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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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Rising 2 is probably my most anticipated future title that Platinum would make. Dual wielding swords, dual wielding slicing mode, wall running, jet thrust or boost, fighting multiple Rays at the same time.

I'd like to see some sort of unique blade modes for the various weapons.

I was pretty disappointed that the alt weapons in Rising weren't fully fledged weapons.
I've never played Bayoneta even though I've owned it since launch.

I'd like to see some sort of unique blade modes for the various weapons.

I was pretty disappointed that the alt weapons in Rising weren't fully fledged weapons.

I want them to make a system like Bayonetta so I can switch between them on the fly. Make for even more interesting combos!


Apparently it was a CBOAT rumor.

Lol. I hate Capcom more and more these days.

There was a CBOAT rumor about Platinum making an X1 exclusive back in August saying other JP devs are in as well, but he can just confirm "kamiya-town". (which I personally believe means Platinum not Kamiya himself.) CBOAT mentioned the game is Japan-only. A couple of months later, a leaker (ntkrnl) leaked some X1 info. GAF bugged him about Platinum's X1 exclusive, he lost it and replied: "YOU FUCKING GUYS. PROJECT NAGANO PLATINUM GAMES MARCH 2016) Nagano is the city that Kamiya was born in. None of the leakers clearly mentioned who the director is, but "Kamiya-town" and "NAGANO" led some people to believe this is a Kamiya game. That is all we know.

Thanks. shiiiiiit if 2016 and Japan-only turn out to be true...


I forgot the other only two systems for Okami were PS3 and PS2. Don't have a PS2 and I don't want to get anything for PS3 since I'm more likely to maintain access to a Wii U while I'm at college (going to get a second to bring with me).

I forgot the other only two systems for Okami were PS3 and PS2. Don't have a PS2 and I don't want to get anything for PS3 since I'm more likely to maintain access to a Wii U while I'm at college (going to get a second to bring with me).


The PS3 version would probably cost a lot less too. I think I got it for 10€, not sure if it was on sale then or not. If you have access to a PS3, even if it's not yours, you could log in with your account, download it, and log out.

Barring that, play it during summer break. It's a ten year old game, you can probably wait a few months. :)
So I haven't played Bayonetta yet and was planning to do so. I don't have a 360 so I'll have to play PS3 version which I've heard is inferior. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


For me, their best game is Bayonetta, it was bad news when I heard the 2nd would be released only on WiiU. =(

I did not like Vanquish though. And never played that Anarchy Reign... the funny fact is that I've never heard of it, and looks damn good! o_O

So I haven't played Bayonetta yet and was planning to do so. I don't have a 360 so I'll have to play PS3 version which I've heard is inferior. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Never played the X360 version, but from every comparison I've seen and things I've heard, the PS3 version is indeed the worse one. BUT, dont let it intimidate you, the game still plays good, and worth every cent.
Never played the X360 version, but from every comparison I've seen and things I've heard, the PS3 version is indeed the worse one. BUT, dont let it intimidate you, the game still plays good, and worth every cent.

360 version handles textures better and stays around 60fps while the PS3 version stays close to 30fps.

Damn. Not having 60 fps is a real bummer, but I'll live. I'll probably pick it up this weekend.


Thanks. shiiiiiit if 2016 and Japan-only turn out to be true...
Your welcome!
Yup. sucks if Japan-only turn out to be true. Did Microsoft ever have JP-only exclusives before?

Damn. Not having 60 fps is a real bummer, but I'll live. I'll probably pick it up this weekend.
There's also longer loading times, but they patched that up I guess. Overall it's playable, don't worry. My first playthrough of Bayo was on PS3 and I enjoyed the hell out of it XD.


Damn. Not having 60 fps is a real bummer, but I'll live. I'll probably pick it up this weekend.

Honestly, and inferior version of a great game is still worth picking up. I played both and can confirm PS3 version is playable by all means, so go for it if you don't have an X360.
Tried the Bayonetta Guacamelee mod, it's so cool. I'd have to play quite a bit until I get the rest of the moves, including the double jump and the straight punch which seems to be replaced by a Wicked Weave.

My vote goes to Wonderful 101, surpassed Bayonetta in every way
though I played the shoddy PS3 version.

Just wanted to say your avatar is awesome. I'm a sucker for 16-bit sprites. :)


Your welcome!
Yup. sucks if Japan-only turn out to be true. Did Microsoft ever have JP-only exclusives before?

Well the Cave shooters i know of (most of which were region free anyway), and some others i think in the Visual Novel and JRPG genres, and anyway the worst part is having to buy one yet console, i think playing the game will be fairly easy with a couple of internet guides considering the X1 is region free.

