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Physical game collectors... what does a game have to fail at to get you to trade it in and recoup some losses?

This weekend I finally broke and traded in a game at GameStop (after checking the trade in value). This has been the first "new gen" game I have gotten rid of and I started out truly loving the game. To put this in perspective I've got other games that were less than stellar (Callisto Protocol) and others that I couldn't finish because it didn't hook me (Horizon Forbidden West) but I've never considered trading these games in. The game in question in my opinion was guilty of not respecting my time, not building upon systems in previous entries, stale story, and most egregiously had the most boring repetitive gameplay loop i've seen in a good long while.

Got $44 put in prob 20+ hours and it really felt like a chore so I cut my losses and split the credit towards AC6 and Lords of the Fallen. I'm happy with my decision. What sins does a game have to commit in order to get you to dump it?
Back when I used to buy physical, the biggest factor would be multiplayer. I'd try and keep on the lookout for a downward trend in playerbase or a publisher like EA potentially pulling the plug on servers or patches. That was the moment I would decide to sell before the disc became worthless. I think Anthem was the last game I did that for.
Back when I used to buy physical, the biggest factor would be multiplayer. I'd try and keep on the lookout for a downward trend in playerbase or a publisher like EA potentially pulling the plug on servers or patches. That was the moment I would decide to sell before the disc became worthless. I think Anthem was the last game I did that for.
Def makes sense with multiplayer games, especially full price ones.


If I won't have any interest in finishing it and never will because it sucks mechanically or is so unbearable in another way I simply refuse to endure it any longer. If it's that bad, and there has been instances, then I sell it.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
I only buy physical games that I know I'm going to keep. The only time I sell/trade them in is if I get later prints of the games I have in my collection with all DLCs on disc/cart (e.g. GOTY/complete editions).


I stopped trading in games once I realised what a huge fuck up I’d made trading in my sega Saturn collection for an Xbox 360 back in the day. Just to give you an idea of what I traded...

Modded Saturn, region free with 60hz mod


Athlete kings
Burning rangers
Bug 2
Burning rangers
Clockwork Knight 1&2
Christmas knights
Command and conquer
Daytona USA
Daytona USA champ edition
Deep fear
Die hard arcade
Duke Nukem 3D
Elevator action returns
Fighters mega mix
Fighting vipers
Guardian heroes
Hang on gp
Last bronx
Manx TT
Marvel super heroes
Marvel vs street fighter
Nights into dreams with pad
Panzer dragoon
Panzer dragoon zwei
Panzer dragoon saga
Resident evil
Sega rally
Sega touring car
Sega world wide soccer
Sega worldwide soccer 98
Shining force 3
Sonic jam
Sonic R
Street fighter alpha
Street fighter alpha 2
The house of the dead
Vampire saviour
Virtua cop
Virtua cop 2
Virtua fighter
Virtua fighter remix
Virtua fighter 2
Virtua fighter kids
Virtual on
Winter heat
Wipeout 2097
Xmen vs street fighter
Xmen children of the atom
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if i like, i keep.

dont like? sell.

have no interest in keeping games i dont like.

Basically this. I'm fairly judicious in the games I purchase and usually can be pretty sure I'll like it, which is why I get it to begin with. But if I end up not liking it much, I'll sell it. The latest would be Metroid Prime Remastered. I'm not going to play it again, so I have no reason to keep it.
Basically this. I'm fairly judicious in the games I purchase and usually can be pretty sure I'll like it, which is why I get it to begin with. But if I end up not liking it much, I'll sell it. The latest would be Metroid Prime Remastered. I'm not going to play it again, so I have no reason to keep it.
I bought into the nostalgia hype on that game and realized once I started that I really have no desire to play through it again all these years later. I'll prob still hang on to it tho because nintendo makes false scarcity with their games by not producing enough physical copies.


Pacing, if it is low paced and is not translated to Spanish, I’ll drop it.

If it is fast paced and not translated is fine.

Happened to me with RDR2 (and I loved the first one)


Traded in Halo 4 for Witcher 2 and Dishonored can't remember what I got for Halo 4 but I was glad to be rid of it and got two great games I actually enjoyed.

I wish I could have traded in the Sega collection on switch but I bought digital, I didn't think they could fuck up emulation that bad and make the latency in the controls that terrible.

Games I refunded on steam
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds

Wish I could have refunded but I tried to give it a chance.

Sword art online fatal bullet


Not wanting to replay the game doesn’t mean it has failed at anything. I buy tons of games, a game can still be great while also leaving me not wanting to play it again. Especially if I’ve done everything.


Can’t Git Gud
It has to be as bad as Callisto Protocol.
Terrible designed game, offendingly bad story and combat... and then they make you fight the one and only boss like 5 times and backtrack... only to give you terrible ending.
I sold that bitch.

I also sold Detroit become human. I couldn't take nazi robot camps


I try not to sell physical copies anymore, because it can be a pain in the ass to deal with potential buyers. It has to be a giant fail on my side related to not doing proper research or if the game ends up incredibly buggy.
I stopped trading in games once I realised what a huge fuck up I’d made trading in my sega Saturn collection for an Xbox 360 back in the day. Just to give you an idea of what I traded...

