Anata no~♪
terebi ni~♪
Jika-netto Tanaka~♪
Mi-n-na no, yoku no tomo~♪
Tanaka sighed a sigh of relief, as the last of the stuffed bear plushes left his hands. A young innocent looking boy had just walked off happily with his brand new toy.
Living an honest life as an honest salesman was hard work, you know? But now he had finally achieved what he wanted.
Grabbing the clipbord, he took one more look at the inventory.
Stuffed Bears? All gone!
Mazio Gems? Shocking people most certainly!
Mega Beef Bowl? In some poor fool's stomach!
Rancid Gravy? Well I bet someone was putting it on mashed potatoes...
The entire inventory was gone. A gleam lit up in Tanaka's eye...
He was...
"YAHOOO!" he shouted, "I'M RICH! I'M RICH!!!! WAHAHAHAHA~! I'VE GOT SO MUCH MONEY!!!!!!!!!"
Persona users? Shadows? He didn't care about that. He was rich now. Rich baby! Rich!
And now that he was rich, he was hightailing it out of here before the Shadows killed him.
Tossing off the sunglasses that had hidden himself so well from everyone, he jumped in his newly purchased car and sped off.
Good riddance!
Natiko has met his victory condition and has left the game!
As he drove away, he failed to notice the corpse of a Persona user not too far from his car. It seems that she died laughing...
StarSketch has been killed!
Day 5 begins
Majority is 6
terebi ni~♪
Jika-netto Tanaka~♪
Mi-n-na no, yoku no tomo~♪
Tanaka sighed a sigh of relief, as the last of the stuffed bear plushes left his hands. A young innocent looking boy had just walked off happily with his brand new toy.
Living an honest life as an honest salesman was hard work, you know? But now he had finally achieved what he wanted.
Grabbing the clipbord, he took one more look at the inventory.
Stuffed Bears? All gone!
Mazio Gems? Shocking people most certainly!
Mega Beef Bowl? In some poor fool's stomach!
Rancid Gravy? Well I bet someone was putting it on mashed potatoes...
The entire inventory was gone. A gleam lit up in Tanaka's eye...
He was...
"YAHOOO!" he shouted, "I'M RICH! I'M RICH!!!! WAHAHAHAHA~! I'VE GOT SO MUCH MONEY!!!!!!!!!"
Persona users? Shadows? He didn't care about that. He was rich now. Rich baby! Rich!
And now that he was rich, he was hightailing it out of here before the Shadows killed him.
Tossing off the sunglasses that had hidden himself so well from everyone, he jumped in his newly purchased car and sped off.
Good riddance!
Natiko has met his victory condition and has left the game!
Here comes Tanakaaaaa
Over the airwaves to youuuuu
Hellllllo, everyone! Welcome to... Tanaka's Amazing Commodities!
Granter of your desires
What's this? You don't appear to have awoken to a Persona, instead you are Tanaka, of Tanaka's Amazing Commodities. You are aligned with money (This is neutral), but if you had a Persona, you might be aligned with the Devil Arcana.
You have no interest in the battle between Persona users and Shadows, what you do care about is making a quick profit, and you'll do that by selling whatever you can get your hands on, consequences be dammed!!!
Every night, you may PM a mod with a sales pitch and the name of a player. The sales pitch may say whatever you like within the rules of the game. This will then be sent to the player anonymously for them to decide to purchase.
The goods you will be selling are: [Mega Beef Bowl], [Rancid Gravy], [Mazio Gem], [Stuffed Bear] in that order. You win when all four items have been claimed and received. They may also have effects beyond your knowledge...
As a merchant, you have access to many items, including a single Plume of Dusk, if you are killed, it will revive you one single time. (Essentially you are 1-shot bulletproof) Oh, and you can vote during the day phase too, y'know?
Good Luck.
As he drove away, he failed to notice the corpse of a Persona user not too far from his car. It seems that she died laughing...
StarSketch has been killed!
Welcome to the Velvet Room.
My name is Igor, and I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter... It is a place where those with a special power may home their ability.
You, my dear, are gifted with the power of a Persona of the Priestess Arcana. This means you are aligned with the your fellow Persona users in the Town
With your powers together, you have the ability to vote and remove those who would threaten your town.
Your power is unique... and it expands to the far reaches of this town. For you are a Tracker! Summon your Persona during the night, and use the command Track: <player> to see where they went.
But take heed, for it will only work three times. Find your fellow Persona users, and make use of your bonds to draw back the Shadows that approach to destroy you. For they threaten to destroy everything you hold dear.
My time is running short. However, dreams are a gateway to your future, and there is endless possibility stretched out before you.
'til we meet again...
Day 5 begins
Majority is 6