Neither has any magnification.There is difference with red dot and holo.
Holo is a bit more zoomed than red dot.
Unless there was a single pixel where my face was visible between a tree, rock, and UAZ.
After this patch, I will always get one freeze and "Network Lag" message before jumping off the plane. What gives?
Have they said anything about this yet? It's annoying as shit.That feel when you have the drop on a guy and go to shoot but the camera is on your left shoulder for some reason and there's a tree blocking your view.
Does the link twitch account button not do anything yet?
Is anyone else getting a ~5 second freeze near the start of the match? Wasn't happening before this patch.
Yuuup pretty much every game tonight all of us were getting freezes and "network lag detected" when we were in the airplane.
We got a group dinner though so it wasn't all bad
I just got 5/98 playing Mad Max style. Get a gun or two and spend the rest of the match driving around. Roadkills are my favorite thing in the game, especially when I know it's someone who painstakingly earned their way into the top 10 and has an awesome inventory.
Maybe I'm too bad or impatient to get kills other ways.
I might have ranked even higher but I accidentally rammed a house right at the end, almost killing a guy who was near it. I need to figure out which car is the hardest to shoot the driver of.
I saved up BP and bought the level 2 reward case. When I tried to open it, the game gave an error and deleted the case.
Should I just even bother trying to buy them? If you get an error does it give you the item anyway?
What.....where those player AFK or something?
Is there a way to get to the island in the northeast corner of the map? The plane seems to auto-eject you early even if it's headed in that direction, and I've never found a boat that could allow you to get there quickly.
Also, I've never seen it rain on matchmaking servers.
Yes, there are boats that spawn up at that area and you can make a dash to explore the spawn island if you are quick.
Is there a trick to getting in? I've only found invisible walls surrounding it.
Found two people working together in solo for the first time, can't imagine the logistics of getting that matched up
In 3 games, today I:
- Had an out of the blue Sandy Hook truther as a duo partner.
- Came SO CLOSE to landing my parachute inside the nuclear power plant tower. I was disappointed to discover they're open at the bottom even if I had landed inside.
- Landed right next to the lighthouse, and barely punched another player to death who was landing at the same spot. Turns out the lighthouse can't be entered, and the building next to it had crap loot. That game didn't last long.
Found two people working together in solo for the first time, can't imagine the logistics of getting that matched up
Is there a trick to getting in? I've only found invisible walls surrounding it.
I'm surprised there AREN'T more teamkillers. It's only happened to me once, thankfully at the start of a match.
Found two people working together in solo for the first time, can't imagine the logistics of getting that matched up
It feels fairly simple to implement a kick + incremental time ban if a teammate does you 100% of the damage of your death.
Sure there might be a few cases where this is going to punish someone that made a mistake but I believe this would be fairly low considering how visible is the UI for teammates.
Anyway this game's barebones but awesome. I really hope they give priority to server stability cause I've been playing for 5 days and lag seems to only get worse.
It's kind of crazy to me how much I like the game with one or more friends and how much I dislike it solo.
A common tactic is they all wear the same clothing. Saw a video of multiple squads teaming up running around with a group of like 8 plus people.
It's kind of a pain right now that the game doesn't support squads larger than four. I tend to play with a tight group of 'real life' friends and it isn't unusual for five or six people to be on simultaneously, in which case we either have to split the squad or try to get together in the same game which is, frankly, more trouble than it's worth a lot of the time.
I'd really like to see them implement another playlist or two to facilitate this in a clean and fair way.
Found two people working together in solo for the first time, can't imagine the logistics of getting that matched up
stop doing this please, it's cheating.It's kind of a pain right now that the game doesn't support squads larger than four. I tend to play with a tight group of 'real life' friends and it isn't unusual for five or six people to be on simultaneously, in which case we either have to split the squad or try to get together in the same game which is, frankly, more trouble than it's worth a lot of the time.
I'd really like to see them implement another playlist or two to facilitate this in a clean and fair way.