Modded Saturn, region free with 60hz mod


Athlete kings
Burning rangers
Bug 2
Burning rangers
Clockwork Knight 1&2
Christmas knights
Command and conquer
Daytona USA
Daytona USA champ edition
Deep fear
Die hard arcade
Duke Nukem 3D
Elevator action returns
Fighters mega mix
Fighting vipers
Guardian heroes
Hang on gp
Last bronx
Manx TT
Marvel super heroes
Marvel vs street fighter
Nights into dreams with pad
Panzer dragoon
Panzer dragoon zwei
Panzer dragoon saga
Resident evil
Sega rally
Sega touring car
Sega world wide soccer
Sega worldwide soccer 98
Shining force 3
Sonic jam
Sonic R
Street fighter alpha
Street fighter alpha 2
The house of the dead
Vampire saviour
Virtua cop
Virtua cop 2
Virtua fighter
Virtua fighter remix
Virtua fighter 2
Virtua fighter kids
Virtual on
Winter heat
Wipeout 2097
Xmen vs street fighter
Xmen children of the atom
throw up team america GIF

I got nauseous looking at that list. WTF MAN?!
Not wanting to replay the game doesn’t mean it has failed at anything. I buy tons of games, a game can still be great while also leaving me not wanting to play it again. Especially if I’ve done everything.
I agree, however, in this case I was not able to even force myself to complete the game. Free time is not something I have tons of to spare at the moment, maybe once I retire in 30 years I'll be more forgiving lol.


For me, way back when, it was replay factor.
If I wasn't remotely interested in playing again even years from now or a better version surfaced I'd sell.
Sometimes I fell for the hype and just simply ended up not liking it.
Other times it was impulse purchases that I regretted because the game sucked.


You could've just listed Clockwork Knight 1 and 2 and I would've slapped you silly.
More burning rangers for me, not even because of the silly price it goes for these days but it’s legit one of my all time fave games.

I did get a japanese copy a few years back with the mini cd that has the soundtrack on it though. It’s just not the same tho.
Also really had a soft spot for bug.


I should also say, I haven't really traded into GameStop in recent years. Not because I want to keep the games, but because going into a GameStop in 2023 is so insufferable, that the high end of their trade in values ($25ish?) isn't worth it. You couldn't give me $100 to go there and deal with the dopes behind the counter.
I should also say, I haven't really traded into GameStop in recent years. Not because I want to keep the games, but because going into a GameStop in 2023 is so insufferable, that the high end of their trade in values ($25ish?) isn't worth it. You couldn't give me $100 to go there and deal with the dopes behind the counter.
I did just get $44 for the trade-in there, and i think the guy behind the counter messed up because I told him to split it and put it towards Armored Core 6 and Lords of the Fallen (both games I know I will enjoy and will purchase anyway) and he ended up putting $26 on each game somehow. So I really got out ahead on this ONE instance at GameStop, however in my youth I've given them thousands of dollars worth of games for peanuts so I'm not condoning their behavior or business practices.
I traded in a lot of old games and systems when I was younger, and that was a big mistake so I’ve stopped doing that for the most part. The only time I’ll consider now is if there are incentives that bring it close to private party selling price, and that’s due to convenience. I haven’t sold a ton of games in recent memory but I have no problem selling if I don’t care much about the game or if it’s really expensive and I want to cash in.

If there is a better version of the game, I have no problems selling it. Nowadays we get a lot of re-releases so I don’t really need the original Tony Hawk games when I have the 1 & 2 remake on PS4. Othe games get release in compilations or with extra features that don’t make keeping the original worth it. Super Mario 3D World is like that - why bother with the Wii-U when you have Bowser’s Fury? Sure there are still collectors of the originals, and that’s who I’ll sell my copies to. Win-win for each of us.


I sold my consoles last gen but not the games. Truth be told I hated both consoles after how long that gen lasted lol.

I used to sell a lot of my stuff back when I was a broke student, I think about it sometimes but then I cant be arsed to list stuff on marketplace or driving to gamestop to get peanuts I don't need.
There's not really a fail state. It's more like "will I ever play this again?" If not, I'll consider selling, depending on what I can get for it. Also, if I decide I will play it again in the future, "has it been ported or remastered?" If a port or remaster is easily available, that helps me sell a game as well.


I sell most of my physical games when I'm done with them.
The benefit of living in a small town is that while the market is smaller there's usually always people looking for used games and you can sell them quickly (if it's something somewhat new and well known).

I used to keep most of them before, partially because I liked to have a collection but also because I wanted to have them available if I ever felt like replaying them.
But eventually I realized I gained nothing from having a bunch of discs on a shelf loosing value, I think when I was moving in 2013-2014 it just struck me how my collection of Ps3 games that I probably paid $500+ for was worth maybe $150 now with how games devalue. I also accepted that I very rarely replay games, and when I do so it's usually years later so simply rebuying the game on sale for like $15 isn't a big loss (and that's if I haven't gotten it already through Ps+ or some bundle). And that's before accounting for re-releases and remasters these days, like if I want to replay Mass Effect 2 do I go to my 720p 25fps copy on Ps3 or do I play the 4K 60fps remaster on Ps5?

