Dang I missed this what happens?When you're on Case 5, Investigation Day 2 after the first checkpoint, make sure youPresent Edgeworth with any item that doesn't cause a unique reaction out of him (The Attorney Badge works). You get a nice Easter Egg.
You can jump straight to this part of the game by choosing Chapter Select if you want to try it out.Dang I missed this what happens?
Yeah whoever was in charge of that in localisation needs to sit back and reflect.
It's probably a fake name, at least.Peeslub'n Ahndastan'dhin is the real standout for me because of how unnatural and just plain dumb it sounds
Case 2
Roger Retinz = "Ratings Raja"
Spoilers don't cover pictures on mobileFound a localization error in the start of case 5:
They accidently called it sushi when it clearly are hamburgers.
so how is some of the stuff in japan script?
Is everythinglore wise for ch5 stuff?Khura'in -> Japan
Or is there a middle country like how the US script is everything is,lol.Khura'in -> Japan -> US
Spoilers don't cover pictures on mobile
Why not just remove it and just say there was a picture of sushi? There are two huge spoilers in that picture, it's a total dick move to leave it up.If "Show pictures" is turned off in the options they do.
Why not just remove it and just say there was a picture of sushi? There are two huge spoilers in that picture, it's a total dick move to leave it up.
Well technically (huge case 5 spoiler)
he is not Dhurke, is Maya
I fail to see the second spoiler
Him being Apollo's father is something you learn really early. And without the context you don't know even who is he speaking with
If "Show pictures" is turned off in the options they do.
Why not just remove it and just say there was a picture of sushi? There are two huge spoilers in that picture, it's a total dick move to leave it up.
Just link to the image like any courteous posters. Or just post it in the damn spoiler thread instead.
This happens in every visual novel thread, people start to get super lax with spoilers after a week.
I'm still on chapter four but have been spoiled on chapter five multiple times due to weak spoiler tags.
They probably could have localized the soba as spaghetti if they wanted to lol
Man I finished it but...
I wonder if being a long term AA fan ruined these games for me (in solving them I mean) Cause I called stuff way before it happened every case. Still managed to suprise me along the way. And what a ride it was!
You can speed up the text speed in the options! Highly recommended.
I feel stupid. I didn't get it and thought it wasPurhay Zeh'lot = "Prays a lot" (BONUS ROUND: "Zeh'lot" is a homonym for "Zealot," or "a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals")
I didn't get this one either ;~;. I was likeDatz Are'bel = "That's a rebel"
I kept readingTaifu Toneido = "Typhoon" + "Tornado"
In case you're stupid, like I am, he's sarcastically calling this game AJ2. Don't highlight if you aren't into case five yet.I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who isn't enjoying Apollo Justice 2's case 5. Not so much that it's poorly written, but it's hitting all the notes that I don't want. I'm at trial 1 of case 5.
- No phoenix and Maya case in the game.
- The game being called PWAA despite clearly being an AJAA game.
- Phoenix's relations to the situation being flimsy at best and Apollo's relation to the whole thing being dumped on you in case 5 alone.
- Apollo is apparently a better lawyer than Phoenix, the latter of whom has 10 years more experience.
- Apollo vs Phoenix, probably to show that the student has surpassed the master really, really quickly.
- Phoenix had one real case. Minority of the cases belong to him in his own game.
DD probably fellated Phoenix a bit too much, but I wasn't expecting this game to push Phoenix out of the spotlight this hard.
I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who isn't enjoying Apollo Justice 2's case 5. Not so much that it's poorly written, but it's hitting all the notes that I don't want, so these aren't genuine criticisms. I'm at trial 1 of case 5 (SPOILERS FOR PWAA6:SoJ)
- No phoenix and Maya case in the game.
- The game being called PWAA despite clearly being an AJAA game.
- Phoenix's relations to the situation being flimsy at best and Apollo's relation to the whole thing being dumped on you in case 5 alone.
- Apollo is apparently a better lawyer than Phoenix, the latter of whom has 10 years more experience.
- Apollo vs Phoenix, probably to show that the student has surpassed the master really, really quickly.
- Phoenix had one real case. Minority of the cases belong to him in his own game.
DD probably fellated Phoenix a bit too much, but I wasn't expecting this game to push Phoenix out of the spotlight this hard.
On the other hand I've been smitten by Rayfa who's been great so far.
Oh, it's definitely a marketing thing dude. I'm pretty sure that's why Phoenix has an attorney badge in the first place at this point. It's one of the biggest flaws with the series post-AJ, but I can deal with it if we keep getting new games.There is no case where Phoenix and Maya investigate a case like old times. And I can't help but see the Phoenix vs Apollo thing as the game saying that Apollo has surpassed his master. Yes, Phoenix is arguing a false case, because he was written to do so, because the battle served a purpose. I just don't feel it though. I think that it happened far too fast.
That's the thing. I feel that the game is called PWAA almost solely for marketing purposes. The only thing that could ever so slightly warrant it being called PWAA is that you occasionally see Maya in case 3. The game is very, very clearly about Apollo more than it is about Phoenix.
And Case 5 feels odd in that Phoenix was at the center of the entire Khura'in situation up to that point, but then suddenly Apollo comes out of nowhere, gets a billion things that connect him to said situation, Phoenix gets shoved out of the spotlight and becomes an opponent for you to defeat.
Do I like the game? Certainly. It has hugr flaws, but I'm enjoying my time with it. I was just expecting a Phoenix Wright game, that's all.
Are all the DLC cases joke, non-canon cases or something like that, or are they full fledged ones like in DD? I remember seeing something like that during japanese streams back then but maybe I got it all wrong. I still bought the first one to support the series and because of the theme lol.
I got to the first (?) trial of the 5th case last nightand wow, has this been a roller coaster. I remember seeing something hinting it during a trailer but I thought it was a red herring like other things in it. I'm really excited to see how this scalates, but I'm already fairly satisfied with Apollo's development. I'm not a huge fan of him because I find him rather dull as protagonist and past efforts to give him an interesting past have been baffling and I thought it was gonna be the case again but nope, Dhurke is great and their relationship is pretty touching so far, I hope they don't screw up.
Oh and the 4th case...That was fun but damn, you guys weren't joking about it being filler. It was the literal definition of filler. I think it's been the only time that a case felt like this, and it added absolutely nothing to the overall story, not even a semi important line from Nahyuta at the end. But eh, the characters were nice and I love Athena and Simon so I enjoyed it nonetheless and lmao seeing Simon as part of the defense is one of the most entertaining things I've seen in the series. I just wish it was better placed.
I don't know how I feel about Nahyuta either yet. He can be amusing at times, but he can get pretty nasty out of nowhere...That was just bad.He does stuff not even Franziska or Edgeworth at his worst would do like getting the gallery against Athena to stress her out due to being able to hear their hearts and being a rookie.
But yeah, so far the game has been excellent. I think my only complaint is the bizarrely constant use of flashbacks lol.
This is actually a QoL thing that I love. I grew up in the Monkey Island era of adventure games and I've grown tired of the pixel hunt.so far what bothers me the most is finding the hidden stuff in the areas.
it's way too easy with the point and click indicators lighting up + being checked off after search.
so far what bothers me the most is finding the hidden stuff in the areas.
it's way too easy with the point and click indicators lighting up + being checked off after search.
Two of the DLC cases are short non-canon bits. One is a full canon case.