same for Arena.


Well I still bought a Vita for it with no regrets, which is quite a feat, so I don't think I can complain too much.
I thought the beach scene was pretty hilarious, 'We're reenacting the Birth of Venus' :p. Didn't watch the hot springs one, heard it was pretty bad and even the original one was kinda weird.

Question, do the social links change much depending on what you answer or the time you do them? I'm currently on my second playthrough and I'm sure there was a scene in Yosuke's link that was different. The first time through I remember there was a dialogue choice that was completely absent this time, think it was pat him/hug him/stand there or something similar. Then with one part of Naoto's link, the first time there was a dialogue choice and the second time there was a scene with Nanako instead (though I have an idea why this one happened).

Does this have a great impact on how quickly you can finish the links? I'm guessing more dialogue choices means more chance to get 'points' towards the link. Honestly thought now that I have a better idea of how the game works maxing all the links would be a no-brainer but nope. I had 4 links still on rank 9 and ran out of time :S. Now my persona compendium will be like 98% or something :p.


I thought the beach scene was pretty hilarious, 'We're reenacting the Birth of Venus' :p. Didn't watch the hot springs one, heard it was pretty bad and even the original one was kinda weird.

Question, do the social links change much depending on what you answer or the time you do them? I'm currently on my second playthrough and I'm sure there was a scene in Yosuke's link that was different. The first time through I remember there was a dialogue choice that was completely absent this time, think it was pat him/hug him/stand there or something similar. Then with one part of Naoto's link, the first time there was a dialogue choice and the second time there was a scene with Nanako instead (though I have an idea why this one happened).

Does this have a great impact on how quickly you can finish the links? I'm guessing more dialogue choices means more chance to get 'points' towards the link. Honestly thought now that I have a better idea of how the game works maxing all the links would be a no-brainer but nope. I had 4 links still on rank 9 and ran out of time :S. Now my persona compendium will be like 98% or something :p.

Ok, beach scene was as good as the ski scene, I'll give it that too. New romantic scenes were kind of hit and miss. Ok Chie, I get it, you have low self esteem.

Some things change in story scenes or slink scenes depend on when you do them. Getting far in Yukiko's slink adds another choice when the famous "mystery food x" scene happens. Doing them in december means you'll have thick fog no matter where you are. Ultimately though, I don't think you get more choices, though the Nanako one makes sense. The game has some stuff that tailor makes itself based on where in the "story" you are, which I really hope to see a lot more of going forward.

Even if it does give you another choice, it might not be enough to matter. Based on the slink max playthrough guides, you get that some choices yield like 7 points, some yield 22. This is not dependent on the number of music notes that happens when you make a choice sometimes too(3 is the best you can hope for, some of these are worth 22, some are worth 7). At best, I can imagine it might, but you have more than enough time to max everything with one playthrough anyway, so long as you don't hit days where you do nothing but go straight home.


Are you sure you have more than enough time to max everything in one playthrough? Without a guide I mean? I tried to in my last run of P4G and I didn't manage to max Naoto and that Ai girl in time. >>


Are you sure you have more than enough time to max everything in one playthrough? Without a guide I mean? I tried to in my last run of P4G and I didn't manage to max Naoto and that Ai girl in time. >>

It's unrealistic to expect to do it the first time around, when you are preoccupied with raising your attributes, as well as hitting those S-links. A NG+ takes a lot of the difficulty out of it, though as I'm sure you already know, P4G has some time-sensitive interactions that you need to make concessions for. But other than that, I don't think it'd be difficult the second time around.

I guess you could always use a guide as reference.


Well it was a second run and all my attributes were maxed out, but I must have messed up somehow. I probably did fool around a few times now that I think of it.

PK Gaming

Everyone looks goddamn adorable in heavy winter clothes

it's a pity they weren't usable in battle

they really went all out with the alt costumes but they didn't give us the kickass winter-wear :(

my favorite part was when they were telling each other ghost stories
Thanks for the info Meia, I think the reason I messed up is probably to do with which S link I chose to do when you have multiple choices in a day. I tried to complete the party member's links as quickly as possible when it'd probably have been better to increase the strength, sun and temperance links. Plus I didn't realise some take longer to do than others, like the death link levels up every time but the job ones take a few visits. Also I didn't start Naoki's until really late in the game. Will probably give it another go with a guide next time, methinks I'll give it a break for now though, might start P3P instead.

