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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool


biodegradable cigarette butts with seeds

Mh, the greenbutts website doesn't mention anything about seeds. The filters are fully biodegradable though.
I'm not sure this would work as the heat would kill most seeds. There may be some more heat-resistant species, but if they can find the right conditions for growing is another question (and if the seeds are affected by the Nicotine toxin).

Karlsruuuhe represent! (too dusty for me :p) I always hope it rains before the Fest :)

haha I was wondering if someone will pinpoint the city :D
The color dust is manageable if you wear sunglasses and hold your breath (some were using mouth protection but it's not really necessary unless you get hit by surprise).
Looking at my shower, you wouldn't want any rain though ;)



During stress, patients in mental institutes were strapped in a suspended armchair and whirled rapidly, after which a normal patient would be dizzy but a psychotic will not. Location: Worchester, MA, US Date taken: August 1949.



Photographer Kawika Singson getting up close and personal with lava as his shoes and tripod begin to catch fire.


I love this as I have a black New Beetle myself.

Anyone else try this? Just decided it sounded amazing and I have everything on hand.

It did NOT turn out like the picture! It's likely a mix of either using too-large eggs or my slices of bread being far too small but the egg, meat, and cheese took up much more room than what's shown. I sort of feared this but I pressed on anyhow.

I actually started by buttering the bread because I figured it'd be getting flipped and I wanted it to grill nicely like a grilled cheese. I also used eggs that are on the verge of being too old so the yolks were raised a bit too high so I broke the yolks to make things fit a little better. From there upon seeing the meat and cheese being too large I tore them into smaller chunks and scattered them into the egg. It was then when I tried to cap it with the original piece of bread that was cut out that everything went everywhere.

I made two of them side-by-side and honestly they're edible. The first one was really good and the second tasted peculiar, likely owing to the old eggs that I used.

I initially envisioned this would be thrice grilled as I expected the first time being the outer section of bread, egg, meat, and cheese. And then after those cooked well enough I figured I'd flip it and grilled the backside with the replaced inner bread and lastly throw another slice of buttered bread back onto the egg showing front side to keep everything in the center and have grilled bread on both the front and back. This was unnecessary as the egg cooked well enough that it actually held firm and probably should have even been browned a little longer to make things less runny.

Just figured I'd share my experience. It wasn't a complete disaster but I think next time I'll use half a slice of meat and cheese for each "sandwich" I create since there was simply too much in there causing everything to ooze everywhere and make the back side a mess.

Oh, and for the person asking about the finished shot in the instructions it's because they cut the finished slice in half and folded it over. You can see that from the egg halves meeting in the middle and the two layers of meat and cheese.


Anyone else try this? Just decided it sounded amazing and I have everything on hand.

It did NOT turn out like the picture! It's likely a mix of either using too-large eggs or my slices of bread being far too small but the egg, meat, and cheese took up much more room than what's shown. I sort of feared this but I pressed on anyhow.

I actually started by buttering the bread because I figured it'd be getting flipped and I wanted it to grill nicely like a grilled cheese. I also used eggs that are on the verge of being too old so the yolks were raised a bit too high so I broke the yolks to make things fit a little better. From there upon seeing the meat and cheese being too large I tore them into smaller chunks and scattered them into the egg. It was then when I tried to cap it with the original piece of bread that was cut out that everything went everywhere.

I made two of them side-by-side and honestly they're edible. The first one was really good and the second tasted peculiar, likely owing to the old eggs that I used.

I initially envisioned this would be thrice grilled as I expected the first time being the outer section of bread, egg, meat, and cheese. And then after those cooked well enough I figured I'd flip it and grilled the backside with the replaced inner bread and lastly throw another slice of buttered bread back onto the egg showing front side to keep everything in the center and have grilled bread on both the front and back. This was unnecessary as the egg cooked well enough that it actually held firm and probably should have even been browned a little longer to make things less runny.

Just figured I'd share my experience. It wasn't a complete disaster but I think next time I'll use half a slice of meat and cheese for each "sandwich" I create since there was simply too much in there causing everything to ooze everywhere and make the back side a mess.

Oh, and for the person asking about the finished shot in the instructions it's because they cut the finished slice in half and folded it over. You can see that from the egg halves meeting in the middle and the two layers of meat and cheese.

Make a normal samich, soak it in beaten eggs (like a french toast but with less eggs) grill it for about 3-4 minutes, enjoy.
Make a normal samich, soak it in beaten eggs (like a french toast but with less eggs) grill it for about 3-4 minutes, enjoy.

Thought of doing just that as well as making grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with french toast. But I sort of like this way and also only requires a single slice of bread per sandwich as the egg closes up its side nicely. A good was to conserve on bread use a bit since I feel like I eat too much of it sometimes, heh.

But thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a shot and see how I feel. I'm always up for different sandwich ideas.

And now I'll quit discussing sandwiches in this thread!

Photographer Kawika Singson getting up close and personal with lava as his shoes and tripod begin to catch fire.

Still wondering how he did it. He explained, that it's staged in the sense that he posed for this photo for a few seconds before it was too hot (and not someone observing him casually while he slowly takes his own pics with that tripod or whatever).
But they must have also added something easily flammable to the tripod and his shoes. The heat necessary to this w/o tricks would certainly be possible on a lava field, but I doubt you could stand it for even a second, or even get out alive (plus rubber/metal melts first / rubber burns with a lot of smoke).
Or maybe it was windy and only the first few cm of the air above that lava crust were that hot.


That girl in the bunny hat
Still wondering how he did it. He explained, that it's staged in the sense that he posed for this photo for a few seconds before it was too hot (and not someone observing him casually while he slowly takes his own pics with that tripod or whatever).
But they must have also added something easily flammable to the tripod and his shoes. The heat necessary to this w/o tricks would certainly be possible on a lava field, but I doubt you could stand it for even a second, or even get out alive (plus rubber/metal melts first / rubber burns with a lot of smoke).
Or maybe it was windy and only the first few cm of the air above that lava crust were that hot.

He used some accelerant. They talked about it on the local news, because it's the sort of thing local news talks about.



Ghoulish mud man from the Asaro River Valley, New Guinea, dons a helmet of dried clay and smears mud over his body to portray an evil spirit. National Geographic, July 1969.


Three Asaro Mud Men by Irving Penn, New Guinea, 1970.


By Irving Penn.

McManus said he would often come home from flying to find that Shadow had scratched up the doors and floors while he was away. At the flight park Shadow could run but was often times on the ground chasing him from below as he made his flights. Shadow has even been to known to try to hold onto McManus’ boots with his teeth in order to get in the air. “It felt like he wanted to keep me safe.”
With Shadow wanting nothing more than to be with him, about nine years ago McManus had a specialty harness made from the skin of a durable duffle bag and the two have been flying together since.







This is such a sad picture, this means the polar bear is so hungry it will do anything for food. Normally polar bears stay away from ships, but it seems, it had no choice.

Another dying species. Just read Douglas Adams "last chance to see" again and the dolphin he wrote about is already extinct.
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