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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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Do you have any ideas about the next poll? How long should we stick with this one? It seems we know which Platinum game GAF thinks is the best. which I disagree with all of you completely :p

More polls would be awesome. I think 2-3 weeks for this poll is enough. We've been having this poll for 10 days if i'm not mistaken. Let's see how everybody else thinks!
Great read indeed. It's unfortunate how the unintentionally hidden depths of games such as Vanquish and The Wonderful 101 prevent them from reaching the critical and commercial acclaim they so truly deserve.

When the creator of the modern third-person action game returns to the genre with a sweeping epic of chaos, immaturity, homage and parody, built on top of a ferociously precise, studied, and peerless arcade foundation, the last thing one might expect is silence. Worse than silence, even; the quiet disappointment of jaded critics, shaking their heads and regretting how over-the-top it is, how preposterous the vein-and-muscle space marines's voices sound, how relentless the pacing is, and so on.

If only VANQUISH had the gravitas of the genre its creator had spawned, if only it was serious and mature like GEARS OF WAR, or UNCHARTED, then we could admit it into our hallowed halls; then and only then could it earn our appreciation.


Really. really unfortunate. :(
if only it was serious and mature like GEARS OF WAR

Oh yeah, forgot to comment on this. Is there anyone that really considers Gears of War "serious" and "mature"? I found that shocking, honestly!
(not to criticize GoW, its narrative is perfect for the kind of game it is... but it's like calling Riddick serious and mature).


Great read indeed. It's unfortunate how the unintentionally hidden depths of games such as Vanquish and The Wonderful 101 prevent them from reaching the critical and commercial acclaim they so truly deserve.

I don't know whether it's about the unintentionally hidden depths of mechanics or, like the article seems to suggest, the fact that neither the reviewers nor most of the market really care about them, rather than the easy gratification and gritty power fantasy story. I agree with the author of the article that Vanquish gets better and better on subsequent playthroughs (as do all P* games for me), but that is something probably few reviewer ever experience, at least not until after the reviews are up.

And repeated playthroughs in general are not getting much love from most people, I think. Length seems to be valued much higher, which always works against P* games, as they're usually short, but meant to be played over and over.

Generally, P* should probably rework their tutorials - the loading screens in Vanquish teached me more than the lengthy tutorial did. I'm not sure how to do that, though. How do you properly explain deep, complex mechanics without boring most people to death before the game even starts?



Hold it! It's @PG_kamiya’s father sporting a custom made Bayonetta T-shirt. Any objections? #ThrowbackThursday

Stylish is a family business.


How do you properly explain deep, complex mechanics without boring most people to death before the game even starts?
You make a optional tutorial or you introduce them scenarios in which they can try it so they may apply them later is my guess. I feel like even if you do it as such, people would complain about the former for being lazy or the latter as them "forcing" people to play they want to play.


You make a optional tutorial or you introduce them scenarios in which they can try it so they may apply them later is my guess. I feel like even if you do it as such, people would complain about the former for being lazy or the latter as them "forcing" people to play they want to play.

I think Vanquish kind of tried this approach, only very subtly, over the first couple encounters.
The very first combat area was a bullet hell where the game pretty much told you to Boost to flank the enemies and gain advantage. It was a hint that you should take advantage of your superior mobility instead of hiding behind cover and popping "safe" shots. From the very beginning it established the role of your supporting marines as your shield - the enemies' attention was directed to them while you destroyed them from behind. It also had some turrets and the first hijackable mech that introduced the concept of using the enemies' resources against them and thus gaining the upper hand (not to mention the mech served as a good opportunity to try out the AR mode to accurately shoot its operator).
An area later you're given a sniper rifle and a bunch of explosive barrels in the distance that decimate those pesky turret using robots when destroyed, which teaches you that situational use of some guns yields awesome results and that the assault rifle is not always the way to go. Then a boss appears (Argus) that not only tests whether you learned all your lessons so far, but also reinforces that you shouldn't abuse cover by blasting it apart with lasers.

So really, over the first two combat scenarios in the game all of its core concepts are gradually introduced, though at a very fast pace and not as openly as many games do it these days. Of course, the question is how many players are observant enough to get what the game is hinting, adapt to it and put all that to good use over the course of the campaign. I know I didn't.
Serious question, do we ever see Bayonetta naked? I'm a few hours into the game and I keep hoping for a glimpse but her hair always gets in the way.


Serious question, do we ever see Bayonetta naked? I'm a few hours into the game and I keep hoping for a glimpse but her hair always gets in the way.

If you know where to look for, you can see everything that exists naked.

But, to answer your question, no. You don't get to see Bayonetta naked on the game. You dirty pervert.

If you know where to look for, you can see everything that exists naked.

But, to answer your question, no. You don't get to see Bayonetta naked on the game. You dirty pervert.


