rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
lol... over 9000
<3 the internet.
Where is aguirre..? Last Activity: 03-08-2013 11:13 PM
quit being mean
Where is aguirre..?
How the hell are sloths not extinct yet anyway?
Despite sloths' apparent defencelessness, predators do not pose special problems: sloths blend in with the trees and, moving only slowly, do not attract attention. Only during their infrequent visits to ground level do they become vulnerable. The main predators of sloths are the jaguar, the harpy eagle, and humans. The majority of recorded sloth deaths in Costa Rica are due to contact with electrical lines and poachers.
How the hell are sloths not extinct yet anyway?
Sloths aren't extinct because they're adorable.
If you change my name, I will cut you.
Professor Sloth
(Today, 12:06 AM)
yeah spit the truth!
(Today, 12:17 AM)
Well, that escalated quick.
aw Jobi banned. The guy's like 60 years old! He could be dead before the ban wears off.
Aw, I didn't think you cared.
Lulz, TDM is my favorite mod ever.
the party never ends
Did you try to draw an angry sloth or just an angry face? I can't tellyou're lucky I'm not a modyet
Did you try to draw an angry sloth or just an angry face? I can't tell
aw come on. it's a sloth who's looking quite satisfied with his evil plan, can't you tell?
I'm not a sloth hater, I've heard sloth is actually quite good, as long as it is cooked properly.
you're lucky I'm not a modyet
One day...
Too many sloths. Sloths are worse than aguirre
Too many sloths. Sloths are worse than aguirre
One day...