Also, while we're at it, would like to ask on your guys' opinions of where to go from here. I got myself a Susano Guren at L3 Potential, +10 and with 50 Light Element, and it's been serving me well, though I suppose I should start looking on what to try next. Still got to try to get the Saiki set people recommended, too, because walking around on Hiei, even if at +10, is starting to hurt, especially when running those EQs like Falz Loser, where god knows it can get you in some reaaaaaally nasty combos, lol.
Well let's see for starters.. For practicing your counter window and getting a nice feel for it. Caterdra'n in the Caves or the Skyscape version is an excellent boss to test and get a feel for it with. Pretty much everything it can do is really telegraphed and can give your timing window a nice work out. Another good place to practice is during a time attack in Sanctum. You stand on a switch and this laser swoops at you. You lose time if you jump, but guarding keeps the switch timer going down. Again good timing practice but you don't get much of it before the switch goes down.
Now moving on to your main question. I am one of the strongest people who think the hiei set (unless crafted) shouldn't be touched at VH or harder. Even early bosses just seem to eat it. It's good dodging practice for sure, but.. too accident prone in my opinion. However, mentioning that you just got 60 is a good sign. The NPC Zieg has some nice welfare 11 star armor just waiting for you. If you equip any episode 3 matterboard and talk to him (You don't even have to start it, can change it back if you don't want to skip ahead in the story) he'll have some crafting quests. Stuff like raise a weapon to extend level 3 etc. These quests he'll offer will be one time quests that offer 100,000 meseta per complete. A bit into doing some of those, he'll offer you some that reward Master Craftsman's Seal.
You'll only get around 6 or so, enough for about 2 sets per character, but they high nice overall defensive stats, will get to +10 easily and start off decently affixed. (I prefer PP on all my stuff, but for an out of the box unit, it's surprisingly nice). This'll easily hold you over until Saiki, Brisa, or whatever your choice of armor will be. So what's the catch? I dunno, people seem to hate the set for whatever reason, stating that the set bonus doesn't hold a candle to Hiei, but I'm more fond of the fact you don't die in a hit until you're some defenseless class and this game is accident prone. So that'll be my vote of gear due to the ease of getting it (The only issue is time / money depending on if you've been unlocking crafting / materials etc and waiting. Even that wait may not exist depending on how much of that Liliparum you have stockpiled.
Weapon wise, you're honestly in a really good spot. You have a solid 10 star, with an excellent potential at max. Though it's really going to come down to what the RNG gods bless you with. Magatsu on SH or XH has some good drops overall, with the possibility of the Evil series katana or drops the Sukei Suzumi which is basically your current weapon with small atk upgrade. If RNG is really on your side Anga from the Limited Quest can drop a 13 stars on XH in 10 levels, or there's challenge mode for Ideal weapons, but it's a long grind to 60 element grind but are good no matter what. Elder/Luther may also have something decent that i overlooked as well. But Magatsu was really the way my friend geared up for his katana and he's not premium or anything. I could recommend Bio Katana, but it's a terribly long grind for something that will get outclassed from one of the rare drop pinata EQs. Even using title rewards it can still be a grind.
Reporting in after putting in a bunch of hours (~15 hours) with my impressions:
I'm glad you're having fun, this game seems to catch people by surprise after a lot seem really resistant to joining due to the perceived language barrier. You can (or anyone else really) can poke me, as my id is the same as my username. Though I think the lowest I have something at is 43?
While true that you'll find more Japanese people on Vita blocks than the norm, the fact that they're playing on Vitas just slow things down too much in my experience. I've definitely been shafted worse by being stuck playing on a Vita than I usually am playing at home.
I was thinking about this.. and I think you may be right. I recall avoiding the Vita blocks for awhile.. but it wasn't until the Elder/Luther event I started going to them when the XHs was all literally full of even premium space. So that could be since the flood of people with the event cause it wasn't even remotely full until the Darker Den EQ first appeared.