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Phantasy Star Online 2 - current state of the JP version (changes/content updates)

Have it installed, played it when it launched. But then gotten my fix and is ready to hold off on the english release. Basically I know enough to get around, but I no longer want to spoil myself.

To everyone who hasn't tried it I'll say this.

This is PSO2, it feels like PSO but completely upgraded. This isn't PSU.
I'm not sure I follow, to be honest. Beyond the orders to unlock free fields (which was no less painful than what you had to do to unlock them in PSOBB IMO) and level caps, the game is flexible enough that you could choose to ignore client orders and story elements entirely if you so wanted. PSO didn't really offer much beyond running around repetitive maps killing the same monsters over and over, and you can still do that here if that's what you want out of it. If you were a challenge mode runner, Time Attacks are a decent substitute for that also.

I don't share the same areas of disapointment as he does, I was just saying I had the same end result of being let down.

There is no sense of weight to the combat like PSO had, its all hovering for 15 seconds and flipping around with huge swords.

PSO had a far more oppressing feel to it, both story and atmospherically as opposed to the more cheesy goof ball feel of PSU and PSO2

I hate the way they have handled the F2P system and think its a travesty to the series.

I can't believe that you can't trade items above a certain star level which totally defeats the purpose of PSO games as well as having to "buy" access to the ability to trade other stuff and have a shop / room.

The amount of content at any stage of the game thus far is embarrassing for the type of game they are trying to be.

I could keep going as there's a ton of other stuff i'm not really fond of but all in all, the game is just not for me. I wanted a modern day version of PSO and didn't get it but I am happy for the people that love it.
I'm not sure I follow, to be honest. Beyond the orders to unlock free fields (which was no less painful than what you had to do to unlock them in PSOBB IMO) and level caps, the game is flexible enough that you could choose to ignore client orders and story elements entirely if you so wanted. PSO didn't really offer much beyond running around repetitive maps killing the same monsters over and over, and you can still do that here if that's what you want out of it. If you were a challenge mode runner, Time Attacks are a decent substitute for that also.
Didn't Sega get rid of the Principal quest gate to access new fields in Blue Burst because so many players hated it after being accustomed to previous PSO titles? The only thing stopping you from accessing new content before vanilla Blue Burst was beating the boss of a map to get new maps, and level restrictions for harder modes. In PSO2 if you wanted to play anything beyond the first four quests in Forest (not even Free Forest!), level up past 20, or access advanced class features, you have to go through So. Much. Bullshit.


Thanks for making the thread! It sparkled my interest to try the game but I ran into a dead end.
I'm trying to register the SEGA ID but it seems it wants me to type in a series of japanese characters to confirm that I'm a human being..how do I go about this? The reg guide doesn't cover it or maybe I'm doing something wrong ;/
Didn't Sega get rid of the Principal quest gate to access new fields in Blue Burst because so many players hated it after being accustomed to previous PSO titles? The only thing stopping you from accessing new content before vanilla Blue Burst was beating the boss of a map to get new maps, and level restrictions for harder modes. In PSO2 if you wanted to play anything beyond the first four quests in Forest (not even Free Forest!), level up past 20, or access advanced class features, you have to go through So. Much. Bullshit.

I'm going through the general zone progression template in my mind.

Mission 1: Single Party, Single Area, Point total clear > unlock Mission 2
Mission 2: Multi-Party, Multi-Area, Clear emergency order in final area > unlock mission 3
Mission 3: Multi-Party, Multi-Area, Sub-boss clear > New free mission Client order alert
Free Mission Unlock Client Order: S-Rank clear Missions 2 and 3 within designated time limits + 2 Order Items from native enemies > unlock free mission
Free Mission: Multi-Party, Multi-Area, Boss clear > New zone client order alert
Next Zone Unlock Client Order: S-Rank Clear Free Mission within time limit > unlock next zone

Some of the additional feature client orders are kind of high, but are being toned down soon, like the Subclass or VH unlock COs.
Hell, I still have to grind out Quartz dragons to finally finish the V.Hard quest.

