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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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Astral Dog

All Platinum games have a special quality to them. even Mad World, but to me Bayonetta stands above them withs its great combat system, mechanics incredible soundtrack, good art direction, enemy design and characters, i know many people hate it, but there is certain charm to it


I can't decide: Bayonetta or tengen toppa wonderfulagann? Ç___Ç
I have to thihk about it.

Btw, DMC1 forever in my heart.


Well, I had zero hype for MGR and I still enjoyed it quite a lot. Sure, it's not as complete or deep as, say, Bayonetta or W101, but for what it is, I found it really fun. It also has bitching boss fights and music.

Then we agree about MGR - it is really fun for what it is :). When I said it's hype I meant both the pre-release hype surrounding it (which I were totally buying back then and thus set myself up for a disappointment, but oh well) and its own hypeness in the crazy action sequences, bosses and music. Everything about it is hype, even the spine ripping animations.


Good thing the game is 100% combat, then, right?
(I get what you mean, but really, most of the "secondary" sections are deeper than they seem at first... much like the main game, ironically).

Yeah but if you don't like the space harrier/shmup type of the gameplay (I don't), the depth of those sections doesn't matter. I have like 0 fun while playing them and they drag down my experience of the game a lot on replays. I hate the fact that they are not restricted to their own levels and sometimes are even located in bossfight chapters.
Then we agree about MGR - it is really fun for what it is :). When I said it's hype I meant both the pre-release hype surrounding it (which I were totally buying back then and thus set myself up for a disappointment, but oh well) and its own hypeness in the crazy action sequences, bosses and music. Everything about it is hype, even the spine ripping animations.

If everything about it IS hype, then how can it be "really fun"? Further, what better measure of quality can there be for a game other than being really fun? I personally found the blade mode mechanic well used and the boss battles engaging, especially the final boss.

In which ways could Wonderful 101 be better than Bayonetta? I wonder

Why wonder so, when I enumerated them, not ten posts above yours?

Yeah but if you don't like the space harrier/shmup type of the gameplay (I don't), the depth of those sections doesn't matter. I have like 0 fun while playing them and they drag down my experience of the game a lot on replays. I hate the fact that they are not restricted to their own levels and sometimes are even located in bossfight chapters.

I can understand that, and indeed, the game would probably work better if it didn't mix up gameplay styles so often, so that people could replay what they like. I for one am not a huge fan of the sections of Neo Mu where you play as Red or Blue or both alone, particularly Vijounne's fight.


Good thing the game is 100% combat, then, right?.

I'm at 4-B, I am at a part where I have to turn this gear, after fighting this specific person. I have pressed the Y button so many times that I got blisters. The best advice I got in my LTTP topic was to "mash harder".

It's enough to kill all my interest in playing this game. I mean a hard boss fight? No problem. Having to mash a button so hard I feel like i'm going to damage my hands? Not cool :/
Bayonetta has the best combat system. But Vanquish is simply flawless. There's no point in that game where it stops being fun. It really nailed its core focus without being distracted by bonus missions and alternative gameplay types, which seems to be a core of Mikami games. Mikami has a really strong focus to his titles where they're almost entirely built around the major gameplay system. Kamiya is more likely to have a lot of divergent stuff like his oh so frequent Space Harrier homages. Which are nice initially, but I tired of them on repeat playthroughs.
I really felt like it was the opposite. I was bored for a lot of Vanquish, just plodding along. The final boss fight was the only time I was really having a blast. If the entire game were like that, I could put Vanquish over Bayonetta.

That said, who the hell votes for MadWorld. That game was ass.
I really felt like it was the opposite. I was bored for a lot of Vanquish, just plodding along. The final boss fight was the only time I was really having a blast. If the entire game were like that, I could put Vanquish over Bayonetta.

That said, who the hell votes for MadWorld. That game was ass.

Madworld is awesome


I really felt like it was the opposite. I was bored for a lot of Vanquish, just plodding along. The final boss fight was the only time I was really having a blast. If the entire game were like that, I could put Vanquish over Bayonetta.

That said, who the hell votes for MadWorld. That game was ass.

Plodding along? It's one the most fast and fluid games IMO.

And MadWorld was great. :)


I actually like Anarchy Reigns more than Metal Gear Rising and I'm not even talking about its multiplayer.

Are we sure Platinum had any real input on Infinite Space?