Technically you see her naked all the time. Her clothes are made of her hair, after all.

I actually wish the game and particularly wicked weaves were a bit less revealing. I'm OK with final summons as the fixed camera angles during the sequences work well to tastefully hide everything, but the barely there V string bikini during wicked weaves is a bit too fanservicey for my tastes.


Oh yeah, forgot to comment on this. Is there anyone that really considers Gears of War "serious" and "mature"? I found that shocking, honestly!
(not to criticize GoW, its narrative is perfect for the kind of game it is... but it's like calling Riddick serious and mature).

It takes itself seriously I think is the point. Though I've never played them, that's just the impression I get.


Enjay said:
To everyone reading the thread and considering buying on of their games: note that their camera work is absolute shit in each game I've played from them (Bayonetta, God Hand, Metal Gear Rising) and they also carry on the tradition of cheap deaths and artificial game longevity with confusing as fuck level design. Food for thought for those on the fence.

EDIT- just had a smoke and realized and the level design & cheap death complaint might be intentional and the games are designed for multiple playthroughs. With each subsequent play through becoming more rewarding until you're able to just break the game.... which after having it frustrate you so much at first feels so fun and satisfying. Man sucks that there's so many games coming out and such huge backlogs these days that people just don't have the time or patience to get how fun the game feels when you finally adapt to it.


We know that Bayonetta would curbstomp Dante. But I wondered who would win between Bayonetta and The Wonderful 101 (with Platinum Robo)

I asked Kamiya, and this was his response: https://twitter.com/PG_kamiya/status/462031880708059136

Ha, he usually gets angry at X vs. Y questions :p

EDIT- just had a smoke and realized and the level design & cheap death complaint might be intentional and the games are designed for multiple playthroughs. With each subsequent play through becoming more rewarding until you're able to just break the game.... which after having it frustrate you so much at first feels so fun and satisfying. Man sucks that there's so many games coming out and such huge backlogs these days that people just don't have the time or patience to get how fun the game feels when you finally adapt to it.

Man, me and salty Enjay would have A LOT to talk about, lol :D


EDIT- just had a smoke and realized and the level design & cheap death complaint might be intentional and the games are designed for multiple playthroughs. With each subsequent play through becoming more rewarding until you're able to just break the game.... which after having it frustrate you so much at first feels so fun and satisfying. Man sucks that there's so many games coming out and such huge backlogs these days that people just don't have the time or patience to get how fun the game feels when you finally adapt to it.

*reads original comment* Now wait just a minute... *notices "salty after MGR"* ...OK, you're justified. I openly admit being a Platinum fangirl and yet I still consider MGR the single most frustrating game I ever played.
And yes, playing a Platinum game once is doing it wrong. I agree with everything in the above quote, pretty much.



Stylish is a family business.
talking about Platinum merchandise,why they never opened the online shop?
thet "test run" saw them go sold out in a matter of hours,than nothing happened.

there was probably some other problem ,i know,but i would really love to have a place were to buy t-shirts like that


Trying to do the shop thing. Finding the time is the biggest issue, tbh. Thanks for the post though. It is a nice kick in the pants.
PlatinumGamesJP's twitter said:
Just not a fan of moe stuff like that. It is everything I hate about modern anime.

Wow, glad to see I'm not alone. Moe killed 50%+ of anime for me.

Enjoying Shingeki no Kyojin for many reasons, and one of them is it's 100% absence of goddamn moe.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I wouldn't mind if Platinum made a One Piece game. Hell, one of Luffy's signature attacks is rapid-fire fisticuffs, a common trope in Platinum titles.

So, will this hypothetical shop have TW101 merch, or will that need approval from Nintendo?


I would buy an unhealthy amount of products from this store if it had an EU warehouse so I wouldn't have to pay out my ass for shipping and customs.


Just picked up Madworld and Anarchy Reigns, so I'm thinking of creating a LTTP thead for Anarchy Reigns. Anyone interested in some PS3 multiplayer later?


Haha, Kill la Kill isn't "moe". It's actually a pretty good watch: neat hotblooded action with interjecting wacky humor (I can see the PG connection there, not that I think someone should badger them about it).

Badgering PG is how you make them not wanting to make a game (RIP PG Starfox).
Haha, Kill la Kill isn't "moe". It's actually a pretty good watch: neat hotblooded action with interjecting wacky humor (I can see the PG connection there, not that I think someone should badger them about it).

I admit I was slightly confused about this comment as well, as (not having watched it), I had seen Kill La Kill compared mostly to Gurren Lagann; not an anime one immediately associates with moe.


KLK is a pretty far cry from the likes of K-ON! or whatever cutsey SOL shit that is popular now. There are some elements to a few of the characters that give you that "moe" feel but it's not really forced like it is with a lot of anime.
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