Thanks for making the thread! It sparkled my interest to try the game but I ran into a dead end.
I'm trying to register the SEGA ID but it seems it wants me to type in a series of japanese characters to confirm that I'm a human being..how do I go about this? The reg guide doesn't cover it or maybe I'm doing something wrong ;/

You'll need to be able to enter japanese characters via IME or other input method.
It's essentially a japanese captcha process.
Thanks for making the thread! It sparkled my interest to try the game but I ran into a dead end.
I'm trying to register the SEGA ID but it seems it wants me to type in a series of japanese characters to confirm that I'm a human being..how do I go about this? The reg guide doesn't cover it or maybe I'm doing something wrong ;/

Paste a copy of the one you get and someone here might be able to help you out. (Alternatively, pull out a katakana chart and start cracking...)


Where can we find more details on so-called "premium" services?

Are these one-shot purchases that give permanent new "features? Or are most IAP consumables or monthly fees?
Where can we find more details on so-called "premium" services?

Are these one-shot purchases that give permanent new "features? Or are most IAP consumables or monthly fees?

Vast majority of services have a 30 day expiry, like MyRoom or MyShop access.
Some are one shots, like additional Mags and Mag devices, or reset tickets.
Some are retained permanently, like cosmetic accessory tickets (Use once, accessory is permanently available in Este shop).

AC Catalog


At least i'm not the only one that feels let down by this game I guess. PSO2 is the most disapointed I have ever been by a game.

It is partly my fault for looking forward to it being a sequel to PSO and not a sequel to PSU but every update they do to this game they end up taking it farther and farther away from what I wanted out of it.
It's worse than PSU in many ways. That's what amazes me.

Edit: Terrible things that come to mind are Client Orders that must be completed to access new stages and key features (Mags, new classes, level cap).
Basically, in PSO (or maybe in gaming in general) there are three things that having a lack of could hinder progress: skill, patience, and luck. While the original PSO had stuff which required you to have extraordinary amounts of them (S-rank weapons, Mag feeding, Heaven Punisher), you didn't need to have much of them to access actual game content, just spend your time playing without forcing a grind.

On the flip side, accessing content in PSO2 requires you to possess non-trivial amounts of those attributes. Want to unlock the next stage? Hope you're able to S-Rank Snow Banther solo, and collect 270 semi-rare macguffin drops (the number has been lowered in most instances), and hope that the RNG gives you a stage layout favorable to clearing it quickly within the artificially imposed time limit.
On the flip side, accessing content in PSO2 requires you to possess non-trivial amounts of those attributes. Want to unlock the next stage? Hope you're able to S-Rank Snow Banther solo, and collect 270 semi-rare macguffin drops (the number has been lowered in most instances), and hope that the RNG gives you a stage layout favorable to clearing it quickly within the artificially imposed time limit.

There is no requirement to do any client order in the game solo, and the current time limits are so excessive I normally finish with half an hour to spare. I can see the game wouldn't be as fun if you played alone all the time; I wouldn't know because I make it a point to never play alone.


I'm still not a fan of collect "X" amount of this, "Y" amount of that, "Z" amount of this to go beyond level caps. Doubly compounding the painful act of grinding was the fact that the items were not guaranteed drops so if you needed 90 of "X" item, you probably killed well over 200-300 of "X" monster that drops "X" item. UGH. The only thing you should be grinding for is rare items, not quest items.
The level cap client orders are alot easier now, to be able to go from lvl 30 to 31, the client order only needs 10 items from each planet (30 items total), and from lvl 40 to 41, the client order only needs 20 items from each planet (60 items total).
Since these client orders can be done at lvl 25 and 35 respectively, the player is able to complete these client orders long before he reaches the respective lvl cap.
Great thread!

I have been trying to motivate myself to come back and play some more... I stopped just after the new classes released and they made teams available.

I want to use the english patch but I am worried about getting banned.... specially since I have dropped about $200 on AC points this past summer...


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Great thread!

I have been trying to motivate myself to come back and play some more... I stopped just after the new classes released and they made teams available.

I want to use the english patch but I am worried about getting banned.... specially since I have dropped about $200 on AC points this past summer...
I cant imagine them banning people for using the English patch. If they're gonna do something to keep foreigners out, it'll probably be an IP ban when they launch the English servers.
Dark Falz is finally being added to the game on Tuesday. I hope the long NA delay was cause they were waiting for all this content to be finished before launching it.

That music. Goodness! The VERY FIRST THING I do when this patch is released is going to be to record that music.