But i still don't believe the x1 exclusive rumor one bit anyway, and last week when they announced the Japanese developers that signed in to develop for X1, Platinum wasn't there and new speculation started that the project is so secret that they didn't even add P* in the list.
As i said before, i'll believe it when it's announced, until then i find any speculation laughable.


Just wanted to say your avatar is awesome. I'm a sucker for 16-bit sprites. :)
I think his avatar is from this bead art a PG fan did :) Platinum fans show their love in some awesome ways :D

Here's the artist's twitter:
Well the Cave shooters i know of (most of which were region free anyway), and some others i think in the Visual Novel and JRPG genres, and anyway the worst part is having to buy one yet console, i think playing the game will be fairly easy with a couple of internet guides considering the X1 is region free.

But i still don't believe the x1 exclusive rumor one bit anyway, and last week when they announced the Japanese developers that signed in to develop for X1, Platinum wasn't there and new speculation started that the project is so secret that they didn't even add P* in the list.
As i said before, i'll believe it when it's announced, until then i find any speculation laughable.

I did a little search, and actually found a full-fledged Japan-only Microsoft exclusive:


A JP-only game for the original Xbox by From Software. So Microsoft is not unfamiliar with situations like this.

Yeah the absence of Platinum in that list was pretty weird. I mean, I can understand why Valhalla wouldn't want their name in that list cause they have a game which they don't want people to know what platform its going to be on, and being in that list is going to ruin the surprise, but Platinum, I don't get it. Even if they are not making an X1 exclusive, they will support that platform and develop games for X1 in the future... And "being so secret" just doesn't make any sense. Being in that list doesn't necessary mean they are developing an X1 exclusive, it just shows thee support. Like how Platinum was in the PS4 developer's list.
This whole situation is just getting more complicated. :/


Junior Member
So I've never been much of a Platinum fan, I had previously only played Vanquish and enjoyed it.

I started playing MGR and now I'm a fan. I'm not sure exactly what clicked but I think it might have been the boss fight with the French lady. It was just a combination of the music, the gameplay, the boss. Everything felt right.

I'd love to see them make a FPS one day.


assuming you like jrpgs (grandia's avatar) you should absolutely play infinite space. it's great.
one of the best if not the best jrpg on NDS.

maybe someday. i've loved jrpgs since i started playing games but i never enjoyed playing games on portables until the vita came along so i'll think about it

thanks for the reply though!


Bayonetta 2 getting edgy!

That is one the coolest arts in there. It just begs to become a game. A very, very awesome game.

I would love to see a Platinum game with this kind of style.

Just the thought of it makes me go Banderas.webm

I'd love to see them make a FPS one day.

I'm not a FPS fan ( the only FPS games I played last year were Bioshock: Infinite and CoJ: Gunslinger, which are not your typical FPS games), but I was thinking about this the other day. I really wonder what a FPS Platinum game would be like. Something crazy for sure :p



I might be getting overly sensitive, but I can already hear the sexualisation shitstorm that would start the day a game with this design was announced >.>

I'm not a FPS fan ( the only FPS games I played last year were Bioshock: Infinite and CoJ: Gunslinger, which are not your typical FPS games), but I was thinking about this the other day. I really wonder what a FPS Platinum game would be like. Something crazy for sure :p
It would probably be Vanquish situation all over again, for me at least - I don't care for TPS as a genre (aside from RE games) at all, and Vanquish is still one of my all time favourite games.



Platinum showcasing their artworks. Because they're GODDAMN GOOD. This is the second time I'm saying this in this thread, but you should definitely check out their artworks. They are amazing. Turn one of those into a game and I'd be super happy.

Oh, they put up some more!

I remember looking through some of their artwork on their main site in the past.

Looks great!

Voted for Bayo hehe


Ok guys, first of all i have to let you know that i'm now a full member (applause here) and that means that i was able to vote today.

After some thought i said that the most honest thing to do is to not vote for the game I enjoyed the most or thought it had the most potential, but vote for the one i actually think is better.

So congratulations W101, you got another vote.


Ok guys, first of all i have to let you know that i'm now a full member (applause here) and that means that i was able to vote today.

After some thought i said that the most honest thing to do is to not vote for the game I enjoyed the most or thought it had the most potential, but vote for the one i actually think is better.

So congratulations W101, you got another vote.

Congrats Lernaen! :D

That's actually something I thought about after we added the poll to the thread. the poll is asking what is Platinum's best game, but maybe we should've asked "what's your favorite Platinum game?". But there's nothing we can do about it now and in most cases they are the same :D

Ser Goje

Do you have any ideas about the next poll? How long should we stick with this one? It seems we know which Platinum game GAF thinks is the best. which I disagree with all of you completely :p
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