This might be the first Far Cry game I buy!
I'm with you on that!
This might be the first Far Cry game I buy!
This might be the first Far Cry game I buy!
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:Maybe read the damn petition before going into a frenzy... You are no better than the people you always mock.
That is satire or trolling, it is not even subtle.
And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:Maybe read the damn petition before going into a frenzy... You are no better than the people you always mock.
That is satire or trolling, it is not even subtle.
And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
Religion, what's it good for again?
Change the villains. Its not so hard, really. Just change the villains to something more realistic. Islam is on the rise in America, as is the violence of inner city gangs. Are you scared to do so? In the words of Boltair To learn who rules you, simply find out whos not being criticized.
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:Maybe read the damn petition before going into a frenzy... You are no better than the people you always mock.
That is satire or trolling, it is not even subtle.
And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
Ubisoft should to the exact opposite and turn the main villain into an obvious Trump parody.
Of course it isn't.Not the same thing.
- Alter the plot. It's obvious that you continue to insist on using these characters. However with a few artistic tweaks you can save the concept entirely. Have the villains simply be misguided patriots forced into making their own nation vs. the will of an oppressive over-government, construed of all the people they turn their wrath against in their immediate surroundings. Their brutal physical and sexual violence towards their oppressors will then be explained as a reaction to harsh government policies and taxation, to show that both sides are wrong.
They walked past a mirror after watching the trailer.I haven't kept up with this game
What is it with it that has these alt-right snowflakes all triggered?
I haven't kept up with this game
What is it with it that has these alt-right snowflakes all triggered?
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:Maybe read the damn petition before going into a frenzy... You are no better than the people you always mock.
That is satire or trolling, it is not even subtle.
And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:Maybe read the damn petition before going into a frenzy... You are no better than the people you always mock.
That is satire or trolling, it is not even subtle.
And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
Cuningas de Häme;238532829 said:Maybe read the damn petition before going into a frenzy... You are no better than the people you always mock.
That is satire or trolling, it is not even subtle.
And what right some of you have to speak shit about some people's beliefs? You are just like the worst trumpists. Getting tired of that emo ass "Ima an atheist hur dur" attitude. Maybe show some respect to other people? How damn hard is it?
the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called gamers on twitter. NO MORE!
Religion, what's it good for again?
Doing shitty stuff and controlling others.
This is why "I'M SO OFFENDED"-GAF is so damn obnoxious. It's clearly taking the piss out of some of the few crazy reactions to the trailer.
Guys, this is definitely satire.
.Protip it's not your hobby that's making romantic partners reject you.
We've tolerated it in the name of gameplay design and innovation
It's a joke.Boltair.
yup.. Boltair.
You are making the right choice.I refuse to believe this is real.
Because it's kinda really very much obvious.Why? Because no one could possibly be this blind/dumb/hypocritical?
Are you sure it's not beyond the realm of possibilities?