EDIT: Bayonetta would be better if the difficulty settings didn't mean having to play a blatantly inferior version, then a slightly inferior version before getting to the best stuff. Plz stop doing this videogames. Vanquish suffers from a slight lack of creativity/complexity in its encounters, which becomes obvious when you compare it to its mission mode. For better or worse, isn't so long that you have to time think about this until you are playing those missions. I think Vanquish was a little rushed; I want a Vanquish 2 more than a Bayonetta 2 (and an Anarchy Reigns 2 more than either).
I had to vote for Bayonetta. I can only really imagine voting for it or Vanquish out of the five I've played. Vanquish is pretty much just as strong of a game as Bayonetta if you compare them minute-to-minute (actually, Vanquish probably has better pacing than Bayonetta, which feels kind of disjointed even ignoring the vehicle sections), but I love how packed full of content Bayonetta is. I wish Vanquish had something to unlock other than God Hard and the challenges, although those are still pretty substantial.

Madworld is pretty weak. It looks cool (although I have to admit I have a hard time reading what's going on sometimes), and the soundtrack is awesome, but combat is way too simplistic. I don't think anything in the game is interesting to fight, and the game gets repetitive way too quickly for being as short as it is.

Anarchy Reigns is a lot of fun in multiplayer (although it does feel pretty unpolished), but as a solo game it feels kind of lacking. The bosses are very fun on hard, but the standard enemies and midbosses are really boring to fight no matter what difficulty you're on.

Metal Gear Rising is solid and has some moments of greatness, but it feels too flawed to be on the same level as Bayonetta and Vanquish. The camera is incredibly annoying, and damage on your attacks always feels kind of off (and having to deal with a separate attack strength stat for your weapon is lame). It's still a really good game but I don't think it's comparable to Bayonetta or Vanquish.

I haven't played Infinite Space (too expensive and I don't really like RPGs that much) or Wonderful 101 (no Wii U, but I'm sure I'll get one eventually).

Ser Goje

Look, I know MGR is an unpolished game, it had a short campaign with a bad story ( Kojima's effects on the game I think ), with a lot of bugs and that crappy camera angle which made the whole thing look unfinished. It seemed like a beta test than a real game.
But it was reaaaaaaaally good. Them mad combos and and everything. It was honestly the second best H&S game I have ever played, I know it wasn't as good as Bayonetta, but for me it's the best thing Platinum has ever made.


Look, I know MGR is an unpolished game, it had a short campaign with a bad story ( Kojima's effects on the game I think ), with a lot of bugs and that crappy camera angle which made the whole thing look unfinished. It seemed like a beta test than a real game.
But it was reaaaaaaaally good. Them mad combos and and everything. It was honestly the second best H&S game I have ever played, I know it wasn't as good as Bayonetta, but for me it's the best thing Platinum has ever made.

It's what make PlatinumGames PlatinumGames. Core gameplay is top priority. Everything else is second.


Look, I know MGR is an unpolished game, it had a short campaign with a bad story ( Kojima's effects on the game I think ), with a lot of bugs and that crappy camera angle which made the whole thing look unfinished. It seemed like a beta test than a real game.
But it was reaaaaaaaally good. Them mad combos and and everything. It was honestly the second best H&S game I have ever played, I know it wasn't as good as Bayonetta, but for me it's the best thing Platinum has ever made.

I think MGR's story is actually quite good. And like 80% of it is out of the way in optional codec calls so it doesn't get in the way either.


A bit off-topic, but how was the Wii port of Okami regarded?

On the topic of MGR, I personally think that it's a very well-built game that is just lacking in unique content. Quite a few enemies are recycled, but truth be told I never really had a problem with the camera. It also boasted a very distinctive OST.
That said I voted for W101. Overall, it's a better experience that handles its unlockable content much better. There's not a tremendous amount to go for in MGR once you've completed the main campaign unless you're dead-set on achievement hunting, while I thought bonus story characters were a good idea for the primary postgame unlockable in W101.


A bit off-topic, but how was the Wii port of Okami regarded?
Crappy controls, removal of a graphical filter that helped make the game's art style, and omission of Clover from the credits entirely. Best not to bother with anything other than the PS2 original or the PS3 HD port.


If everything about it IS hype, then how can it be "really fun"? Further, what better measure of quality can there be for a game other than being really fun? I personally found the blade mode mechanic well used and the boss battles engaging, especially the final boss.

Fun is certainly a great measure of overall quality for games, no arguments there. My problem with MGR is that for every five minutes of fun that I had out of it there was a minute of either anger or disappointment. If anything, I'd say its quality is best measured by the fact that it is so fun despite the lousy lock-on, hyperactive camera, botched ranking system and a mess of a level design that it has. It ends up being more than a sum of its parts - clearly P* magic at work.