These days I only keep games if I think they are truly special, or if I really like the physical edition (like the Steelbox of some of the souls games)
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Just for the sake of discussion, what was the last game you traded and what didn't you like about it that made you dump it?
gta5 on x360.

was super excited for it; basically ended up hating it.
felt like a huge step backwards from gta4.

before that crowbcat video, i could barely find anyone that agreed with me about the crappy driving, cop AI, euphoria physics implementation, etc.

sold it thinking, "maybe ill play it on pc one day with 1000 mods". ended up just moving on.


I stopped trading in games once I realised what a huge fuck up I’d made trading in my sega Saturn collection for an Xbox 360 back in the day. Just to give you an idea of what I traded...

Modded Saturn, region free with 60hz mod


Athlete kings
Burning rangers
Bug 2
Burning rangers
Clockwork Knight 1&2
Christmas knights
Command and conquer
Daytona USA
Daytona USA champ edition
Deep fear
Die hard arcade
Duke Nukem 3D
Elevator action returns
Fighters mega mix
Fighting vipers
Guardian heroes
Hang on gp
Last bronx
Manx TT
Marvel super heroes
Marvel vs street fighter
Nights into dreams with pad
Panzer dragoon
Panzer dragoon zwei
Panzer dragoon saga
Resident evil
Sega rally
Sega touring car
Sega world wide soccer
Sega worldwide soccer 98
Shining force 3
Sonic jam
Sonic R
Street fighter alpha
Street fighter alpha 2
The house of the dead
Vampire saviour
Virtua cop
Virtua cop 2
Virtua fighter
Virtua fighter remix
Virtua fighter 2
Virtua fighter kids
Virtual on
Winter heat
Wipeout 2097
Xmen vs street fighter
Xmen children of the atom


I think the only game I've ever traded in was some random Universal Studios mini-game collection thing on Gamecube, and I'm not sure where I even got that from. Pretty sure I got something like $4 for it at Gamestop and put that towards buying Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2.
Limited Run's physical release of DOOM: The Classics Collection
I was so hyped to have a physical copy of the first three DOOM games that I pre ordered it on my 21st birthday as a gift for myself. I even pre ordered the collector's edition.
But then word got around that there were DRM issues on the cartridge that meant if your Switch couldn't connect to the internet, the games would not launch. At all.
Not only that, but inserting the cartridge into your Switch meant infecting the digital copies of those games.
I sold my copy out of disgust. It is SUCH a Bethesda thing to do, to accidentally leave DRM on the physical copy of a 30 year old open-source game that MAKES IT UNPLAYABLE WITHOUT INTERNET, but I was also disgusted by Limited Run trying as hard as they could to ignore the issue.

So my answer is, when the physical copy doesn't do what a physical copy should do.
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I stopped trading in games once I realised what a huge fuck up I’d made trading in my sega Saturn collection for an Xbox 360 back in the day. Just to give you an idea of what I traded...

Modded Saturn, region free with 60hz mod


Athlete kings
Burning rangers
Bug 2
Burning rangers
Clockwork Knight 1&2
Christmas knights
Command and conquer
Daytona USA
Daytona USA champ edition
Deep fear
Die hard arcade
Duke Nukem 3D
Elevator action returns
Fighters mega mix
Fighting vipers
Guardian heroes
Hang on gp
Last bronx
Manx TT
Marvel super heroes
Marvel vs street fighter
Nights into dreams with pad
Panzer dragoon
Panzer dragoon zwei
Panzer dragoon saga
Resident evil
Sega rally
Sega touring car
Sega world wide soccer
Sega worldwide soccer 98
Shining force 3
Sonic jam
Sonic R
Street fighter alpha
Street fighter alpha 2
The house of the dead
Vampire saviour
Virtua cop
Virtua cop 2
Virtua fighter
Virtua fighter remix
Virtua fighter 2
Virtua fighter kids
Virtual on
Winter heat
Wipeout 2097
Xmen vs street fighter
Xmen children of the atom
Christ you fucked up...😦

On topic, I'm a collector. It makes no difference if I end up disliking it. Hell I've bought games I had no intention of ever playing.

Looking through my own collection some of them are worth quite a lot. But alas, I'm not in it to sell them.


Besides playing games, I guess I collect them.

More importantly, Gamestop's trade in values are pretty much offensive and I'd rather throw it away then letting them upsell.
Yes well at this point it's almost a game in itself trying to find a brand new game that doesn't already look like it was thrown in the trash. I witnessed an Elden Ring that looked like someone took a bite out of it with multiple teeth marks and they had the audacity to claim it was "brand new".

The CD cases for PS1 and Dreamcast were good enough for games if you took care of them and they rarely suffered damage from production or shipment to stores and I wish we could go back to them after years of dealing with damaged game cases or artwork. It's not like they even need full manuals for them now so they can just be like music CD's.
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