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Pillars of Eternity |OT| You must gather your party before venturing forth.

I suspect it'll be a much more enthralling game than either of those, at least for me. DOS pretty much only offers fun gameplay, as the story and characters are about as bland as it gets. WL2 just didn't do anything for me at all, which has me a little worried about Torment.

And here I thought gameplay is the most important part of a video game. Silly me.


Well damn, those are some stellar reviews.. and I still have Original Sin and Wasteland 2 on my list.

What a time to be alive to be flooded with CRPGs




Crap, I really need to finish my playthrough of Xenoblade Chronicles, which I also kind of don't want to end, since it's so good!


Another game I can't play right away. :( Fuck exams. April will be glorious tho. First I'm gonna marathon Bloodborne and then take my time with PoE. <3
And here I thought gameplay is the most important part of a video game. Silly me.

If I'm playing an RPG, I'm far, far more concerned about writing, characters, and story. Good gameplay is like a nice bonus, otherwise, I just want it not to be so bad that it makes me not want to play the game.

Like, Planescape Torment the combat and character advancement is pretty bland stuff. It's the writing and setting and characters that make it a game I can go back to over and over.


I'm thrilled that PoE is getting great reviews. I've been hyped about this for years and am envious of those who will be able to play in only 3 hours. I'll have to wait for 7.

It's a joy to see CRPGs continue to knock it out of the park for the second year in a row.


Should have taken the day or even the week off :( Oh well bank holiday weekend isn't too far away.

Nice to see some good review scores coming through too. I hope this game is a resounding success.


Unconfirmed Member
I may have been rude earlier this morning, but I apologize if I offended some people.

Anyway, got classes to attend to. Make me proud boys. Keep the good news coming. It's a momentous occasion for all gamers today.

The cRPG era has only begun!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I see a slow shift in trend, where the games/consumers are dictating what they want (instead of the AAA publishers shooting recycled formulas for a safer route every time).

Hence why despite all the flaws of kickstarter I will always try to support (an established dev) trying to fund an ambitious project. While consumers getting what they want is a good thing. I feel the even bigger thing to take away from this is that devs don't get dicked around by shady publishers on crowdfunded projects and can actually make the game they want for their niche audience. I feel as though even if a big publisher wanted to fund PoE it would be so watered down and simplified that in the attempt to appeal to a wider audience, it would appeal to no one.

Safe, recycled, and formulaic games will always exist but I'm very happy we're getting some fresh games as of late.


Unconfirmed Member
PoE is getting 9's and must play across the boards, damn I really feel like crying out of sheer joy.


It’s a triumph. A wonderful, enormous and spellbinding RPG, gloriously created in the image of BioWare’s Infinity classics, but distinctly its own. A classic in every sense.

from RPS review.

Damn, son. That hype.


Walker's RPS review starts off strong:

Let’s be clear about how this review’s going to go. If you want to go in completely blank, as I did, then stop reading at the end of this paragraph. Because all you need to know is in the introduction above. Let me summarise: “Should I buy Pillars Of Eternity?” Yes. There, good, job done. If you want to know why it’s good, then read on, but it’s crucial to accept that to do so, I’ll have to allude to aspects of the game that aren’t revealed in the first half hour. But trust me, I’m good at my job, and I won’t actually spoil anything. I’m barely going to mention the plot.

Skimmed it, ugh, release the damn game already.


from PC Gamer
This lowers your reputation in the city and gives you an &#8216;aggressive&#8217; point. Get enough of those and people will react appropriately. A city official might shun you because of your bad attitude, but a shady character down by the docks will see it as a positive trait. This is called your disposition, and there are loads of ways to shape it: benevolent, cruel, clever, stoic, rational, deceptive, honest, passionate.

the reputation system sounds pretty neat


If someone wants to add this to the OT, Durante posted this guide for downsampling back in the beta thread.

Who is doing the OT for Eternity? If they want they can put the following in a technical part.

In order to manage my excitement and get ready on the technical front (so that I don't waste any time on that when the game is out) I just digged a bit through the backer beta.

