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Plane diverted as passengers fight over seat reclining

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Nose how to spell and rede to
All of the airlines should just take the reclining feature out of seats. They want to squeeze as many people as they can into a flight and then let them recline. Of course that's asking for trouble.

I never ever fly but I feel like this is the sensible answer


All of the airlines should just take the reclining feature out of seats. They want to squeeze as many people as they can into a flight and then let them recline. Of course that's asking for trouble.

Exactly. This or add a feature by which only if the seat behind has say less than 45kg, that is empty or occupied by a child, then you can recline.


Some assholes are never satisfied, always looking for the next thing to be more of an asshole. I can imagine the buzz a true asshole would get from using this. It's probably like a high.
The assholes here are the people reclining their seat without even checking beforehand if they are going to completely ruin someone elses flight. Additionally, why does it feel like it's always the relatively small people in the first place that do this? Total lack of empathy.


There should be two sections - reclining and non-reclining. I don't recline because I don't like people reclining in front of me. I'd like a section of the plane where me and my kindred spirits can decline to recline together.


The assholes here are the people reclining their seat without even checking beforehand if they are going to completely ruin someone elses flight. Additionally, why does it feel like it's always the relatively small people in the first place that do this? Total lack of empathy.

I'm amazed at the number of people I have spoken to since reading this topic who think it is perfectly fine to recline without asking/checking that it is not going to make the person behind uncomfortable. "you don't need to care or ask because they are made to recline, so it's not your problem" being the biggest arsehole response. The world is truely full of cunts


Reclining should just be taken out of all seats. Have it centrally controlled by the crew or something, so on night flights when people are expected to sleep, they can recline all seats at once, then bring them back up

Last time I flew the chap in front of me had his seat reclined for the first 12 hours, then 1 hour before we landed he picked the moment I'd just put a boiling hot coffee on the tray table to violently snap his seat back forward, burning me and the poor bloke next to me. The only time I feel comfortable doing it is when I'm sat at the back with no seats behind me.


I'm amazed at the number of people I have spoken to since reading this topic who think it is perfectly fine to recline without asking/checking that it is not going to make the person behind uncomfortable. "you don't need to care or ask because they are made to recline, so it's not your problem" being the biggest arsehole response. The world is truely full of cunts

I hate the ones who recline two minutes after the seatbelt lights have gone off - like they're staking their claim. Thanks prick, I'll be happy to be squashed in behind you for the rest of the flight.


They should just install Knee Defenders on a timer on every seat and unlock them at the designated sleeping time so everyone reclines at once.

Lol still a hilarious product though.


Yup. those few centimeters are nothing for the person on the chair but can be a massive annoyance for the one behind.

Speak for yourself. Those few degrees of change make a big difference between being able to sleep and not.


I hate flying. It is incredibly uncomfortable for me. The whole experience of flying is bullshit and always gives me a headache.


I usually dont recline, at least all the way. Do unto others and such. But fuck that guy. She should not have been kicked off.
My knees tend to do a good job of preventing this situation without spending any money. I am not about to have my legs crushed because someone is inconsiderate of the person behind them.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm 6'4" and I reserve the right to tell the person in front that them having to sit up-right for a few hours is a hell of a lot more comfortable for them than for me to spend the the next few hours with crushed legs. I paid for my ticket too!

Until airlines stop treating people like cattle and space the rows a decent distance apart then anyone that reclines their seat is a bit of a bastard as far as I am concerned.

You can ask them, but you do realize that the person in front of them may be reclining their chair leaving them with little room. Something like this happened to me once when I was in summer camp as a kid and we went on a trip. The kid sitting behind me on the bus kept pushing my seat up with his legs and the person in front of me refused to sit straight up. It turned into this big thing because I was left incredibly uncomfortable being extra squished in the chair.


So not worth it
If you think you're too tall to fit in a seat with the person in front of you reclining,

I am sorry, but this is not a matter of opinion. A reclined seat + a person over 6 feet with long legs does not work. It will hurt you physically.

Saying "well, I guess you should just pay a premium because you're tall" does not excuse that reclining seats exist. People do get taller than 6 feet, quite a lot of them do actually. If you must build your plane to have too little leg room for reclining seats, stop building reclining seats.

In general, I stop reclining seats from reclining just by sitting there, since my knees don't bend and the seat will just push up against my knees, very uncomfortable, but that didn't stop the lady in front of me from trying to push straight through them for six hours on my last flight. Thanks lady, I can't help that my length was not made for your reclining seats and neither will the foul look you give me.


Speak for yourself. Those few degrees of change make a big difference between being able to sleep and not.
And an even bigger difference in being able to use a tray table or not, or if your'e taller than 5'10", being able to have any shred of comfort at all. Why do people have to be able to sleep on a three hour flight? It can be noon on a flight from New York to Chicago and half the people on the plane immediately try to go sleep like there's a gas leak on board or something.
On a 10+ hour flight, expect everyone to recline. Most of them are scheduled and have cabin service based around the idea that nearly everyone is going to sleep.

If you think you're too tall to fit in a seat with the person in front of you reclining, pay for a better class of service. I'm 6'1", do multiple 14+ hour trips a year, and have plenty of room in premium economy.

