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Pillars of Eternity |OT| You must gather your party before venturing forth.

Kinda disappointed with Chanters, now that I have
Kana. Most battles are just too short to use their invocations, so they're just kind of a passive buff that sits there sniping.


Any point in keeping prisoners in the fortress? I captured one
(Nyrid, obviously)and the fortress interface gives me an option of releasing him. Didn't go back and talk to him yet.


That cipher ability where you link to a teammate and create a crushing field between the two is so amazing. It's pretty much crushed (hehe) everything I've used it on in seconds. And the positioning required to set it up is a fun challenge. I'm always hiding my cipher around corners and such before the battle starts.

The loot system is not random right? For the people further along, does the loot get as good as that seen in BG2, ie. things like Staff of the Magi and Carsomyr?
It's not random. I've found some BG2 tier stuff, don't worry. I'd tell you about it but I don't want to spoil them.


Thoughts on companions so far? Any standouts? Any disappointments? I've recruited all but one, can't decide on my final squad.

main character: barbarian
Edér - cool guy, great tank but I think I might replace him with the paladin companion if I like her character
Aloth - don't like him all that much even after his quest at the Sanatorium and he's under-performing in combat
Durance - interesting personality, lots of dialogue, pretty crazy as expected. Also, I pretty much need a priest in the group
Kana Rua - also speaks up a lot, I ended up liking him so much that I decided to re-roll my first chanter char
Sagani - I like her, but she barely misses the cut for my planned party
Pallegina, Hiravias, Grieving Mother - haven't met them yet but I expect them all to make it into my party, checked their locations online so I can pick them all up before I really start with act 2 this time

final party: Orlan barbarian main character, Durance, Kana Rua, Pallegina, Hiravias, Grieving Mother
my companion ranking so far, early act 2: Durance = Kana Rua > Sagani > Edér > Aloth

why are all the companions I want the last ones you can pick up :(

Am I the only one playing only with the story companions? I don't want to miss their quest and I feel creating more adventurer is like cheating T.T

I also only use full-fledged companions, need no xp leeches in my early game thanks!


Been browsing the last few pages and came across the bug discussion...anything that's major? Like game-killing major? I'm only about an hour into the game and I wouldn't mind waiting till the bugs get patched out.


Been browsing the last few pages and came across the bug discussion...anything that's major? Like game-killing major? I'm only about an hour into the game and I wouldn't mind waiting till the bugs get patched out.

Don't double-click items to equip them on your character. Drag-and-drop instead. Double-clicking can cause your character to lose passive skills forever.


Ugh, only have a laptop to play this on and it runs like an absolute pig. Not sure if I can keep playing at the moment. Might just put it on the shelf for the moment.
I'm buying the game in two weeks, when my classes are over, but can't decide on a main character. Probably a Cipher or a Rogue. I feel I need to go Rogue though. Can't justify giving companions who aren't Rogues points in Mechanics and stealth :(


I think everyone gets the same experience regardless of whether they're in your party or not.

well, I'm not too sure about this, every time I get xp from completing a quest it *seems* like it is split up among the party. If I'm wrong, please disregard my previous statement!


PoE should've been more Weird, like Planescape. All the typical high fantasy stuff just pulls it down. And honestly, the writing isn't good enough to overcome it. It's competent at best. But to be fair I have been re-reading ASOIAF so yeah, obviously it's going to feel lightweight next to that.


I think this is gonna be my summer game once the semester is over. So far how does the lore / story stack up to Planescape?


PoE should've been more Weird, like Planescape. All the typical high fantasy stuff just pulls it down. And honestly, the writing isn't good enough to overcome it. It's competent at best. But to be fair I have been re-reading ASOIAF so yeah, obviously it's going to feel lightweight next to that.

I don't see anything "typical" about PoE's world. It's not weird, but I never understood why weirdness for weirdness' sake is good.
Also, this is not exactly "high fantasy", it's pretty down to earth and grim.

I think this is gonna be my summer game once the semester is over. So far how does the lore / story stack up to Planescape?

Obviously the setting is quite different, more grounded and less out there. But it's a very interesting setting, and truly believable world. Everything from items to spell names to the bestiary reeks of lore. Everytime I encounter a new creature I read about it, even if it's something more mundane like a troll, because this world has its own take on almost anything.The writing is pretty amazing, though can get a bit inconsistent.

People give PS:T a lot of credit as far as settings go, but I like what PoE has done much more. It's more grounded, the characters more human, the issues easier to understand and identify with.


So far how does the lore / story stack up to Planescape?
Not very well IMO. Planescape was special, unique. PoE is 90% boilerplate fantasy with a few sprinkles of weirdness that feels kinda forced into it. No doubt my opinion is in the minority in this thread though.