I mean, this IS Platinum thread, every game that came from them that I played was super fun, but when comparing their games with one another, fun is simply not enough of a measure I think.

Ser Goje

I think MGR's story is actually quite good.

Yeah, it's good, except being short, it was okay, but all that part about letting them emotions out in the open made me laugh. xD I mean even based on Japanese writing standards and logic, it still made me laugh soooo hard xD. The story came back though, specially the final chapter, but still, I didn't like that part.
And like 80% of it is out of the way in optional codec calls so it doesn't get in the way either.
That was one the best things about it.

In addition to this, Kojima wasn't responsible for MGR's story.

Yeah, of course I know he wasn't. But it still had that MGS4 feeling in it which I really hate.

btw, do you think The Wonderful 101 is worth buying a WiiU ? ( I'll have to buy it for Bayonetta 2 anyways.)

Not Spaceghost

btw, do you think The Wonderful 101 is worth buying a WiiU ? ( I'll have to buy it for Bayonetta 2 anyways.)

I bought mine specifically for W101 and bayo 2 when it comes out, you will not be disappointed. Lots of fun titles for that machine, and also you get to catchup on any Wii titles you may have missed out.

But my logic was basically, own a Wii U till the PS4 gets a ton of big releases. So I'm treating it as my "between-gens" box.

W101 has so much going for it, it's insane. It has a shit ton of content, my first play through was listed as 12 hrs by the in game clock but real time it was ~22 hours.

Now imagine going through it a bunch more times and then hunting down the unlockables and you've got a game that if you love will keep you busy for a loong while.


btw, do you think The Wonderful 101 is worth buying a WiiU ? ( I'll have to buy it for Bayonetta 2 anyways.)

W101 is technically better than any other P* game.
If there was no Bayo 2 and if i never cared for Nintendo first party anyway but i was given the chance to play W101, i can tell you i'd buy a WiiU for it alone.

Ser Goje

I bought mine specifically for W101 and bayo 2 when it comes out, you will not be disappointed. Lots of fun titles for that machine, and also you get to catchup on any Wii titles you may have missed out.

But my logic was basically, own a Wii U till the PS4 gets a ton of big releases. So I'm treating it as my "between-gens" box.

W101 has so much going for it, it's insane. It has a shit ton of content, my first play through was listed as 12 hrs by the in game clock but real time it was ~22 hours.

Now imagine going through it a bunch more times and then hunting down the unlockables and you've got a game that if you love will keep you busy for a loong while.



I'm at 4-B, I am at a part where I have to turn this gear, after fighting this specific person. I have pressed the Y button so many times that I got blisters. The best advice I got in my LTTP topic was to "mash harder".

It's enough to kill all my interest in playing this game. I mean a hard boss fight? No problem. Having to mash a button so hard I feel like i'm going to damage my hands? Not cool :/

I found that slightly bothersome but certainly nothing I couldn't do in my first try. Try putting the controller level, then bunching your index and thumb together in a kind of pinch over the button, then clenching your biceps to make your arm vibrate (the classic button mash technique), that should be more than enough.
Something like this:
In any case if I remember correctly it was more like you had to mash for a bit without letting go more than simply mashing harder. While it was bothersome, in a sense it was genius showing to you how hard and exhausting it is for a single human being, even Wonderized, to turn the gears that you so effortlessly turn using Unite Hand.

I've decided to order a WiiU and get W101 rather than try to decide between Bayo and Vanquish for this vote

That's a mighty fine choice!

A bit off-topic, but how was the Wii port of Okami regarded?

By far the worst version of the game, avoid if at all possible. Forced "swing remote" as the attack input (making one of the three kind of weapons pretty useless, as it's based on charged attacks), Wiimote paradoxically less precise than analog stick for drawing, some removed ink effects, ugh. Get the PS3 version instead, it's gorgeous in HD.


yo that Kamiya Xbone exclusive rumor.

is there any basis for that or is it just fanwank? I have an Xbone now so I hope it's true hahah.


IIRC, the excuse was something like not having enough space on the disc for the credits, only to contradict that by putting them back in for the JP Wii release.

I think Ready at Dawn said that Capcom just didn't give them the video file for the credits.

Lol. I hate Capcom more and more these days.

yo that Kamiya Xbone exclusive rumor.

is there any basis for that or is it just fanwank? I have an Xbone now so I hope it's true hahah.

