It is saying something when on the /smtg/ stream, out of Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Story, Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation, Perofella (the porn), the live action Devil Summoner drama, devil children/demikids, trinity soul, and P4 Animation, Trinity Soul was the worst. Except for maybe the live action devil summoner drama.
is it really that bad?
tried to search up Persona 3 on tumblr
got slammed with porn
Tomato soup is delicious though!
So we should be happy that they're at least on the right track now when it comes to anime, if P4, DS2, and P3 are any indication?![]()
oh my god are you serious
how on earth is anyone supposed to collect Persona fanart on tumblr
its filled to the BRIM with porn. BAD porn too.
Persona 5 character in SMT4!Not really.
oh my god are you serious
how on earth is anyone supposed to collect Persona fanart on tumblr
its filled to the BRIM with porn. BAD porn too.
There's bad porn?
There's bad porn?
That's a struggle fan art finders gotta deal with.
Tumblr's tag searching is honestly one of the worst things ever. I don't understand why you can't add more than one tag or filter tags out.oh my god are you serious
how on earth is anyone supposed to collect Persona fanart on tumblr
its filled to the BRIM with porn. BAD porn too.
Eh the level of badness depends entirely on your interests~
Super late to this discussion, but I liked pretty much all of Golden's third-tier Personae and their abilities. Kamui Miracle absolutely trivializes the bonus dungeon with a little bit of luck, and The Man's Way is just hilarious. I think I like Kanji's third-tier the most, as it represented the culmination of his character arc (Take-Mikazuchi is covered with bones, lightning and other things that our culture views as "manly." Rokuten Maoh was his first step towards true manhood as it resembled Oda Nobunaga, one of the fiercest leaders in Japanese history. Take-Jizaiten completes this evolution with its heroic cape and demeanour, showing the shift Kanji has made from "fake" manly to truly manly).
And yes, tumblr is ick. It occasionally spawns some nifty artwork like this though:
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng my dream game...
ScraftyDevil to the rescue!
Either you've got the devils luck or you're made of strongest stuff than I am, because I couldn't wade through to tumblr to find it
if you find anything else awesome be sure to post it here (or hell pm me)
Jim Gordon said:There's a point far out there, when the structures fail you. When the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead... Maybe one day, you may face such a moment of crisis. And in that moment, I hope you have a friend like me... Someone who can plunge their hands into the filth, so that you can keep yours clean!
Choose Goose? why
PM plox
Persona 5 character in SMT4!Not really.
Eh the level of badness depends entirely on your interests~
Okay, she looks REALLY like Doi's rendition of Maya.
If Maya was a P4 character, pretty sure this is what it'd look like, haha.
Does Kanji have a moustache?
Wish I had time to do some fanart, I have some rough sketches but alas, artwork for my assignments comes first.
That's not a Maya, she lacks the quality of ultimate positive thinking.
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng my dream game...
H-Hey it's not like I was serious or something!...Some things are perhaps best kept to yourself.
You're an artist? You should scan your sketches in. I think it's great when people post their own stuff here.
She has literally the exact same face.
You're an artist? You should scan your sketches in. I think it's great when people post their own stuff here.
I missed out on porn talk? Darn.
I missed out on porn talk? Darn.
Surely no fanart is worth trawling through all that evil, never been to those sites because of all the... terrible things I have heard.
let me tell you about the one where no
Aye, but when I say rough sketches I mean rough lol. You were the one who did that Aigis pic a few pages back, right? Finally got off my butt and learned how to use Photoshop's pen tool thanks to you. Y'know what, rather than play Persona tonight I'm gonna do some drawing instead, then maybe I'll have something to show.
We can go back later.
v- Or now! :O
dude lemme tell you bout dis chie doujin i read...
I used to think so
the stuff i saw on tumblr was too much for me to handle
i could handle a ton of stuff, but was too much for me. my best hope is to find a bunch of persona fans/artists on tumblr and follow them.
And believe me, I know all about sketches looking rough. I started on my next piece of fanart earlier, and man, it's so far from presentable at this stage.
There was an episode dedicated to making tomato soup
Sounds like P3 and 4, alright.
Scribbly/loose sketches or thumbnails are the best way to start, it's the quickest way to get a composition/pose you like and then work up from there. For most stuff I draw lots of little sketches on paper then scan in and redraw the lines and paint digitally. Funnily enough I have trouble with anime faces yet I'm fine with much more complicated or realistic stuff, I think it's because they're too... perfect, no room to maneuvre. That's why when you said you used the pen tool I figured I may need to take a technical drawing approach rather than usual sketchy stuff. Might start with personas/shadow characters and then attempt the characters or a Soejima style another time.