My biggest problems with this game have not been alleviated (nor will they be): Being expected to level multiple classes per character which can only be done by replaying the same low level quests and Client Orders. It's no fun at all. I wish they would trash the entire Client Order system and go back to character levels and class levels like in PSU.

Plus, they now have several convoluted systems having to do with weapons and weapon special abilities. It is absurd.
Aside from the area, level cap, and difficulty unlock quests (all of which are fairly trivial), you can completely ignore the client order system. But really, the COs are just a way to speed up your progress, which would otherwise consist entirely of running through the missions over and over again non-stop (or running in MPAs constantly - though I don't know if any big MPs form at lower levels at this point outside of Japanese prime times).

And the grinding, affixing, and special abilities are completely, entirely optional (and grinding is hardly 'convoluted' - it's just gambling for more damage, or an alternate version of 'enchanting' seen in many MMOs).

There is no sense of weight to the combat like PSO had, its all hovering for 15 seconds and flipping around with huge swords.
Okay, that just doesn't make any sense to me.

If all you do is run around and use basic attacks, the combat feels exactly the same as PSO's (minus the irritating chance to miss even when your blade clearly connects with your target). The PAs, meanwhile, let you do things to your target that you never could in the original PSO, including impaling them and throwing them, using them as living cannon balls, or shocking them with two nasty tazers.

I've seen some legitimate complaints (like the following one - it's true the game has a very different story and atmosphere than the original, and it is entirely intentional), but this one? This one reeks of rose-tinted goggles.

I hate the way they have handled the F2P system and think its a travesty to the series.
Unless you absolutely must have certain expensive outfits, it's incredibly easy and forgiving to not spend a dime. Of course, if you go ahead and subscribe to the premium set, it's basically the same thing as subbing for the original PSO.

I can't believe that you can't trade items above a certain star level which totally defeats the purpose of PSO games as well as having to "buy" access to the ability to trade other stuff and have a shop / room.
Again, premium set is the same thing as subbing for PSO. It only makes sense they'd limit some things to encourage you to sub (otherwise, y'know, they'd just not let you play at all if you weren't subbed).

But I do agree on the 10* trading issue, that one's just baffling. However, there is a reason for it - it combats meseta farmers by devaluing the currency. I don't agree with that reasoning, but that's the official stance.

The amount of content at any stage of the game thus far is embarrassing for the type of game they are trying to be.
When was the last time you played it? Not that it really matters, they're adding content at such a ridiculously brisk pace that the game is going to double in content again within 6 months, and then double again within a year. That's a ridiculous pace, one that I've never, ever seen a company manage before.

I could keep going as there's a ton of other stuff i'm not really fond of but all in all, the game is just not for me. I wanted a modern day version of PSO and didn't get it but I am happy for the people that love it.
Well, that much is obvious. Nice of you to share your opinion, but, uh, yeah, don't be surprised when those of us who enjoy it don't take it too kindly. ;)

It's worse than PSU in many ways. That's what amazes me.

Edit: Terrible things that come to mind are Client Orders that must be completed to access new stages and key features (Mags, new classes, level cap).
Okay, seriously? Those incredibly trivial quests are game-breakers for you?

Give me a break. You have some seriously low tolerance for repetition.

That music. Goodness! The VERY FIRST THING I do when this patch is released is going to be to record that music.

Aside from the area, level cap, and difficulty unlock quests (all of which are fairly trivial), you can completely ignore the client order system. But really, the COs are just a way to speed up your progress, which would otherwise consist entirely of running through the missions over and over again non-stop (or running in MPAs constantly - though I don't know if any big MPs form at lower levels at this point outside of Japanese prime times).

And the grinding, affixing, and special abilities are completely, entirely optional (and grinding is hardly 'convoluted' - it's just gambling for more damage, or an alternate version of 'enchanting' seen in many MMOs).

Okay, that just doesn't make any sense to me.

If all you do is run around and use basic attacks, the combat feels exactly the same as PSO's (minus the irritating chance to miss even when your blade clearly connects with your target). The PAs, meanwhile, let you do things to your target that you never could in the original PSO, including impaling them and throwing them, using them as living cannon balls, or shocking them with two nasty tazers.