There was a CBOAT rumor about Platinum making an X1 exclusive back in August saying other JP devs are in as well, but he can just confirm "kamiya-town". (which I personally believe means Platinum not Kamiya himself.) CBOAT mentioned the game is Japan-only. A couple of months later, a leaker (ntkrnl) leaked some X1 info. GAF bugged him about Platinum's X1 exclusive, he lost it and replied: "YOU FUCKING GUYS. PROJECT NAGANO PLATINUM GAMES MARCH 2016) Nagano is the city that Kamiya was born in. None of the leakers clearly mentioned who the director is, but "Kamiya-town" and "NAGANO" led some people to believe this is a Kamiya game. That is all we know.


Rising 2 is probably my most anticipated future title that Platinum would make. Dual wielding swords, dual wielding slicing mode, wall running, jet thrust or boost, fighting multiple Rays at the same time.


I really felt like it was the opposite. I was bored for a lot of Vanquish, just plodding along. The final boss fight was the only time I was really having a blast. If the entire game were like that, I could put Vanquish over Bayonetta.

That said, who the hell votes for MadWorld. That game was ass.

No it wasn't. Mad World was good actually.

Bayonetta has the best combat system. But Vanquish is simply flawless. There's no point in that game where it stops being fun. It really nailed its core focus without being distracted by bonus missions and alternative gameplay types, which seems to be a core of Mikami games. Mikami has a really strong focus to his titles where they're almost entirely built around the major gameplay system. Kamiya is more likely to have a lot of divergent stuff like his oh so frequent Space Harrier homages. Which are nice initially, but I tired of them on repeat playthroughs.

Damn, I agree with this post entirely. Vanquish is THAT GAME!. Bayo is a little overrated around here.
I'm not much of a fan of any of those games, but one game that I absolutely did looooooove was Okami. Sometimes I wish Clover studio still existed within Capcom and a sequel was being worked on. Fucking Cacpcom.
It's kinda covered up by Iwata talking and various sound effects, but here's more of Bayonetta 2's battle theme.

Anyway, I voted for The Wonderful 101, because Bayonetta is obviously assured in first place and I wanted to make sure that 101 at least remained in second.
Rising 2 is probably my most anticipated future title that Platinum would make. Dual wielding swords, dual wielding slicing mode, wall running, jet thrust or boost, fighting multiple Rays at the same time.
What would dual wielding even add to blade mode? The recovery time for slashes is already non-existent.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Voted for W101 as well, Bayonetta on a close second.

MGR:R would be a candidate too, but the terrible camera ruined a great part of the experience for me. A lot of the boss fights were like "where the fuck am I? where the fuck is the boss?"

And the "shake the analogue stick" mechanic is the worst invention in modern gaming, period.


I read somewhere that there was a patch that fixed the camera. Is it true? I don't remember Platinum saying anything about it.

A patch, or a mod for the PC version? Because I once found camera mods like this "stabilising" one and this that basically pulls the camera further back.
I tested them on Sam's DLC and while they work, there are side effects (the sidescroller VR mission breaks apart as the camera is behind Sam's back at all times, for instance - made me eventually delete the mod).

I never heard anyting about a patch, so I have no idea whether I'm even talking about the same thing.


Damn, I agree with this post entirely. Vanquish is THAT GAME!. Bayo is a little overrated around here.

I wouldn't say overrated. Bayonetta is like a high end exotic sports car with all the bells and whistles. Vanquish is a stripped down hotrod made for one thing, and one thing only.


A patch, or a mod for the PC version? Because I once found camera mods like this "stabilising" one and this that basically pulls the camera further back.
I tested them on Sam's DLC and while they work, there are side effects (the sidescroller VR mission breaks apart as the camera is behind Sam's back at all times, for instance - made me eventually delete the mod).

I never heard anyting about a patch, so I have no idea whether I'm even talking about the same thing.

No, it was a patch. It was anectodal though. No big sites reporting. Just a guy in a forum claiming the latest patch will fix the camera. I didn't try it cause I finished the game like a thousand time by that time. Cool mods though!


500 votes! Whooo! :D


Vanquish for me. That game is like a modern-day Contra. Second would be Wonderful 101. I've never played Bayoneta even though I've owned it since launch. I'm planning on playing it before Bayonetta 2 launches though.

Also, I hope MGR 2 will become a thing. I loved the first, but it was clear it needed more time. The game had very little visual pizzaz and the level design was lacking. A sequel could easily remedy this and become a classic.
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