By romantic scenes do you mean the valentine's day stuff? Is that new to Golden? Didn't bother with the dating crap. I swear Yukiko looks intoxicated when she blushes.


Yes, she does.

And anything after December 25th, up until March 20th is all new content. New Years, valentine's, ski trip, all new. A lot more stuff is voiced that wasn't originally too, like most rank 9/10 links, the summer festival date, etc. Other new stuff was anything involving scooters(HATED this addition to combat), and the concert they perform. Most of it was a miss, with some good scenes that would have fit somewhat in the original. Most of the "additions" they did with combat kind of fell short. Like the party member's specials tacked onto all out attacks, but they made all out attacks weaker than they were to compensate(that plus to compensate Rise's bike trips, which make her interaction with them stronger).

The party members were more balanced somewhat with the new skills added during links, as well as Naoto's overhaul being desperately needed. Their ultimates are either overpowered(females) or borderline useless(males), and Rise's new abilities break any semblance of challenge the game may have had.

All that said, still a great game.


Yeah, I can't watch that.

I guess it's one of the only way it could "work", but it's still too embarrassing to sit through. :p

PK Gaming

The party members were more balanced somewhat with the new skills added during links, as well as Naoto's overhaul being desperately needed. Their ultimates are either overpowered(females) or borderline useless(males), and Rise's new abilities break any semblance of challenge the game may have had.

Well... I wouldn't say you're entirely right.
I've always been a fan of Yosuke's Youthful Wind. Essentially 100% accuracy on your moves, healing and an evasion boost, for dirty cheap. He can spam that while your main fighters are doing work if you don't have a dedicated healer. Naoto's shield of justice is kind of bad (though I still use it) since its just too incredibly overpriced to justify using on a semi regular basis. Even against bosses, a 1 turn null isn't special (its pretty much useless against Margeret)

BTW, I was thinking of counterbalancing Rise's skills by jacking up the difficulty to very hard on my next run, I heard it was brutal.


Honestly, I'd say most of the ultimate skills for the females aren't that great. That's to say, they're cool in concept, but the sheer amount of SP needed to use them just doesn't make it worth it. Especially with characters that don't have a lot of SP in the first place like Chie, and so stuff like Dragon Hustle becomes kinda useless. Only ultimate spell (if you don't count Rise) that wound up being used the most on the female side was Yukiko's Burning Petals, and only because I'd already equipped her with the Chakra Ring.

I'm with PK in that Yosuke's Youthful Wind is pretty much as good as the ultimate skills get in terms of actual practicality.

Never used Kanji late-game in P4G, so can't really make a call there.


Well, her shield can also block the Mudoons and Hamaons from getting through, so it still has pretty good use against things using that.

If Yosuke's heal wasn't a mediarama and was a mediarahan, I could see more use with it. Then again, I'd rather have Chie use Dragon Rise and get Matarukaja, Masukukaja, and Marakukaja and just have Yosuke attack or something. I'd compare Chie's with Yosuke's, Yukiko's with Kanji's, and Naoto's with Teddie's.

For buffs, I always look at it purely as a DPS count. I can have one character do all 3 at once and not worry about it for 3 turns while everyone else attacks, or I can use one whole turn to do all of the buffs based on party. Can pump out more damage quicker going in with a persona with auto-all 3, then have chie refresh when it starts wearing off. Her only use for SP is Power Charge anyway late game(if you build her that way). It's so late game, that while it sucks having it cost half her pool, her using one turn to chewing soul or precious egg herself isn't a big deal.

