Ironically enough yours is the most bizarre statement I've ever read in this site. Congrats.Why is he trying to make it sound like he slept with Sean Murray's wife? What a completely bizarre way he phrased that answer.
Lmaoooo I'm dyin.Peter: Milo you should hear what I did today. I finally talked to the press again!
Milo: Peter... please let me die!
Crazy that he lives so close to Sean Murray. I wonder if they've found each other-that would blow my mind.
kind of like the people who are taking potshots but at the other side? I don't see you going after them for not having a discussion.
I dont get why you guys dislike him so much, does he over promise? Yes and hes admitted as much. Whever ive listened to him in interviews hes always seemed just incredibly genuine. Its just videogames, some times you need to remember there are people behind them who get genuinley excited about what they are making. Can they use a better pr department? Absolutley. But i really dont feel that him or sean murray ever tried to rip us off. Merely got overly ambitious and were set back when they realized they could not do it all.
Please point out where I was mean?
So a lie is ok so long as the product in question never comes out?
I'm not trying to shit post, and don't think I have been. Just saying the guy is a liar thick and through and has been for nearly two decades.
When he releases his next thing we can see how he holds up against his pre-release claims again.
Anyone still willing to pay or play his games is living on a different plane of reality. The man is a crook.
Yes, it does. Milo was an incredible piece of technology. You could draw something on a piece of paper, and then Milo would look at it, recognize it, and show it back to you. It was magical. He could recognize numbers, and letters, and shapes.
Part of me wishes Peter stuck with lionhead and MS didn't close the studio down, just put a leash on Peter and his "promises" to the public and wait until the game was being wrapped up.
Peter and Sean should team up and make the most disappointing game ever.
Peter and Sean should team up and make the most disappointing game ever.
Molyneux is always hilarious to me. So Bryan got the prize, but the game didn't make any money so it wasn't a split of the profits? This dude just can't give straight, honest answers.
Yes, it does. Milo was an incredible piece of technology. You could draw something on a piece of paper, and then Milo would look at it, recognize it, and show it back to you. It was magical. He could recognize numbers, and letters, and shapes.
That was a real problem. The only thing to say is, Yes. [...] I'd love to pay Bryan money. It would be insane to do it just for a publicity stunt, because that's what it would be.
I don't understand this response? He says he says Bryan did get his reward and then says they haven't paid him any winnings a few sentences later. Is this not contradictory?!
I think what he means is that Bryan has indeed got a share of Godus' earnings.. but so far Godus' earnings have been zero or close to zero so he didn't actually got any money.
Or at least that's how I read it.
Peter and Sean should team up and make the most disappointing game ever.
In a previous interview Molyneux said that money had been set aside from Bryan.
It's fine to talk about wild dreams and goals in interviews if you make clear that's what they are. He has habitually talked about them as if they were actually in his current project, as if they were actually planned in the current project, as if they were within the realm of feasibility to go in the current project even when he 100% knows they are not. That's not "dreaming", that's precisely an effort to fleece the consumer base.His original style of letting his wildest dreams and goals for a game he has in development just... fly... in an interview doesnt work in today's gaming climate. He needs to cut that shit out. It was tolerated (even celebrated) in the mid 1990's but not now. Industry has changed and the consumer base for games is on high alert these days in ongoing efforts to keep from being fleeced by the next over-promised over hyped POS waste of money a publisher chucks at the market unapologetically.
Dungeon Keeper
Black and White
Since nobody has posted it yet.
That's the thing, though, that most people seem to forget.
He was one of the most innovative minds the industry has ever had.
He should have retired earlier, though.
Curiosity and it's non prize was the final straw for me with Molyneux. He really should have done better to make that right. All the other bs I could excuse to some extent.
That's because he crossed the line from "overzealous developer who can't keep his shit straight" to "snake oil guy". It's one thing to overpromise a game, but another to promise someone a cut and never give it to them, having to be reminded about it by the media, failing to still put the life changing funds in that kid's pocket, and then pretending like you got some shit set aside for the dude despite never contacting him about it (AFAIK, I can't find any update on that) years later.
And top that shit all of with pretending like you did recently. After reading that, I don't know how people can sit here and pretend like the jabs in this topic are mean-spirited compared to Molyneux's refusal to even correct that instance.
They didn't contact him for 2 years or so - that's bad.
He was promised a cut of multiplayer revenue (so the story goes) but that took ages to roll out. And a cut of what? If it was a cut of profits then the thing needs to turn a profit to make a cut worth anything.
After saying all that, didn't they offer him £10k from a games bundle they rolled out in 2016 to help fund development? I remember reading something about that.
This is a case of the legal small print being (probably) correct and that equaling a really bad PR outcome. They can't pay him £500k if the game made £0.
After saying all that, didn't they offer him £10k from a games bundle they rolled out in 2016 to help fund development? I remember reading something about that.
Did Bryan Henderson, the player who was supposed to become the "god of gods" in Godus for finding the inside of the Curiosity cube, ever get his prize?
That was a real problem. The only thing to say is, Yes. You'll remember that Godus is a free-to-play game. And while 33,000 people are playing the game, 33,000 people aren't spending money on the game. So in terms of pure profit, actually Godus has not quite even broken even. We got Kickstarter money of about $1 million. After you're done with the pledging and all that stuff, that works out to about $400,000. But Godus cost about five times that to make. We really struggled, at times, to finish Godus. I'd love to pay Bryan money. It would be insane to do it just for a publicity stunt, because that's what it would be.
Like, look at this shit. Homeboy says Bryan got a prize and then in the same paragraph says Bryan never got the money because they haven't broke even. AFAIK Bryan hasn't even been contacted by Molyneux, so what prize is this dude talking about? The prize was money, and no money was given to Bryan, so what's the gift? Those shots one of his colleagues bought Bryan and his friends when they met up for like fifteen minutes? Being famous?
I get it. You make a game, and it doesn't make money. But saying "well, it would be a PR stunt if we did that" is hilarious. Partly because even if it would be, it'd still be a net gain for everyone, and partly because giving someone a load of money, especially a student almost finished with school, isn't just mere lip service yet he handwaves it like it is.
I see your point of view and it is clearly bad PR.
But, the prize wasn't a cash sum. The prize was clearly part of a share in profits. That's still a prize. Just like shareholders still have shares, even if they are worth £0.
The game might still turn a profit next week.Okay, we know it wont!
Saying he is a crook isn't really a very nice thing nor accurate unless you want to say every business is a crook that wants to take your money.
Peter: Milo you should hear what I did today. I finally talked to the press again!
Milo: Peter... please let me die!
I don't think it's mean. He earned it. I think it's an accurate description of his actions. The man tells tall tales about what his products will be, then it's revealed after they release that his descriptions are not truthful. Considering the definition of "crook" is "a person who is dishonest or a criminal", I think the first half about being dishonest fits.
Would you prefer I used "Snake Oil salesman" to describe him?
It saddens me to see someone I used to look up to reduced to a snake oil salesman who can't keep his mouth shut while he trys to nickel and dime people with shitty mobile games.
I got my first PC in 92 and my teens were spent playing Bullfrog games:
Theme Park
Theme Hospital
Dungeon Keeper
Magic Carpet
Best PC developer of their day imho.