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Peter Thiel donates 1.25 Million to Trump

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If asked a decade from now I'll answer quite frankly and say I didn't vote this year. You can assume all you want that this will somehow be embarassing to me, but it won't. What embarasses you doesn't necessarily embarass others. I haven't been embarassed a moment in my life since I was a child. You presume far too much if you think you can dictate to me how I'll feel about answering a simple question with a simple answer. I couldn't care less what others think of me, and therefore do not embarass by virtually anything that might embarass you or others that take so much stock in others' opinions.

I'll give you an example. A lot of folks are embarassed by passing gas in public. I am not. It isn't something I go out of my way to do, but after having had cancer back in 2004 I developed severe stomach issues. Said issues often cause flatulence that simply isn't feasible to try and run to a restroom and hide. Hell, sometimes I can't even stop if from coming out at all. Thankfully the stool itself is controllable, or I'd be buying a lot of new pants all the time. But on the odd occassion that a fart escapes me in mixed company, I merely pardon myself and carry on about my business. No shame, no blushing, and certainly no embarassment. This is a rather benign example and certainly not in the realm of politics, but I hope it gives you a bit of an idea how I might respond to questions about my voting.

Did you vote for Hilary that year sir? Nope, didn't vote for either of them. Doesn't it bother or embarass you that you weren't part of history? Lol... nope. Give me a break.

So basically you'd be one of those ridiculous types that ten years later, STILL won't be embarrassed by their Nader vote in 2000.

At least you are voting the right way on downballot and you basically admitted that if it weren't projected to be a landslide you wouldn't still be stubbornly staying out of the POTUS vote.

It's still going to be humiliating for you when your friends inevitably look at you the way a lot of older millenials and younger gen X people look at 2000 Nader voters.
So basically you'd be one of those ridiculous types that ten years later, STILL won't be embarrassed by their Nader vote in 2000.

At least you are voting the right way on downballot and you basically admitted that if it weren't projected to be a landslide you wouldn't still be stubbornly staying out of the POTUS vote.

It's still going to be humiliating for you when your friends inevitably look at you the way a lot of older millenials and younger gen X people look at 2000 Nader voters.

You really don't understand the concept of others not having the same emotional makeup and tendencies as you, do you? Embarassing? No. Humiliating? Not a chance. My friends aren't judgmental assclowns, firstly. If they were, they wouldn't be my friends. Get a handle on this simple statement: I have never, nor will I ever, give one iota of worry about what others think of me. Embarassment and humiliation are emotions that simply aren't ever going to take root in my psyche, at least not for something as ridiculous as other people's opinions about me. I'd be embarassed if I hurt my family in some way, but sure as hell not for refraining from voting. I am truly sorry for you if you worry that much about what others think, that you would insist that other people would be humiliated by something just because you think they should be.

I won't, and if Neogaf is around in 10 years I sincerely invite you to PM me and mock away, or attempt to embarass or humiliate me, assuming I'm even still posting here if the site is still around. It isn't going to happen. You may think it should, and maybe you would be in my shoes, but I know my emotional state well enough to know it won't. Irritated and annoyed at the audacity of someone to presume to know my emotions? Sure, but humiliated? Nope.
You really don't understand the concept of others not having the same emotional makeup and tendencies as you, do you? Embarassing? No. Humiliating? Not a chance. My friends aren't judgmental assclowns, firstly. If they were, they wouldn't be my friends. Get a handle on this simple statement: I have never, nor will I ever, give one iota of worry about what others think of me. Embarassment and humiliation are emotions that simply aren't ever going to take root in my psyche, at least not for something as ridiculous as other people's opinions about me. I'd be embarassed if I hurt my family in some way, but sure as hell not for refraining from voting. I am truly sorry for you if you worry that much about what others think, that you would insist that other people would be humiliated by something just because you think they should be.

I won't, and if Neogaf is around in 10 years I sincerely invite you to PM me and mock away, or attempt to embarass or humiliate me, assuming I'm even still posting here if the site is still around. It isn't going to happen. You may think it should, and maybe you would be in my shoes, but I know my emotional state well enough to know it won't. Irritated and annoyed at the audacity of someone to presume to know my emotions? Sure, but humiliated? Nope.

Like I said, you're gonna have to deal with the reactions 10 years from now. Don't get me wrong it's not as bad as if you were to vote for Trump, but people WILL react the same way they currently react to someone saying they voted for Nader in 2000.

