Probably haven't spent enough time on them, and as I've mentioned in this thread I'm no pinball expert, but the three Star Wars tables haven't won me over just yet. I really only find Episode V exciting to play as it feels there's plenty going on, the ramps are all pretty clear, and getting into its mission mode is simple and happens often (though I've only been able to reach Scene 1, Checkpoint 2 and I don't even know how I completed Checkpoint 1).
I tried Clone Wars second. On my second attempt I topped my couple friends that have played the table with something around 42 million points and honestly I didn't really do much of anything. I've started the fight against The Monster twice and have no idea what to do when he's out. I did get into training somehow and enjoyed that. But mainly it's really easy to cycle ramps and just get oodles of points and trigger multi-balls just by going from ramp to ramp. At one point I went through a ramp and got 3.5m points and I wasn't even sure why because it wasn't like I completed a mission or seemingly did anything remarkable. The table didn't even react to it and say anything or flash or anything. I simply saw the score pop up and accepted it.
Boba Fett is easily my least favorite so far. Perhaps I'll warm to it like I did with Ghost Rider, which I first hated. I feel like there's too many ways to lose as the left flipper is quick to put the ball in the right outer death lane thing. Also, a lot of the stuff has the ball rolling really quickly towards the center across the flippers so while I'm trying to look around the table I get surprised by the ball suddenly rolling past the flippers. I couldn't get many points across my two attempts and pretty much nothing happened. I got some big Jabba event and it acted like I did some good stuff and ended up with a score of 1.5m total. So yeah, I suck at the table and don't find it enjoyable.
I'm honestly not the best person to share opinions on these tables but for people who are more casual into this game perhaps my opinion more closely matches up their opinions? I think my favorites are still the Avengers Chronicles tables (though I'm quite bad at The Avengers table) and I thought the set before that was pretty fun, too. I think those were Virtue and Vengeance? A little tempted to grab the remaining superhero tables but they're older yet and I've been generally finding that the newer ones are more fun for me. Might grab the Civil War one and hope for the best.
Oh, and just to note, I'm also not a fan of Star Wars much at all nor am I really into the superhero stuff (aside from enjoying the movies well enough but I don't read comics or follow them).