And is very hard actually harder than hard? Looking at the sliders on game + on options, the only thing it looks like is you just get half the experience and gold, so you have to fight twice as much stuff. That's not exactly a difficulty increase, or much of one. The only real difficulty for P4 has always been at the very beginning, before you get Rise anyway.
Holy crap, corniness to the max hahaha! Is there a Persona musical? :p

I found a list of the changes in Golden, they changed quite a bit huh? And there are level 3 personas now, Teddie's sure is something else.


The design of some of the tier 3, ugh.

Susano'o with a fro! Telescope planet orbiting Kanzeon! Amatersu with long wavy hair sticking straight back! Yeah, no thanks.

PK Gaming

Well, her shield can also block the Mudoons and Hamaons from getting through, so it still has pretty good use against things using that.

If Yosuke's heal wasn't a mediarama and was a mediarahan, I could see more use with it. Then again, I'd rather have Chie use Dragon Rise and get Matarukaja, Masukukaja, and Marakukaja and just have Yosuke attack or something. I'd compare Chie's with Yosuke's, Yukiko's with Kanji's, and Naoto's with Teddie's.

For buffs, I always look at it purely as a DPS count. I can have one character do all 3 at once and not worry about it for 3 turns while everyone else attacks, or I can use one whole turn to do all of the buffs based on party. Can pump out more damage quicker going in with a persona with auto-all 3, then have chie refresh when it starts wearing off. Her only use for SP is Power Charge anyway late game(if you build her that way). It's so late game, that while it sucks having it cost half her pool, her using one turn to chewing soul or precious egg herself isn't a big deal.

And is very hard actually harder than hard? Looking at the sliders on game + on options, the only thing it looks like is you just get half the experience and gold, so you have to fight twice as much stuff. That's not exactly a difficulty increase, or much of one. The only real difficulty for P4 has always been at the very beginning, before you get Rise anyway.

I don't think its worth spending160 SP to block mudoon/hama skills (as rare as they are) when homunculus's or partners should suffice. It isn't useful in random battles or boss battles... it's the definitive "gimmick" ability to me. I still use it, but I have no illusions about it.

Youthful Wind's mediarama level is sufficient; if it was Mediarahan Yosuke would have a hilarious lead over ever other character (he's already arguably the best party member). As it stands YW's healing can work in random mob battles and boss battles, and the free Masukukaja shouldn't be ignored, since it can mean difference between a knock down or even a KO. I don't think there's any merit to making a 1 to 1 comparison with each ultimate skill since they clearly have their own distinct uses (Yosuke's being usable anywhere VS Chie's being usable in boss battles, Kamui and SoJ being useless, etc)

On the other hand, I actually think Chie's ability is good but ONLY if you give her the Chakra ring, since it essentially triples the amount of times she can use Dragon Hustle without wasting a turn to use a precious. She can keep the team refreshed for pretty much the entire battle (with Yosuke on the team, Masukukaja is never going to disappear) and is the best boss killer in the game once she gets this ability.

My point about Very Hard was that you're guaranteed to end up a lower level when you reach the bosses, which pretty much forces you to come up with a strategy or instantly lose. Grinding invalidates that, but yeah Very Hard can be a challenging experience if you play at a normal pace.


The design of some of the tier 3, ugh.

Susano'o with a fro! Telescope planet orbiting Kanzeon! Amatersu with long wavy hair sticking straight back! Yeah, no thanks.
I actually liked Sumeo-Okami and Kouzeon. I only wish that the ultimates were just a bit less iterative on the ones that came before.


I abused Naoto's ultimate to hell in the last fight. It was very useful, even if I had to refill her sp every few turns. Very Hard.

PK Gaming

I liked Chie's (Curved LightSaber), Kanji (somewhat makes up for the fact that he'll never have Take-Mikazuchi again with that awesome cape), really liked Naoto's and Teddie. I'm indifferent to Yosuke (but the coat is super cool) and Yukiko's. Kanzeon looks awesome, especially during all out attacks!

I might be in the minority, but I also liked the fact that the 3rd tiers built upon the 2nd tiers.
Scarl pls, /smtg/ streamed it once after streaming Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Story and Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Reveation. It was the wierdest block of streamed things ive seen. Ever.
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