Now, people reclining on short domestic flights? That's just amateur hour.

No. Now what is the short person in front of me going to do about it?


While I think that the seats go back way to much, if the seat does do that and the person uses it, then it's their right and it's the plane manufacturer that fucked up.

And an even bigger difference in being able to use a tray table or not, or if your'e taller than 5'10", being able to have any shred of comfort at all. Why do people have to be able to sleep on a three hour flight? It can be noon on a flight from New York to Chicago and half the people on the plane immediately try to go sleep like there's a gas leak on board or something.

It passes the time, plane journeys are boring as fuck.
I've flown on every major US airline and I'm unaware of this issue with your knees getting crushed by someone reclining. Sounds like people whining because they have to be mildly uncomfortable for a few hours, boohoo.

Now, people reclining on short domestic flights? That's just amateur hour.
Anything happening on any flight shorter than six hours is dismissible


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm 6'4" and I reserve the right to tell the person in front that them having to sit up-right for a few hours is a hell of a lot more comfortable for them than for me to spend the the next few hours with crushed legs. I paid for my ticket too!

Until airlines stop treating people like cattle and space the rows a decent distance apart then anyone that reclines their seat is a bit of a bastard as far as I am concerned.

I just

I can't

Indeed. I'm 6'2" tall and I'm a frequent economy passenger, especially on 12-13 hour long international flights. I reserve the right to ask someone politely to not crush my kneecaps with their reclining seat, but I fully expect them to exercise their right to recline as much as they want.

They paid for that fucking seat just as much as I paid for mine.

I would never expect anyone to exercise their right to crush my kneecaps and get away with it.


No. Now what is the short person in front of me going to do about it?

Hmm... how about bash your knees over and over?

If I fly economy, you better believe my seat is going down the second the seat in front of me goes down. If you don't like it you can try changing seats with a short person.


Flying is the fucking worst unless you get first class.

I'd rather pay twice as much and take four times as long to get wherever. Flying from RI to New Orleans on American was a worse experience than the time I got hit by a car or the time I slipped off a ladder and stabbed a screw two inches into my arm.

I'd rather stand the whole flight and sit at landing if it was allowed. Not to mention the scumbag TSA.

My fiance is 5-8 140 and even she was cramped. God forbid if we had some fat fuck squished between us or something.

I've yet to see anyone taller than 5-6 or heavier than 200 look comfy in the cheap seats on a plane.
They need to take out the reclining feature because scumbags will never stop using it if there is a choice.

Some people act like complete scum on planes. They only think of themselves. Recently I was on a red eye from NY to LA and I sat next to the only douche who had his overhead light on for everything but the last hour of the flight. It made so difficult trying to sleep. It was karmic justic when he spilled diet coke all over himself.


is now taking requests
I really expected that a "please don't crush my knees" would be enough to get the person in front to not do exactly that.

Looks like they should just remove the ability to recline the chairs.


Gabriel Knight
I always recline because people in front of me always recline.. I thought that was the point ???
If everyone reclines, there won't be any problems

My last few flights have been international though


41 > 38
One time a guy started raving at me because I was "blocking him" from reclining his seat, when the simple fact of the matter was that I would have had to stand up or spread my legs way out for his seat to physically be able to recline at all. I hope you reclining advocates enjoy your half a degree of angle change while the people behind you have their flights completely ruined.

Most of these knee problems could be solved by taking out like a single row of seats in economy when designing these planes. They could just bump the prices up like 5% and let everyone have some breathing space.

No man, think like an airline executive. Why would you do that when you can keep the row of seats and still raise the prices 5% for no reason? What are people gonna do... take the bus from LA to NY?
Reclining should just be taken out of all seats. Have it centrally controlled by the crew or something, so on night flights when people are expected to sleep, they can recline all seats at once, then bring them back up

Last time I flew the chap in front of me had his seat reclined for the first 12 hours, then 1 hour before we landed he picked the moment I'd just put a boiling hot coffee on the tray table to violently snap his seat back forward, burning me and the poor bloke next to me. The only time I feel comfortable doing it is when I'm sat at the back with no seats behind me.
No. There's plenty of people who can't sleep like that and don't like to recline. Also there's times where someone has to get out of a row to use the restroom and the seat has to be raised.


Schattenjäger;127121708 said:
I always recline because people in front of me always recline.. I thought that was the point ???
If everyone reclines, there won't be any problems

My last few flights have been international though
If it is a long international flight it is understandable, but for 4 hours or less I wouldn't recline out of respect for the person behind me. What little extra comfort reclining provides me isn't worth the invasion of space of someone behind me. That being said I'd never use one of these devices.


Man, I wish more airlines would disable the recliner. I freaking hate it when people recline.

I have to fly all the time for work, and it definitely gets on my nerves.

Really, though, I just think flying sucks. We should get on this teleporter thing.
All of the airlines should just take the reclining feature out of seats. They want to squeeze as many people as they can into a flight and then let them recline. Of course that's asking for trouble.

This. I'm tall. I don't need someone hurting my knees on flights.
Hmm... how about bash your knees over and over?