Encountered my first bug -

I just killed
and went down to the dungeon to see if the animancer was still there, but realized I wanted to rest first so I tried to go back upstairs. Black screen in-game, freezes. Have to force quit.


Not very well IMO. Planescape was special, unique. PoE is 90% boilerplate fantasy with a few sprinkles of weirdness that feels kinda forced into it. No doubt my opinion is in the minority in this thread though.

Not even close in my opinion.

Ah that's too bad. I find it hard to continue and finish a CRPG based on much else aside from story and writing these days, honestly. I don't have any particular nostalgia for the mechanics so the feeling of adventure and discovery has to win me over. Still I'm interested though


Hmm, not fan of "rare vendors with rare item" system of Keep if they don't stick around for few days. I traveled to location X and got notification that there was person interested in selling rare item to me. I decided to check it out and traveled to my keep and it took 1+ days.

I went grounds through from top to bottom and no said vendor anywhere to be found.

What is the point with these special event vendors if they stick around for hour or two?


I'm buying the game in two weeks, when my classes are over, but can't decide on a main character. Probably a Cipher or a Rogue. I feel I need to go Rogue though. Can't justify giving companions who aren't Rogues points in Mechanics and stealth :(

Stealth doesn't bring anyhing special beside be able to scout ahead and lay traps. I just use it (level 1) with mechanics to detect hidden object and desarm traps.
Also rogue class can't hide solo in the shadow since the stealth mode is being applied for all the party.
I'm not even sure if there is a bonus damage for backstabbing an ennemy or flanking them.


Encountered my first bug -

I just killed
and went down to the dungeon to see if the animancer was still there, but realized I wanted to rest first so I tried to go back upstairs. Black screen in-game, freezes. Have to force quit.

Very common, I'm sure it'll be fixed in the first patch.
I don't see anything "typical" about PoE's world. It's not weird, but I never understood why weirdness for weirdness' sake is good.
Also, this is not exactly "high fantasy", it's pretty down to earth and grim.

It is most certainly high fantasy. It's a highly magical D&D inspired secondary world. The setting is deliberately constructed to be high fantasy.

Dr Dogg

I seem to be taking my sweet time but after 12 hours just recruited Kana and finally seems to be rounding out my party quite nicely. Which is dead handy as I've not a decent means of pulling enemy's with the added bonus of Kana's Arquebus is ridiculously powerful. That and I had chuckle at what he says when you scout with him.


It is most certainly high fantasy. It's a highly magical D&D inspired secondary world. The setting is deliberately constructed to be high fantasy.

Maybe it's an issue of semantics. I can accept that it's highly magical, but PS:T is also highly magical (hell, it's more magical than PoE.) Since the poster implied he did not consider PS:T high fantasy, I assumed we're talking about high fantasy in the more limited specific sense. This is not exactly a run of the mill D&D fair. It really makes anything it uses its own. Rather than fill the world with goblins, you have the creepy wichts, rather than a simple tale of magic and good vs. evil you have a moral ambiguous grim world with horrifying soul magic.
Sure, it's a more familiar fantasy world than say PS:T, but I truly believe in the saying - A good design is 80% familiar and 20% crazy. This world follows this formula exactly and the result is amazing.


It is most certainly high fantasy. It's a highly magical D&D inspired secondary world. The setting is deliberately constructed to be high fantasy.

Right, Josh Sawyer himself calls it high fantasy in the style of Forgotten Realms. It's no secret. Just because the characters aren't shouting about magical rings and a great evil doesn't make it low and gritty.

I wonder what would happen if a game like this were made and it didn't have dwarves and elves? Would people riot? Could they handle it? Because I'm so so tired of goddamn dwarves and elves.


Right, Josh Sawyer himself calls it high fantasy in the style of Forgotten Realms. It's no secret. Just because the characters aren't shouting about magical rings and a great evil doesn't make it low and gritty.

I wonder what would happen if a game like this were made and it didn't have dwarves and elves? Would people riot? Could they handle it? Because I'm so so tired of goddamn dwarves and elves.

I'm with you on dwarves and elves - But I feel like they made them work here. Race feels like much less of a big deal than it normally is because they treat them like people rather than stereotypes. Dwarves are actually believable here rather than irish stereotypes.


Welp, that double-click bug sounds terrible. I think my level 4 human rogue is safe though, IIRC there's no always-on passive ability so far.


So are you guys using your Cipher as a melee character or a ranged character? I need another melee character and I was hoping the Cipher would be good at that. So far the Chanter has been rather mediocre.


So are you guys using your Cipher as a melee character or a ranged character? I need another melee character and I was hoping the Cipher would be good at that. So far the Chanter has been rather mediocre.

I think they are probably better off at range using a blunderbuss or something because it gives them great focus gain to get off a bunch of spells. could probably work up front too but don't think I would use them as a tank, More like a rogue going after already engaged enemies.


uh, first controversy regarding the game (outside the bugs):


What do I think? That they should've asked the backer to send a different text. Considering trans people a punchline isn't funny.


