alignment isn't a pokemon starter
Screw that, I want my Charmander Persona. :|
alignment isn't a pokemon starter
Tidus = Anakin.
Both stories focus on these characters when they are not, in fact, actually the main characters. As Turnip pointed out, the main character would be closer to Yuna, but even then, it's kind of a mix as to who they wanted the main character to be.
Both trended to use excessive GCI dazzle in place of a solid story, and most scenes are pretty frivolous and exist only for square to show off a pretty little cutscene that their team created.
Ultimately, no, FFX is not as bad as The Phantom Menace. And I understand that a lot of people really like the story of X. But really, the story is all over the place because some creative egos went a little out of control.
EDIT: Also, I'm on the law side, with all the assholery that implies.
Panel for for next one was pretty much entirely new people anyways.
You need to talk more mang!
I don't agree with any of this. X was beautiful yes, but it's plot was meaningful. Tidus is the main character and that's perfectly clear. It's a story about his growth, which is a direct result of his accompanying Yuna on her journey. It isn't like FFXII where the game never really decides who it's about. Tidus is your window into that world and you learn about it gradually as he does and reflect on it as he does in his narration. The game is explicit: "Listen to my story."
FFX is about faith, responsibility, the burden one can find placed on them do their lineage, and how humanity is prone to fall into cycles - how dangerous they are and how difficult they are to break.
And more. And all that is clear. I'm not sure which game you played.
I haven't played Final Fantasy X since I was in like the 9th grade, so I can't comment on it well. It's one of the reasons the re-release is so appealing.
A story doesn't need to have a single protagonist, there such thing an an ensemble cast. Homeland is exceptionally well written and it revolves around the lives of 2 characters. I seem to remember FFX took at similar approach, but again it's been a very long time.
Thought I would have seen this mentioned here, but they're making an anime of the first Devil Survivor.
Thought I would have seen this mentioned here, but they're making an anime of the first Devil Survivor.
Where did you see that at? I don't see it on Anime News Network yet...
El sourco pls
Maybe it's me misinterpreting a translation, but it's from Atlus_JP. It might be talking about something else, since no one else has reported it?
You know what other game has a fantastic example of an ensemble cast? Final Fantasy VI.![]()
They're talking about the Devil Survivor manga there, at least in the Tweet.
"Volume 2 of the Monthly Shounen Sirius , Devil Survivor, to be released on June 7th...." and then it goes into a description. Nothing about a TV series.
That's a game I've been meaning to play for a long time, though I have a feeling it's going to be ruined for me because of the way it's evangelised. Firefly levels of annoying fandom.
Ok nothing is as overrated and trashy as Firefly.
FFIV is pretty overrated, in my opinion. It's got some strong plot beats and a good cast, but the setting is kinda bleh (CAVES. EVERYWHERE) and the gameplay can be obtuse at times (don't get too attached to a few of your party members, because they can die if you don't know how to prevent it!).
Still a good game, but I personally prefer FFIX.
The only thing of Whedon's I really enjoyed was Cabin in the Woods.
Haven't seen the Avengers.
I love both.
Not that I entirely disagree with your opinion, but wrong Final Fantasy. VI, not IV.![]()
The only thing of Whedon's I really enjoyed was Cabin in the Woods.
Haven't seen the Avengers.
You didn't like Dollhouse, Buffy, or Dr. Horrible?!
Please tell me you at least liked Toy Story D:
The only thing of Whedon's I really enjoyed was Cabin in the Woods.
Haven't seen the Avengers.
That makes more sense then. False alarm! Maybe akin to the Persona 4 -> Persona 3 animations, there will eventually be an anime of the first DS, but maybe not.
ScraftyDevil said:FFVI is pretty overrated, in my opinion. It's got some strong plot beats and a good cast, but the setting is kinda bleh (CAVES. EVERYWHERE) and the gameplay can be obtuse at times (don't get too attached to a few of your party members, because they can die if you don't know how to prevent it!).
Still a good game, but I personally prefer FFIX.
Also I quite enjoy Firefly and Serenity and the works of Jose Whedon in general.
FFVI is good, but insanely overrated.
Alien Resurrection
Really guys, REALLY?
That was VII.
Alien Resurrection
Francis Ford Coppola made Jack. Let's not judge an individual's entire career based on their one major screwup.
Bioware wishes they could make something that was the Citizen Kane of gaming. Instead they make laughably bad WoW clones.
That apology was the Citizen Kane of PersonaGAF apologies man. *Brohugs*
Really guys, REALLY?
That's an insult to WoW clones. Unless you mean the first Dragon Age.
Talking about The Old Republic, Dragon Age was the last truly great game Bioware made.
To be fair to bioware though, they got bought out by EA.
>Citizen Kane
what the heck did I walk into
You're not the only one, man. I've been here all day long lurking and I still don't get it.