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Planetary Annihilation Kickstarter by Uber Entertainment [Ended, $2.33M funded]


Went in for $20 last minute. Should probably get to reading what I signed up for lol. I'm sure it'll be awesome though, I loved Total Annihilation.
Hello again Backers!

The fulfillment site is making good progress, and the first test mails have gone out to make sure that everything is working smoothly. Over the coming weeks, everyone will start to get their emails to go to the website. This site will facilitate fulfillment of keys and physical goods over the duration of the project.

There will be a chance to add additional keys when you go through the fulfillment website, and for people in the physical goods level of backing, additional t-shirts and USB key-fobs. Until that time, you can still go to www.planetaryannihilation.com and add to your backer level if there were other rewards you want that you didn’t get initially. Shortly after the fulfillment site goes live, those PayPal backing tiers will no longer be available, so don’t wait!

Why a fulfillment site? Glad you asked, and here are the main reasons:
  • Kickstarter and PayPal: A Kickstarter survey won’t allow us to get all the important information from the PayPal backers. And there are a lot of PayPal backers in the mix!
  • A year is a long time! What if your address changes before the game is about to launch and final backer rewards are about to ship? A fulfillment site means, before we’re about to ship anything, we can send out a mail to everyone to make sure your shipping information is up to date, and that the cool items you’re waiting for don’t get sent to Kalamazoo. Unless you live in Kalamazoo, of course.
  • Linked to your UberNet account. So even if your email address changes, you’re still able to update your information.

We have two additional updates to provide about the game and backing as well! First off, Jon and Steve talked about the progress of the game during the Super Monday Night Combat live stream, and you can watch that here if you missed it the first time: http://www.twitch.tv/uberchannel/b/334446805

Finally, we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be working with Reaper Miniatures to create the commander miniatures that are part of the $100 backer level and up (excluding the digital only levels)! We are incredibly excited to be working with such a talented and passionate crew as Reaper, and look forward to sharing the progress on the minis in the coming months as we get real life (miniature) commanders! This backer level is still available for a little while longer through PayPal at www.planetaryannihilation.com, but when it’s gone, it’s gone. These miniatures are exclusive to the Kickstarter/PayPal backers.

Some ways to stay connected, in addition to these updates:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/planetaryannihilation
The forums: http://forums.uberent.com/forums

Thanks again for all your support. It’s hard to express in words how excited we are about building this game that you all have made possible.

Stay tuned, more coming soon!


I've been terribly excited for this game ever since I first saw the kickstarter campaign. Unfortunately I've not had the money to spare for a preorder until recently. However, I noticed that it had early access forthcoming on Steam so I decided to place it on my wishlist and hold out. Well today's the day, only it's £67.99... Wow. After some digging I do appreciate why it priced the way it is, as one of the devs put it over on Uber Entertainment's forums:

Predictions? Just that it's too expensive? Or that people are pissed for paying $90 for an alpha?

Honestly I'm not sure what choice we have. We can either piss off new people or piss off the people who supported us already. The price will come down for beta/release."

IMO they shouldn't have used alpha and beta access as tiered pre-order incentives in the first place. Surely they could offer extra bonus content to the people that have put down more money to make up for exclusive early access and then deflate the ridiculous price on steam? They should hold a community vote, I can see many benefits from adapting the steam version to a more competitive price.


So how playable is it at this point? I wanna pick it up.. but seeing how there's no Linux support yet I doubt I'll have much fun since a lot of my friends are sporting Linux boxes now.


Holy crap the Steam community is just a bunch of spoiled assholes. The forums are overflowing with people who for some absolutely wacked out reasons thinks this is a "scam", "a grab for cash" and so forth.

I am just angry now. In the same shoes I would have perhaps been sad that the entry is so expensive but at least the reasoning is clear and the price will get lowered closer to the release.


That's for beta access, same as that level tier in the Kickstarter.

Yeah, saw that.

The price is cool! Nothing wrong with it since they would slap their kickstarters in the face otherwise.

But I can't afford it now though.

Anyone have any impressions?


To any one who has played it

Are the construction units diverse like TA (vehicle, robot, plane etc.) or like SupCom (Hover Engineers only)?


To any one who has played it

Are the construction units diverse like TA (vehicle, robot, plane etc.) or like SupCom (Hover Engineers only)?

Judging from a gameplay video it is like TA - I saw a robot, vehicle and plane and advanced levels for the non-commander construction units


Judging from a gameplay video it is like TA - I saw a robot, vehicle and plane and advanced levels for the non-commander construction units

That's good, I really didn't like that they were changed in SupCom.

Also, the amount of outrage being generated by the Steam Early Access prices being set to match the Kickstarter prices is quite interesting.
It looks like a case of 'Entitled Gamers' that journalists seem to write about.


To any one who has played it

Are the construction units diverse like TA (vehicle, robot, plane etc.) or like SupCom (Hover Engineers only)?

Yes. In SupCom you only have hover engineers. PA currently has tech 1 and 2 ground, air and naval engineers. There's even a engineer sub I believe. This game is absolutely incredible and it's not anywhere near done yet. Trust me when I say that this is the game you've been wanting if you are an RTS fan.

They should be adding the requirement for building me's on mineral fields this week. Right now you can build them anywhere.

I played a 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 over the weekend with shared economy and two commanders per team. It was ridiculously fun. If anyone has any questions about this game let me know. I'm really loving it so far.


Current Build: 50355
Date: July 2nd, 2013

Build 50355:
* Team Chat: Enter is still used for global chat, shift-enter for team chat
* Landing zones should work a little harder to space players out more at the start
* It should be a lot harder to place, intentionally or accidentally, more than one building in a spot
* Metal spots are now required! There is currently no option to turn these off, but it's a requirement to balance the game
* We are now collecting client crashes so we can start fixing crashes out in the wild more quickly
* Ongoing UI updates, bug fixes and new features
* Music System work to support dynamic music (WIP)
* Balance: T2 Artillery damage dropped, splah increased, T2 Metal buffed, Tactical Missile reduced a bit, Commander HP Buff & Speed reduction & Removed radar


I'm surprised this is the #1 game on steam and nobody is discussing it.

Is this thing worth the $60?

so... I dropped 90$ into the Kickstarter, got the digital outfit rewards for doing so in Super Monday Night Combat, but never got an email to either an UberEnt page or direct link to where I can download Planetary Annihilation.

I was sure the KS entitled me to a download into Alpha and Beta as well as a couple retail copies. I receive the email updates about the project, but have not seen anything where I can get access to the beta - only links to places to purchase it.

Anyone have info for backers?

Their site is a clusterfuck. Had to google uberent login to just login in (no menu options on uberent.com) then googled uberent store. There there's a tab (once you're logged in) called My Keys. I see an Alpha key there, which I hope and assume is also the Beta access.

They could have fucking emailed me and the other backers with direct links to this garbage. This is probably the main reason no one is talking about this - they don't know how to fucking even get the download.

Yes, this download is also the Beta access. I guess I'll try this out once everything is downloaded.


insert blank space here
Getting hammered on the planet I started on...
*bails out to another planet*

So good.

EDIT: I love watching the transport ship slingshot around the solar system to get to where it needs to go.
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