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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool

A view of the entire universe. Super clusters of galaxies connected together by filaments. Somewhere in there would be the Milky Way, and the Solar System, and our Sun, and Earth.


A distance of one million parsecs (approximately 3,260,000 light-years) is one Megaparsec (Mpc)

Not all the universe can be observed from Earth.


There's something I like about the geometry and dynamics of this picture but I can't explain why. Can anyone with knowledge in art tell me more about it?

Though I'm no super studied pro my guess would be the combination of composition, colour and sort of iconic queues(knife, beautiful lady, possibly the halo) that would trigger something of your interest.

Composition can pretty very effective with the dramatic effect of a piece. The golden mean is supposed to be the best reference to creating an awesome composition, however dividing a picture into thirds helps as well ( focus of this picture is in the top 6th even squared corner , the point where the first division of thirds meet ). Use of negative space gives the eye breathing room. The focus of the picture is most obviously defined with some of the lightest areas and darkest areas of the entirety of the picture. And another huge factor will be contrasting colours.

red/green are exact opposing colours on the colour wheel, though red/blue is usually more popular as contrasting colours for a piece (in contemporary art i find anyway). Those types of combinations are very effective and used in a lot of advertising, hence the blue/orange motif in movie posters.

That's my take on it anyway. I'm sure it could probably be dissected even more, and probably more accurately by someone who's actually taken classes in fine art and paid attention in theory classes.


Some pictures from Syria (I left out the violent ones):

Those photographers have balls of steel.

Damn...I clicked the source and saw all the pics. Made me all teary eyed. Look at those kids crying in the middle of war, when they should instead be playing and having a loving mom & dad there for them. These kids are scarred for life, if they even survive.

And all the bodies...and the shooting.

Makes me fucking depressed, for real.
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