This is a naive take on the situation. You are making several assumptions here that simply dont need to be made. 1) Sony has a monopoly. Monopoly in what? Good games? Maybe. But if Sony had a monopoly, the top 20 biggest games of last year would all be exclusive. Instead only 1 of them was a PS exclusive. Miles. The rest are all multiplatform. Even MLB The show now. Even first party stuff like Ratchet and Returnal were MIA. Their revenues arent that far apart. $25 vs $15 billion in 2020 with Nintendo around $17 billion. If anything Nintendo has a monopoly in the handheld market.
2) Sony is running away with the console market unopposed is ridiculous. How are they doing this? They dont have the most powerful console. Havent had one since 2017. Thats 5 years. They didnt have CoD, RDR2, Witcher 3, MGSV, Destiny, Battlefield, Madden, Fifa, Ass Creed or any of the other big F2P shooters that were exclusive. FF7 is literally their only big third party exclusive. So how are they being allowed to run away with the console market unopposed? Since FF7 is the only big game they bought in the 7 years of the PS5 gen, why couldnt MS afford to outbid them? Especially after spending $3.5 billion on Minecraft and acquiring 5 studios in 2018? Why did MS let themselves get outbid for FF16 when they had $7.5 billion to spend on Zenimax?
Again, unopposed? MS has been there with them acquiring more studios in the PS4x1 era and thus buying more AAA exclusives. Sony locked up the biggest JRPG? MS literally bought THE biggest RPG creator.
Buying exclusives is not a new thing. MS started the whole timed DLC bs with CoD in the 360 gen. Sony continued until both dropped it later last gen. Nintendo, Sega and Sony have been buying up third party exclusives since the 90s. It's always been part of the 'game'. Bungie was literally a third party studio before MS bought it in 2000. Doom 3, Half Life, Mass Effect, Bioshock all MS exclusives. It's just what things have always been like.
Whats changed this gen is that MS for whatever reason got sick of being outbid by sony for shit games like Deathpoop, Ghostwire, Foreskin and Godfail. And Im sorry, that should have been a blessing. None of these games even entered the top 20. It's a waste of money for Sony. MS shouldve saved up and went to war against them for FF16. Just like Peter Moore did with GTA4 and FF13. Phil didnt. Instead Phil spent almost $8 billion on Zenimax. Why? $8 billion went you cant spend a $100 million topping Sonys offer?
Why $70 billion when you can simply pay $200-400 million for COD on gamepass every year. If this is about choice, pay up. This is not about choice. It's about limiting choice. I was wondering all of this year and last year why big games like Battlefield, RE8, Guardians of the Galaxy and Elden Rings were not on gamepass. Why is Harry Potter not on gamepass? MS is making $250 million a month from gamepass. $3 billion a year and they cant afford one big AAA game? Of course they can. But its not about choice. Its not about giving gamepass and xbox users more value. It's about putting Sony out of business or put Gamepass on Playstation and the best way to do that is by buying up entire publishers that make the best most popular WRPGs and most popular shooters.
It's for leverage. Not for consumer choice. Everyone sees this. There is nothing wrong with it. It's a big dick move. 'I bought the fucking airline, bitch.' A pro chess move, but lets stop trying to pretend its a pro consumer move. Everyone knows why MS is spending almost a hundred billion when they couldve just spend a few hundred million to match Sonys offers. Sony preventing games to go on gamepass? How? By paying money. Then pay more than Sony. You can afford to, clearly. You have $80 billion in the war chest.
I dont wish for the COD purchase to go through, but it will. I dont see why the govt regulatory bodies that approve the Time Warner and AT&T merger would deny this. Corps always get what they want. But lets not pretend this is a pro-consumer move like Phil is trying to paint it out to be. Thats just naive.