I've seen some legitimate complaints (like the following one - it's true the game has a very different story and atmosphere than the original, and it is entirely intentional), but this one? This one reeks of rose-tinted goggles.

Unless you absolutely must have certain expensive outfits, it's incredibly easy and forgiving to not spend a dime. Of course, if you go ahead and subscribe to the premium set, it's basically the same thing as subbing for the original PSO.

Again, premium set is the same thing as subbing for PSO. It only makes sense they'd limit some things to encourage you to sub (otherwise, y'know, they'd just not let you play at all if you weren't subbed).

But I do agree on the 10* trading issue, that one's just baffling. However, there is a reason for it - it combats meseta farmers by devaluing the currency. I don't agree with that reasoning, but that's the official stance.

When was the last time you played it? Not that it really matters, they're adding content at such a ridiculously brisk pace that the game is going to double in content again within 6 months, and then double again within a year. That's a ridiculous pace, one that I've never, ever seen a company manage before.

Well, that much is obvious. Nice of you to share your opinion, but, uh, yeah, don't be surprised when those of us who enjoy it don't take it too kindly. ;)

Okay, seriously? Those incredibly trivial quests are game-breakers for you?

Give me a break. You have some seriously low tolerance for repetition.

Grass looks horrible.

{Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.} PSO2


Quick and dirty translation about the upcoming changes from the new blog post:
- New update will be called: "Courageous Vanguards":

- Level cap being up to 55 in the second half of January.
- "Endgame contents" called "Advance Quests" coming in February, it will be easier to acquire rare drops while using this new system
- Vita version coming in the second half of February with an update ~"Those walking together"
- New Story Quest, New Boss and new Premium Set features are planned for February and March
- Level cap up and a new field in April
- New quest difficulty in May
- Event to commemorate the first year of PSO2 in June


Aside from the area, level cap, and difficulty unlock quests (all of which are fairly trivial), you can completely ignore the client order system. But really, the COs are just a way to speed up your progress, which would otherwise consist entirely of running through the missions over and over again non-stop (or running in MPAs constantly - though I don't know if any big MPs form at lower levels at this point outside of Japanese prime times).

And the grinding, affixing, and special abilities are completely, entirely optional (and grinding is hardly 'convoluted' - it's just gambling for more damage, or an alternate version of 'enchanting' seen in many MMOs).

The last time I played the game those COs were not trivial. They straight up block your progress and if you're not constantly working towards whatever checklist of items they require then you're not progressing. The leveling in the game is much slower than PSU so you pretty much have to repeat more quests to level up and always be completing COs which are annoying to track with the horrid UI the game has.

And grinding itself is not convoluted but the affixing and special abilities systems are a little too complicated for their own good. Especially when you're not a Japanese-speaker. And I believe they recently announced another weapons customization system so it seems to me that the game is becoming even more needlessly complicated.

Okay, seriously? Those incredibly trivial quests are game-breakers for you?

Give me a break. You have some seriously low tolerance for repetition.
Maybe I do. I'm not 15 years old anymore like when I played games like PSO and I have a job now and frequently play new games. But that doesn't excuse the game from being a complete grind fest with really really stupid ways to impede your progress and enjoyment of the game. Even if they made those unlock COs easier, it's still absolutely stupid that you have to complete COs for unlocking a level cap that's no longer the current level cap. And being expected to re-run the same couple of missions another dozen times because you changed your class is also a very very stupid move.

If I got bored of running forest, caves, desert, etc. a dozen times already what tells you that I'm interested in doing it another dozen times?

The game is marred by terrible design decisions.
The last time I played the game those COs were not trivial. They straight up block your progress and if you're not constantly working towards whatever checklist of items they require then you're not progressing. The leveling in the game is much slower than PSU so you pretty much have to repeat more quests to level up and always be completing COs which are annoying to track with the horrid UI the game has.

I'm going to sound like a broken record on this post, but PSO2 isn't nearly as static as PSO and PSU were; instead of major "expansion pack" updates, PSO2 is a lot more iterative and much more reactive to player feedback. It has to be that way by necessity; if the game isn't keeping players happy, they simply won't get paid. Player feedback has done everything from changing UI for COs, rebalancing the requirements and rewards, even adding a CO limit increase for premium members. Given how the game hasn't collapsed under its own weight, it must be doing something right!

