Phil Spencer "There are no “red lines” for which Xbox games will come to PlayStation". Still Looking for Acquisitions, Sees Future Growth.


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Gold Member
Are your sources are still confirming that we will see new Xbox “DTA dard” console around 2026? - separate to handheld?
I am not really supposed to talk much about it but have no reason to believe plans have changed

Wonder if they are going to announce another big port for PS anytime soon.
No idea on ETA but I believe the zealots will start softening the blow very soon (and make it sound like its a great plan even when a year ago they laughed at the idea)

Ev1L AuRoN

A portable device would be awesome, specially if I can have steam on it. That way I can keep all my digital library on a single platform. Just do it Microsoft, make windows less shitty for portable devices.


Gold Journalism

Ev1L AuRoN

You don't have to wait for such a device. There are already plenty of options.

I'm aware, but an Xbox brand might help to solve windows issues in such handhelds.
I expect from Microsoft with all their experience a well crafted console with good specs and OS.
Don't get me wrong. I love the Steam Deck, but unfortunately, for reasons out of Valve's control the gaming support is lacking, specially in games that I play the most.
You're projecting, not a single Xbox fan is batting an eye. That's an image of Playstation fans when Death Stranding was announced and released for Xbox. :messenger_winking_tongue:

To be fair, a majority of PS users here didn’t care about DS coming to Xbox. Just like a majority of Xbox users here don’t give a shit about games going to PlayStation. But the war needs a different narrative.


Just give me Gears E-Day on PS5 Pro and ill sell my Series X

If you think about it this is a rather amusing situation. Indy will likely be best on PS5 Pro, since its far more powerful than Series X. Gears E-Day, if it gets ported too (and I think it will, because its an IP with cross play potential and monetization) will surely be the best on PS5 Pro as well as far as consoles are concerned.


I can only image the anger on the 1 in 20 kids that were all in on Xbox One and haven't upgraded yet or the kids in the +10K January 2024 buyers that bought a new Xbox One being told it isn't an Xbox despite it being more capable in real performance than any common mobile GPU or tv stick and having an actual control pad by default.
I'm not saying Sony is going to head in this direction just because Microsoft is, i'm saying it's highly likely because they will want to make as much money as possible and Microsoft is now showing that it is a viable strategy that potentially makes a butt ton of money for not a huge amount of effort.

How is MS showing this? Have you seen their quarterly reports? They are being held up by their 70 billion dollar purchase of ABK. PS just released their quarterly report and they are making a ton of money. MS hardware sales are horrible (the opposite of what Sony wants to happen). What are you seeing that shows you the strategy by MS is working or that Sony would want to copy?
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I think the new Xbox will be here sooner than people think
After today and the ”This is an Xbox” ad I think you’re right. Literally every device with a browser or the Xbox app is an Xbox in this digital platform future they’re kickstarting now.
I have a $3500 Xbox in the living room now, and some complained at the $700 PS5 Pro lol


Hey, if they release it early but don't have the launch games ready, they are fucked forever in hardware.

This isn't a situation where they should just try to rush any old bullshit to market.

The next Xbox needs very exciting high quality amazing looking console exclusive games on day 1 or it doesn't matter when they release it or what the console is, it will languish in obscurity.

Even moreso if everyone's booty chute is an Xbox already.

I think a launch title like the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout game could do wonders, but how far away is that? They could definitely get by with a new Fable, new Perfect Dark and new Gears, or swap one of those out for Halo, but what won't cut it is how they handled this gen. Doom will already be out. Halo gonna need some work to be exciting again, tbh.
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It possibly couldn't sell worse than the current series consoles.

If what HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 has said in the past is true it will 100% sell less. It's going to be to expensive. Which wont matter to Xbox though they are more concerned with keeping people in the ecosystem. So as long as you're on Xbox one, Series S/X, or the next gen system they release they are fine.


Gold Member
If what HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 has said in the past is true it will 100% sell less. It's going to be to expensive. Which wont matter to Xbox though they are more concerned with keeping people in the ecosystem. So as long as you're on Xbox one, Series S/X, or the next gen system they release they are fine.
I didn't read the whole interview but didnt Spencer say something like they wont grow the market with a $1000 console?

Is he prepping people said priced console is on the horizon but they know it wont sell well

Or is he implying they are not going that route altogether?

Time will tell I guess


They have a console with the upper hand in raw power, by a significant margin, but can only trade wins. Which reinforces my view that there’s a hardware issue.

It is poorly designed though, they’ve made a console that costs them more money to manufacture than a PS5. The bench marks are in their favour but they can’t actually harness this. How are any of those facts trolling?

You seem to contradict yourself. First you say they have the upper hand in raw power, by a significant margin. Then you say it's poorly designed before it's more expensive than the PS5. Which is it? It can't be both. It can't be both significantly more powerful (theoretically speaking) and cost the same.

As to why the XSX isn't consistently outperforming the PS5 can be due to numerous reasons. Slower API, "the tools", less focus on optimizing for a smaller platform and what have you.

Claiming the XSX is a bad console is just trolling though.
I didn't read the whole interview but didnt Spencer say something like they wont grow the market with a $1000 console?

Is he prepping people said priced console is on the horizon but they know it wont sell well

Or is he implying they are not going that route altogether?

Time will tell I guess

I don't see a reason to say that other than to alert people you are about to release a very high priced console. He could have said $700 and make it look like he's taking a jab at Sony. He could have said $800, $900. He went all the way to $1000 and I don't believe it was an accident.

I guess one other possibility is to get people worried about next gen prices and start looking at other options i.e. cloud, PC gaming which would benefit them. That's such a weird and useless game to play though so I don't see why he would waste his time trying to do that.
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I don't see a reason to say that other than to alert people you are about to release a very high priced console. He could have said $700 and make it look like he's taking a jab at Sony. He could have said $800, $900. He went all the way to $1000 and I don't believe it was an accident.

It might just be me, but I don't see any reason why Microsoft would or should release a $1000 console. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time they as a company made some odd decisions.
I’m a firm believer that the old model of paying for niche games development that enriches the portfolio of your platform was way better than the profit driven first party of today. That’s where different systems and their exclusives take a part in enrich our medium. I’ve always defended this but it’s very obvious now that they are gone everywhere but in Nintendo how bland we have it today.

Also let’s talk how every time Phil is forced to admit that he must release games in PlayStation he looses 10 years of life:
Dude looks exhausted. No wonder If you are constantly in third place.😂🤣🙈


Gold Member
Xbox community is now spreading the word

Yeah it’s over

Wow, even Colt is admitting that MS is going all-in on multiplatform. He acknowledges that it isn't what he expected or wanted to hear. Like a lot of Xbox fans, he wanted Halo, Gears, and Forza to be kept exclusive. But there is no "red line," and so no further need to "hold the line."

The comments to that video do not exude happiness. A few samples:

"Phil Spencer, the man that saved and killed Xbox."
"Pretty much all this tells me is I will probably never buy an Xbox console ever again."
"Halo and Gears going to PlayStation is just gonna be weird tbh."
"RIP Xbox consoles. You had two amazing ones, one that is pretty good [....]. What a sad day."
"I don't understand. They basically said f the fans. Now there's absolutely no reason I own an Xbox."
"Well that's that. Thanks Phil....we appreciate you throwing away the fandom. Guess we'll all be buying Playstations or PCs now. Wonderful...."

A few others say it's fine, but "oh crap" is the predominant sentiment.
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