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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool


anyone got a location? Assume it's somewhere in germany or switzerland (or somewhere else in the alps)

I have mixed feelings watching that picture... first I'm sad that so many people, while facing such a wonderful landscape, decide to watch it through their phone. But then if they didn't, I wouldn't be watching it right now. :p



There's always a bigger fish, or something like that


What are these? Mines? Particle accelerators?

I don't remember, as it's been a while since I found those pics. I always include the information with the pics, if it's been provided in the source.

EDIT: The last two seem to be more or less modified.


Something weird with the perspective?
Guy in the tree is like 3 times bigger than then guy on the ground.

This is actually a big pull-out poster in the latest National Geographic. The caption for the photo reads; "The figure at the top seems taller than the other climbers because he's standing forward on one of the great limbs." The upper limbs are spread much further out from the trunk, so he's closer to the camera.


Quoted for size.

Aerial view of Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa in the Maldives.


The NanEye is the smallest digital camera in the world, that measures about one cubic millimeter in size, or no bigger than a grain of salt. It is intended for medical use.
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