Oh wow, I love the game. Actually only playing P4G made me realize how much I love it.
I already played P4 on the PS2, I watched a Let's Play shortly after and also the anime adaption. And still, I enjoyed the game as if I would play it for the first time. I didn't skip any voiced line or any event and never felt like "boring, I already knew this".
So despite being a veteran my first playthrough of P4G took me over 90 hours, roughly 15 hours more than my very first P4 playthrough.
Now, about the new content:
- I loved all new scenes, no matter what. Yes, the second hot spring scene with Marie seemed forced, but I still grinned while watching the guys getting struck by lightning. I just like the characters so much, that I'd basically enjoy everything as long as it involves them. Especially the whole new winter stuff was awesome (music, atmosphere, holiday scenes, etc.).
- I enjoyed the new Social Links. I guess I am in the minority when I say that I liked Marie quite much and think she's a good addition. The only thing I didn't like about her SL was the fact that she's now basically the canon love interest of the MC. It felt like a "wrong" choice to friendzone her. Adachi's SL was quite nice and I think it should have already been in the original P4. I think it makes new player less likely to suspect him and it's always nice to learn more about the bad guy (though there isn't anything REALLY new).
- I am not so sure what to think about all the new little changes to the game mechanics. On the one hand I liked the new locations and the possibility to give my party members new skills and also thought the mini games were quite nice. On the other hand the new arcana chance game and the skill cards make the game ridiculously easy (even on very hard). Obviously it's also because I am a much better persona player now than when I first played P4, but especially with the sweep bonus you ALWAYS get good stuff. You never run out of SP, your Personas get very strong very fast and can easily cover their weaknesses. I do like that now you can choose the skills a persona shall inherit during a fusion and that they show me all possible combinations.
- It's cool that now the last levels of a SL have additional voice acting and I also got used to Chie's new voice actress. The "11th" SL rank of the party members are a nice addition as well.
- I don't like that you can't use two personas to fuse Aeon or Jester personas.
- I always enjoy stuff like the midnight channel, where you can listen to the soundtrack, watch all cutscenes, see conceptional art, etc. The midnight quiz was fun, too, but I wished Kanji, Rise and Naoto could have participated as well.
- The new intro is nice, but nothing compared to the glorious old one.
- The new dungeon was okay. I loved the music and the look of it, but wasn't too fond of the enemies and the mechanics (losing SP after a fight, forced to wear specific equipment). It wasn't as fun as other dungeons, but maybe that's because I tried out the party members I never use to get the Rise trophy.