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Place your bets: Will Fable outscore Jak2's 91 at Gamespot?

Both games take elements of GTA in a new direction. Which game will be crowned king??? GRUDGE MATCH!!!!!!!!!


*My stupidest thread yet!*


Running off of Custom Firmware

If anything, Fable gives me an Ultima 7 or Elder Scrolls: Arena vibe. Both of which were aeons before GTA.
I think the bigger picture should be why worry over a number from Gamepot? They don't dictate what I play to begin with.

And bleh,insert a better picture for the thread,that shit looks ripped straight out of some George Micheal video.
Oh be quiet faceless, if drinky crow can make drunken threads so can i. :) :) :)

The point is, if Jak2 got a 91 Fable should score at least a 91.
T-1000_Model3 said:
I think the bigger picture should be why worry over a number from Gamepot? They don't dictate what I play to begin with.

You are right. But let's place the bets anyways. I say it will score BELOW Jak 2.


Alright guys, while we're at it, what do you think will get the better score - Pikmin 2 or Mega Man Zero 3? Why? Well, no reason, but hey LOOK AT THIS AWESOME PICTURE I FOUND

Daxter Too said:
You are right. But let's place the bets anyways. I say it will score BELOW Jak 2.

haha,ok I'll play along. But screw GameSpot,I'm more interested in Gaming Age's *unbiased* review.


Theres "bad art" all over in the game.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
BuddyChrist83 said:
Alright guys, while we're at it, what do you think will get the better score - Pikmin 2 or Mega Man Zero 3? Why? Well, no reason, but hey LOOK AT THIS AWESOME PICTURE I FOUND


Can you post that pic again? It made this thread worthwhile. I was *this* close to slitting my wrist, but you saved me.
Allright,since you put so much effort into trying to save this thread I'll work with you. I say no,they won't give it a 91. Probably a few points under,like a mid 80s score is more like it.


lol. Yall are setting yourselves up for a disappointment. I'll be surprised if it scores in the 9s at either GS or IGN.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
PhatSaqs said:
lol. Yall are setting yourselves up for a disappointment. I'll be surprised if it scores in the 9s at either GS or IGN.

at this point, i'll be surprised if it doesn't.


I'm sure Fable will be a "good game" and offer enough elements to make it very enjoyable.

The big question for me is if it will be so bug riddled that I can't enjoy those elements. I WILL WAIT until I read a review from someone who has spent more than 2 hours with the final version of the game.


Steroid Distributor
belgurdo said:
Why? You can only play the game if it scores higher than 7.5 or something?
No I wasnt' commenting directly on the review score topic. Just stating that I really hope this game turns out well. The concept sounds like it could be so much fun. What I meant was if the game gets a consensus 6.0 rating I doubt it would be meeting my own as well as many others expectations. That's all.
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