If I fly economy, you better believe my seat is going down the second the seat in front of me goes down. If you don't like it you can try changing seats with a short person.

So are you saying that because you're tall you can threaten people into submission?

I don't think people understand how knees work. If I sit like a normal person, it's impossible for the person in front of me to recline. I've seen people struggle with this for honestly 20 minutes ("My seat must be broken!") before they turn around and finally acknowledge that there's a human being in the seat behind them. People on Greyhound buses are even worse, btw.

Why not just move your seat in front of a baby or a short person? Is your sleeping comfort really worth cutting off the circulation to someone else's legs for 4 hours?

Edit: What Calamari said basically.
I'm amazed first off that the device exists and second that the guy had the foresight to bring it onboard. He must be a frequent flyer that has to put up with that shit all the time.

I'm just laughing my ass off that it exists. Sounds like an invention that got rejected from Dragon's Den.

I'm on his side though. Even if you aren't using a laptop, someone reclining their seat is incredibly annoying. So he stopped her from reclining and she throws water in his face? Scumbag.


I'm amazed first off that the device exists and second that the guy had the foresight to bring it onboard. He must be a frequent flyer that has to put up with that shit all the time.

I'm just laughing my ass off that it exists. Sounds like an invention that got rejected from Dragon's Den.

I'm on his side though. Even if you aren't using a laptop, someone reclining their seat is incredibly annoying. So he stopped her from reclining and she throws water in his face? Scumbag.

Or how about someone reclining into you when you're holding an infant...people just aren't aware of their surroundings, or they don't give a fuck.
I'm amazed first off that the device exists and second that the guy had the foresight to bring it onboard. He must be a frequent flyer that has to put up with that shit all the time.

I'm just laughing my ass off that it exists. Sounds like an invention that got rejected from Dragon's Den.

I'm on his side though. Even if you aren't using a laptop, someone reclining their seat is incredibly annoying. So he stopped her from reclining and she throws water in his face? Scumbag.

Agreed. Someone doesn't want you reclining then don't fucking recline. You don't get to assault someone.


41 > 38
Why not just move your seat in front of a baby or a short person? Is your sleeping comfort really worth cutting off the circulation to someone else's legs for 4 hours?

Or hey, to borrow the snark of some of the other posters in here, how about they buy a first class ticket if they can't handle not being able to recline by a degree or two during their flight?
The assholes here are the people reclining their seat without even checking beforehand if they are going to completely ruin someone elses flight. Additionally, why does it feel like it's always the relatively small people in the first place that do this? Total lack of empathy.

It's a flight in economy, you're flying with other people. Lowered expectations might work better than the knee defender.


There are no "sides" to this. The seat reclines. The customer pays for that and also knows someone reclining into them can happen as well.

Is it right? Fuck no. But it is what it is and the blame rests solely on the airline for allowing it and/or not creating more leg room.

That device should be banned and people defending the guy using the device are being illogical. No one has the right to prevent someone from using their seat in a way they paid for. Even if it is ultimately using it in a way that makes you an asshole. Which it often does.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
It almost sounds like some of you guys complaining aren't actually talking to the people in front of you. Most people flying dont automatically assume the person sitting behind them is 6'4"+. I usually recline my seat as soon as the person in front of me reclines their seat, sometimes that is early on in a flight, but it's not out of malice like you guys are making it out to be.
There are no "sides" to this. The seat reclines. The customer pays for that and also knows someone reclining into them can happen as well.

Is it right? Fuck no. But it is what it is and the blame rests solely on the airline for allowing it and/or not creating more leg room.

That device should be banned and people defending the guy using the device are being illogical. No one has the right to prevent someone from using their seat in a way they paid for. Even if it is ultimately using it in a way that makes you an asshole. Which it often does.

This is a bizarre analogy, but bare with me.

You walk into Chipotle and order a burrito. You go to grab some of the free hot sauce and a few napkins from the counter, only you discover that there's a party of 4 that decided to play a hotsauce drinking game in the middle of the restaurant. They collected all of the bottles, and are using all of the napkins to protect their clothing. Technically since it's free, you should expect that some customers will take liberties with the napkin and hot sauce service. And I guess Chipotle could have stocked more napkins and hot sauce on this particular day. But they're still inconsiderate assholes.

It almost sounds like some of you guys complaining aren't actually talking to the people in front of you. Most people flying dont automatically assume the person sitting behind them is 6'4"+. I usually recline my seat as soon as the person in front of me reclines their seat, sometimes that is early on in a flight, but it's not out of malice like you guys are making it out to be.

It could all be avoided if people simply had the common courtesy to ask before reclining. When you have passengers in your car, do you just move the seat back without asking if the person behind you is comfortable?


So not worth it
It almost sounds like some of you guys complaining aren't actually talking to the people in front of you. Most people flying dont automatically assume the person sitting behind them is 6'4"+. I usually recline my seat as soon as the person in front of me reclines their seat, sometimes that is early on in a flight, but it's not out of malice like you guys are making it out to be.

Tell that to the lady that looked at me like I was the biggest motherfucker in the world (multiple times, mind you) when her seat wouldn't recline because my knees got in her way, please.
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