Right, Josh Sawyer himself calls it high fantasy in the style of Forgotten Realms. It's no secret. Just because the characters aren't shouting about magical rings and a great evil doesn't make it low and gritty.

I wonder what would happen if a game like this were made and it didn't have dwarves and elves? Would people riot? Could they handle it? Because I'm so so tired of goddamn dwarves and elves.

What's your problem with them ?
So far the recent western rpgs gave them hard time by being the minority who suffer discrimation and I REALLY dislike this.
I prefer so much instead the Lord of rings version or them or Warcraft version.
Humans ruling the world as supreme race whatever the story genre (sci-fi or fantasy) is so tiring in rpgs.

I like to feel there are different factions like dwarves and elves to balance the power of the world (and not just some evil beings faction because you need a villain) in the realms or dragons, etc. I want to feel the fantasy through them and not just to have to go bash some random stupid dragons. Do you feel that right that you can bash like 11 dragons in Dragon age inquistion ?! Yes, 11!! (the new one is the DLC). That race is instinct and like "pouf" by magic they re-appear and are rampaging the zones... /ok

Where dragons like Smaug gone ?
Only Blizzard seems to want to keep them magical, intelligent, cunning and fearsome.
I'm talking here about video games and NOT books or other mediums.

My point is, don't remove what make heroic fantasy what is. Lord of the rings and the Hobbit show that these races with their stories and lore bring so much to the settings. It's like removing magic spells to a magician.


uh, first controversy regarding the game (outside the bugs):


What do I think? That they should've asked the backer to send a different text. Considering trans people a punchline isn't funny.

kinda psyched for a mod that removes all epitaphs and backer soul types.


uh, first controversy regarding the game (outside the bugs):
What do I think? That they should've asked the backer to send a different text. Considering trans people a punchline isn't funny.

I agree. Hope they remove it in a patch :\
I mean, with all due respect to backers, hate should not be allowed.


Stuck, perhaps locked out of a non-confrontational method: Catacombs in Defiance Bay

So, I'm assuming I can't sneak into the meeting of the Woedica Wierdos because I'm a death godlike which means even though I can answer their questions, they attack on sight since I can't wear the mask.

Those guys are tough :(

I didn't even consider that this could happen, lol. Seems like playing a godlike unlocks the extra hard mode


What's your problem with them ?

We've seen them over and over and over and over, and over again. You can try and approach them in a "fresh," less stereotypical way but then the question is why not just create a new race instead of re-using dwarves?

For me, fantasy is about escapism. Imagination. Mystery. Going to another place. The pervasiveness of dwarves and elves, and other fantasy fixtures, means you are no longer being transported anywhere by their inclusion. They're as familiar as anything else.


uh, first controversy regarding the game (outside the bugs):


What do I think? That they should've asked the backer to send a different text. Considering trans people a punchline isn't funny.[/QUOTE]

No comment


Is anyone here running this game on a Macbook with integrated graphics? I have an i5 2.6 with Intel Iris from mid-2014. Would that be sufficient to handle it? For reference, Divinity: Original Sin runs acceptably at low / medium settings.
Is anyone here running this game on a Macbook with integrated graphics? I have an i5 2.6 with Intel Iris from mid-2014. Would that be sufficient to handle it? For reference, Divinity: Original Sin runs acceptably at low / medium settings.

I've found this game to be a lot less demanding than D:OS, you should be fine.


Is anyone here running this game on a Macbook with integrated graphics? I have an i5 2.6 with Intel Iris from mid-2014. Would that be sufficient to handle it? For reference, Divinity: Original Sin runs acceptably at low / medium settings.

The thing is there aren't a lot of graphics options. Luckily you can turn down aa by using a console command.


uh, first controversy regarding the game (outside the bugs):


What do I think? That they should've asked the backer to send a different text. Considering trans people a punchline isn't funny.

I'd say people are too touchy and need to lighten up. I'd hardly call that stupid lyric hateful, maybe distasteful at best.


Kinda disappointed with Chanters, now that I have
Kana. Most battles are just too short to use their invocations, so they're just kind of a passive buff that sits there sniping.

Yep that's my main issue with chanters. They are amazing in like 5% of battles (bosses and some other harder enemies) but the other 95% of fights are over before they even get their first invocations.

Wow, Durance has a lot of dialogue.

He has surprised me. I think he might actually be the best written companion. I was planning on ditching him but decided to keep him because of his dialogue (and some cleric spells are better than I thought they would be (all the trap like spells are amazing to name a few)).


Yep that's my main issue with chanters. They are amazing in like 5% of battles (bosses and some other harder enemies) but the other 95% of fights are over before they even get their first invocations.

I at least wish their summons stuck around after battle...
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