The articles I've read say autopilot, but that's different from autoland and ILS. Do they literally mean autopilot or do they mean autoland and ILS and thought autopilot covered it? I can see the damaged windows and loss of autopilot leading to the emergency landing in the first place and then the other automated functions working just fine.
Autoland NEEDS autopilot to be active.
Some points: autolands are only made when it is needed (LOW visibility weather).
The final phase of Landings is always made visually (except when autoland). Even with all the instruments, you have to be visual with the runway at a height of 200ft approx.
Hail like this happens a lot of times all over the world. And most of the time, instead of the captain being a hero, in those casea they are completly unprofessional. Hail like this, draws a huge Magenta colour in the weather radar, and that's forbidden to flight into as per Airbus manuals.