But you're also making the CO system sound like something that's absolutely required, which besides Coffee alone, simply isn't true; any CO that unlocks game content is all in one place (Coffee), can be done in half an hour at most (and the vast majority won't even take that long), and never has to be done again for that character regardless of class changes. The only other COs that give you content are the class-specific unlocks offered by Ooza/Maru/Lisa, but even those are completely optional.

And grinding itself is not convoluted but the affixing and special abilities systems are a little too complicated for their own good. Especially when you're not a Japanese-speaker. And I believe they recently announced another weapons customization system so it seems to me that the game is becoming even more needlessly complicated.

First off: did you seriously just cite your own language inability as one of the game's faults?

Secondly, as someone that makes regular use of the system, it's not THAT complicated. It's a fair bit of a step up from PSU's crafting system, which might not have been terribly hard to understand but was horribly time consuming, tedious, and mundane.

Maybe I do. I'm not 15 years old anymore like when I played games like PSO and I have a job now and frequently play new games. But that doesn't excuse the game from being a complete grind fest with really really stupid ways to impede your progress and enjoyment of the game. Even if they made those unlock COs easier, it's still absolutely stupid that you have to complete COs for unlocking a level cap that's no longer the current level cap. And being expected to re-run the same couple of missions another dozen times because you changed your class is also a very very stupid move.

If I got bored of running forest, caves, desert, etc. a dozen times already what tells you that I'm interested in doing it another dozen times?

The game is marred by terrible design decisions.

You say this as if we're not all the same demographic here.

You're still completely overblowing the difficulty of the unlock COs; even at the old request of 90 photons they dropped like candy and took at most half an hour to finish, even faster if you ran them as a team. The request has since more than halved. No non-optional CO will require dozens of runs; the only tedious ones are the free field unlocks, which only require one run of each map.

If you're going to critique a game, you really should play it to the point that you actually understand what you're going to complain about.


The last time I played the game those COs were not trivial. They straight up block your progress and if you're not constantly working towards whatever checklist of items they require then you're not progressing. The leveling in the game is much slower than PSU so you pretty much have to repeat more quests to level up and always be completing COs which are annoying to track with the horrid UI the game has.

And grinding itself is not convoluted but the affixing and special abilities systems are a little too complicated for their own good. Especially when you're not a Japanese-speaker. And I believe they recently announced another weapons customization system so it seems to me that the game is becoming even more needlessly complicated.

Maybe I do. I'm not 15 years old anymore like when I played games like PSO and I have a job now and frequently play new games. But that doesn't excuse the game from being a complete grind fest with really really stupid ways to impede your progress and enjoyment of the game. Even if they made those unlock COs easier, it's still absolutely stupid that you have to complete COs for unlocking a level cap that's no longer the current level cap. And being expected to re-run the same couple of missions another dozen times because you changed your class is also a very very stupid move.

If I got bored of running forest, caves, desert, etc. a dozen times already what tells you that I'm interested in doing it another dozen times?

The game is marred by terrible design decisions.

There's significantly less grinding now. The requirements for level cap quests for example can be done outside of 20-30 minutes, less if you're in a multiparty. The drop rates seem to be far more reasonable too for quest items. When i did the lv 50 cap quest, the drops seemed to come from every other kill rather than force me to kill 10-12 things just to get 1 drop.


Even if they made those unlock COs easier, it's still absolutely stupid that you have to complete COs for unlocking a level cap that's no longer the current level cap.
The level cap client orders are alot easier now, to be able to go from lvl 30 to 31, the client order only needs 10 items from each planet (30 items total), and from lvl 40 to 41, the client order only needs 20 items from each planet (60 items total).
Since these client orders can be done at lvl 25 and 35 respectively, the player is able to complete these client orders long before he reaches the respective lvl cap.


Cross posting this to, to get exposure outside of the community forum:
Translation of the 2013 road map published today.
Seems like we won't be seeing new classes any time soon. The most interesting points, at least for me are the new items category and the new quest types.
Since the new quests will come in the "Phantasmal Tower" update, maybe it will be some kind of a "get to the top"/"survival mode" type of quests.


I tried to register for 2hrs today! Trying to enter the captcha image in Japanese is a bitch! I just gave up after a while. Damn shame. I wanted to play this SOOO bad! ;_;
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