You don't understand now because you think people will still give a shit about all the dumb Clinton scandals, but for most part people won't care about that stuff years from now.


You say that now, but 10 years from now those 3 things I listed are what the history books will have about this election. The history books aren't going to care about Wall Street speeches or Benghazi or OMG CLINTON IS S WARMONGER (I can guarantee you they won't talk about that last one because they don't talk much about Teddy Roosevelt in the context of the Spanish-American war).

So you go ahead and make your decision, but like I said, 10 years from now you will forced to choose between lying about your 2016 vote or embarrassing yourself as an almost-Nader-type voter.

Thinking Clinton being a warmonger, to whatever extent that's actually true or will be true, won't matter to history is a wildly absurd claim. It's not even comparable to the other two points (which, at most, lead liberals to believe Clinton cannot be trusted in her secrecy). I'm not much for hard-line pacifism, but someone abstaining to vote for someone who (they think) will act like Obama or worse (i.e., assassinations, acting as the main support for wars like Yemen) will most definitely not feel embarrassed in ten years. Anyone trying to embarrass those people in particular will likely instead find themselves with a stubborn ideological stand-still instead (or maybe they will be the ones embarrassed if their anti-war sentiment is revealed to be superficial and partisan).

The idea that Teddy Roosevelt isn't criticized as an imperialist warmonger is rather ignorant, you must not be looking. On the other hand, the reason he is still beloved in the public conscious (which can be mostly unaware or forgetful of America's dark side, up and including the specifics of racism, imperialism, etc.) has a lot to with him being one of the most genuinely interesting, charismatic people to hold the position of president (also had good press) and the distance of a 100 or so years. That's not to say a good deal of the press won't be overly forgiving or complicit to the imperialistic elements of a Clinton presidency, that's precisely what has happened with Obama, but there will be a significant effort to correct that with history.

It's worth considering somewhere between 40% to 50% of the country will likely not be casting their vote for president this year. Even if you subtract the people who will vote for Trump or a third-party candidate, it will be very easy to find company that won't embarrass you for not voting Hillary ten years ago.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
. And states having more power than feds have never worked out for minorities. EVER. Take a closer look at who is screaming for states rights and why they want it. You don't seem to have thought out your positions very well.
The move to legalize gay marriage started at the state level. I guarantee that gay marriage would still be illegal if it had to succeed at the federal level.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
What a fuccboi.

I had to read his book "Zero to One" for a college course and this guys mindset is "competition is bad" and "innovations create value but iteration on existing products and concepts dont"
He clearly sounds like someone who got his millions and doesnt care about anyone else


The move to legalize gay marriage started at the state level. I guarantee that gay marriage would still be illegal if it had to succeed at the federal level.

Ask NC about LGBT rights. The feds are the one that are telling states to knock their stupid shit off.


Like I said, you're gonna have to deal with the reactions 10 years from now. Don't get me wrong it's not as bad as if you were to vote for Trump, but people WILL react the same way they currently react to someone saying they voted for Nader in 2000.

You don't understand now because you think people will still give a shit about all the dumb Clinton scandals, but for most part people won't care about that stuff years from now.

Honestly, the only embarrassing thing here is your ridiculous harassment of lifeexpectancy and your weird projection.


I know it's the most microscopic of drops in the bucket, but I shut down my PayPal account today over this.

Thiel does not have any current affiliation with PayPal. He left the company when it was sold to eBay in 2002 (it has since spun off). And he's not even a major shareholder.
Testoftide - Tired of quoting nonsense so I'll just say this. I won't have to 'deal' with anything. I'll simply ignore any reactions then and carry on about my life. You're still trying to assume that I would somehow have to handle and/or process others' reactions in the same way as you. If someone judges me for not voting, I'll tell them to kindly fuck off and walk away. Humiliation, embarassment, chagrine, self-reproachment, or any other negativity toward myself isn't going to enter the equation. Feel free to come back in the morning and have the last word and insist I'll somehow be impacted by nonsense (or that I'm running away like the other guy said) because I won't be coming back to this thread.

Honestly, the only embarrassing thing here is your ridiculous harassment of lifeexpectancy and your weird projection.

Lol he's harmless, but thanks for noticing.
Thiel shows off how to do it. Counter cyclical ftw.

everyone knows how loyal Trump is to people who help him

This is a transaction. He's not an idiot to go around screwing billionaires who funded him when everyone thought he was done. Information access alone can yield Thiel hundreds of millions if he uses them properly.
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