To get the best image quality on the 3D rendered stuff, while maintaining the full quality of the backgrounds, I suggest this (if your hw can handle it):
  • Downsample from exactly 4x the resolution (e.g. I'm using 5120x2880 on my 1440p screen).
  • Since this is a Unity game, if you are using DSR you will need to set your desktop resolution to your downsampling resolution before launching PoE for this to actually work.
  • UI will scale automatically, so there's no need to do anything regarding that.
  • Your zoom limits will be messed up though: by default the game won't let you zoom closer than a 1:1 mapping of background pixels to display pixels. Since you are downsampling, every "display pixel" the game sees is actually just 1/4 of a physical pixel, so you'd like to zoom in further.
    Luckily, this is easy to fix: open the console (look up the key for that in the options) and type "setZoomRange 0.5 100". 0.5 will let you zoom in such that you get 1:1 mapping of background image pixels to real physical pixels again with 4x dowsampling.
  • Additionally, you can use the command "msaa N" to enable NxMSAA, e.g. "msaa 4". It doesn't make a huge difference on top of 4x downsampling though.


I think i'll wait for the patch to fix the framerate issues in Bloodborne. So i'll preorder PoE tonight! Also, this is the kind of rpg i absolutely love.
Also we need another abbreviation, PoE is for Path of Exile. :p


Unfortunately my normal gaming workstation is doing double duty as my actual work computer on-site now, so the laptop is all I have at night
That is unfortunate!

It's not like I need to play it on my Macbook, since my PC is more than capable. I think it'd just be neat to sit in bed and play for a bit before I head to sleep.


Seek victory, not fairness
I was loading up the Steam page thinking I might be in time for a preorder bonus and yup, there it is. Glow in the dark giant miniature space piglet pet? I'll take it!


Pillars of Eternity is Obsidian’s first creator-owned project, putting the studio in control of its destiny for the first time. In one of the most famous instances of Metacritic being the worst thing to ever exist, the wildly successful Fallout: New Vegas, despite selling many millions of copies, didn’t net Obsidian a dime after the fact. As perpetual guns for hire they weren’t entitled to any royalties, and their contract with Zenimax stipulated a hefty bonus check only if the game received a Metascore of 85 or higher. It got an 84.

That's some bullshit. New Vegas is one of the best RPS ever made.

*checks Fallout 3's metacritic score*



Anyways, can't wait to play this beast. I'm so happy we have an RPG dev as good as Obsidian still alive in this industry.


So there is no way to just add some decent AA to the models?

If this:

Additionally, you can use the command "msaa N" to enable NxMSAA, e.g. "msaa 4". It doesn't make a huge difference on top of 4x downsampling though.

Doesn't work, I don't know as of right now. I'll certainly be messing around with performance and image quality before starting proper, though.


From Eurogamer.net

" Pillars of Eternity is the Baldur's Gate 3 we never got, returning to the Infinity Engine style of role-playing with flair. "

With Editor Choice .

I have to stop checking review summary of the game the wait is getting unbearable


I have to stop checking review summary of the game the wait is getting unbearable

From The Escapist:

Bottom Line: It's the best new, isometric RPG to come out in years.

Recommendation: While Pillars of Eternity is certainly banking on a nostalgic fan base, it's still an excellent RPG in its own right. It's a game rich with player agency, giving you tons of control to craft your story or explore different solutions to the presented problems. You know, actual roleplaying not simply a game with a leveling and stat system stapled on.

sorry, man. I just made your wait worse :p


I watched Sensuki's character creation video and even that seems overwhelming , lol. Can you folks recommend a class for newbs? Any help/tips/info to make my journey easier would be appreciated.

I intend to watch Sensuki's other videos as well. Just need a little help on choosing a class for beginners.
I watched Sensuki's character creation video and even that seems overwhelming , lol. Can you folks recommend a class for newbs? Any help/tips/info to make my journey easier would be appreciated.

I intend to watch Sensuki's other videos as well. Just need a little help on choosing a class for beginners.

Unless they've done something really complex with fighters, they're usually the easiest class to just pick up and play in these sorts of games.
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