I suppose I only have anecdotal evidence, but I know, for example, that if I want a female partner (back when I was still trying the whole het thing, anyway) who's into the kinds of things I am, I usually have to go to kink-only places, while there's a decent chance that any random gay guy I meet at a bar will be down for it. I also know that once I accepted my interest in fetishey stuff it made coming to terms with my own homosexuality a lot easier.
Maybe we should spin this off into its own thread, I don't know.
guess I wouldn't know, having not straddled the fence. I saw your post over in the LGBT thread about anal sex in homosexual couples thought it was interesting, though a supremely dubious source.
anyway yeah, not the place for it, just thought drawing a line between being gay and going kink was off.
since we're talkin' 'bout bonin': have a sexy shibe