Here we go again with this, like every week ? Month ? Like if people going full digital always need to shout it to the world to be conforted in their choice, that's hilarious every single time.
And that false assumption "hey, nowadays physical is always a code in a box anyways". No it isn't AT ALL (for consoles obviously), stop spreading bullshit infos, they are EXCEPTIONS, but believe what you want and if your prefer to give your ownership rights to some random corporates that doesn't give a shit about you but only care about your money, enjoy !
Also, a physical 1.0 game is perfectly playable, that's why the GOLD status is for, and without any patches (the ones that aren't are truely exceptions but digital folks loves to spread disinformation, like if they gave up on the truth when going digital and to spread bullshit hyperbolic lies or at least, uninformed facts) and it's always better than NOTHING once servers will shutdown inevitably.
The more the people are going full digital, the less you will have choices in every aspects (platform, prices, games, preservation..) and just forget everything about ownership, as long it's not regulated by some laws, you'll own NOTHING.
But, hey, It's your right to own nothing and be happy, so be happy !
That's bulllshit, nothing is REQUIRED, you can play without any patches, that's spreading disinformation.