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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool


Ezalc said:

Put some of the blue ones to the red drop and create purple abdomens!


Arjen said:
In Paris, you can buy a beer at McDonald's

I have no idea if this is actually true

Yes you can buy beers at McDonald's here. But you have to buy food with it. Didn't know you couldn't in the US.


Neo Member
Yes, you can buy a beer at McDonalds in Paris. Or at least, it used to be possible. I have not been there for over a decade, so who knows how things might have changed?

edit: I replied a bit late there, should have refreshed the page before replying..

"Whadda they call a whopper?"

Le Whopper?

Eteric Rice

sw33tclyde said:
I was on vacation in Yellowstone Nat'l Park last week and took this photo:

Click for giant resolution

You now realize that you're standing on a volcano powerful enough to fuck up Amerca, and the Earth, for a few years.


JustEscaped said:
Yes, you can buy a beer at McDonalds in Paris. Or at least, it used to be possible. I have not been there for over a decade, so who knows how things might have changed?

edit: I replied a bit late there, should have refreshed the page before replying..

"Whadda they call a whopper?"

Le Whopper?

He didn't go to Burger King.
SteveWinwood said:
I've done this. In a movie theater. Don't judge me.
I'm not judging but did you spend like $5 for a soda cup and then use it to hide a beer you snuck in? (Ok, I guess based on the answer I may be judging.)
itsgreen said:
Can't you just buy beer at the theater, or just take it in without having to hide it in a cup, like a bag or something?

Most US movie theater chains don't sell beer. Only specific local places, and they can be pretty hard to find.


iidesuyo said:
In the US they don't even sell beer at McDonald's or Burger King.

Definitely not McD's or BK, but Wehrenberg Theaters (theater chain in the midwest, near the St. Louis area) sells draft and bottled beer. Not that anyone buys it, since it's like 8 bucks for a glass and 10 for a bottle.
Lionel Mandrake said:
Most US movie theater chains don't sell beer. Only specific local places, and they can be pretty hard to find.

That and at least as far as the UK is concerned, if the theater does sell beer, it's overpriced just as much as everything else however unlike the soft drinks, you don't get a huge cup. I think I paid £3 for a 274ml budweiser in a plastic bottle... just for the novelty.

Cat Party

nilbog21 said:
this has to be BS, i was driving around y esterday and none of the stop signs in my neighborhood had stickers on the back :|
It is definitely BS for the most part. If you look at your state and local laws, there is probably a statute or ordinance that says traffic laws apply on private roads and parking lots in at least some circumstances.
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