I still think the new maps will just be a rotation with the one now. No way they do matchmaking for each map separate.
Do you not see the irony in forbidding players from opting to play in a certain way and citing customization being hampered as a result?
Also fucking lol at third person adding another tactical layer. Looking over a hill without risking anything isn't a DEEP TACTICAL LAYER, it's just cheap.
I agree 100%. The community doesn't need to be split over something so trivial. You want to play in first person then do it but don't drag all of us there with you.Man I really hope first person servers DON'T happen. I don't want that shit to catch on. There is more than enough of FPS only games. We don't need that fucking shit.
People should learn to deal with it and counter it. It's easier to aim in first person, and in third person you're at a disadvantage when being rushed.
Being able to opt between first and third person on the fly creates another deeper layer of tactical element of knowing how and when to use what. When you use it in conjunction the game becomes more strategic and challenges different level of perspective.
To force a idiom of first-person only undermines the customization aspect of the game, and it risks fragmenting the community in the most pathetic way possible.
It's the same kind of bullshit when people complain about having a map or a certain weapon, despite fully knowing the game was designed a particular way. I don't understand why people don't take it as a challenge to overcome something that gets them killed in game.
I still think the new maps will just be a rotation with the one now. No way they do matchmaking for each map separate.
I will admit, my first chicken diner was really lame ahahaha. I had to be out of the PC for a while, and just left my character out in the open without any equipment. Return like 20 or so minutes later, i'm somehow still alive and was lucky with the circles, the next one was relatively close. I loot up a couple of houses quickly, get a M416 with some ammo and a helmet. I run into the circle area. There's a house close, and I just see a guy running out . I take some potshots, he hides behind a three, I rush up close and just murder him, and dude is completely kitted out. Got scopes, crapload of ammo, bulletproof vest, a AKM with all attachments, etc. Then I just go to where the circle was going to be, crouch out in a bush in the middle of the beach, wait a bit. There's only two guys left, one next to a bridge, one on the little tower. They eventually find each other and start a gunfight, i just keep on watching through the bushes. The one in the tower kills the other, and i immediately start using single fire with the scope on him. Dude somehow couldn't ever tell where I was shooting somehow, so it took a few shots but he easily went down.
Low effort chicken diner y'all
You are missing the point. Saying "If you want to play first person just do it" is not a valid argument here because it puts you at a significant disadvantage when everyone else is using third person to look around obstacles and you aren't.I agree 100%. The community doesn't need to be split over something so trivial. You want to play in first person then do it but don't drag all of us there with you.
Those things are not related. One of the core components of the gameplay is customization. Creating a fragmented community is not the same argument at all.
My opposition is not to you not having something you'd want to enjoy. But I'd hate it if it ended up with a situation where 50% of the servers where FPS only.
I agree 100%. The community doesn't need to be split over something so trivial. You want to play in first person then do it but don't drag all of us there with you.
Now apparently. When I tried to choose from that list it said 'international market' over the 7 countries, so I just proceeded normally and tried to activate it. Didn't work sadly - it didn't even tell me what went wrong but oh well.When? I can still only choose between 7.
Now apparently. When I tried to choose from that list it said 'international market' over the 7 countries, so I just proceeded normally and tried to activate it. Didn't work sadly - it didn't even tell me what went wrong but oh well.
Wait a second, when you do it, why do you get to put the effect you're presupposing in the front, and then when I do it, you get to use the word customization? Are fragmenting the community and customizing the play experience mutually exclusive?
So to clarify, you're saying it'd be a net benefit of the game and in everyone's best interests if there wasn't any modding or custom games whatsoever right? Because it's all feeding into the same player base?
No, that's not what I am saying. But good games have been wrought down by having shitter modes and methods of play that detracted from the best modes. Choice is good, but only when its good.
I am saying that if you want to argue for the inclusion it should be supported by some compelling arguments through design and gameplay rationale. Right now the arguments have the velocity of saying that people who pick the sniper are cheap or people who look at the radar are cheating.
As far as I can tell, this game was designed with third/first person in mind. The gameplay is based around it, and so if you want to argue that the game is worse because of third person, proper argumentation is needed besides personal preference.
If the game was designed around first person, wouldn't have the release been in first person?Who are you to say what the game was designed with in mind? They've literally already said it was on their road map / they already give the option in custom games. I'm not sure why you keep pretending to care about the gameplay implications when you are explicitly saying the crux of your reasoning lies on something completely besides the mechanics; the playerbase split. I'm not sure why you're shying away from stating that you want the entire removal of custom games altogether, you should be doubling down on wanting less options for players, otherwise you're dancing around your point. I'm not sure what actual case studies you can cite where the addition of modding and player choice was a detriment to the core audience, but I'm happy to hear them.
If the game was designed around first person, wouldn't have the release been in first person?
It just seems like that's such a big design decision that I doubt will change during early access.
How many early access games have changed their genre while in early access?
Who are you to say what the game was designed with in mind? They've literally already said it was on their road map / they already give the option in custom games. I'm not sure why you keep pretending to care about the gameplay implications when you are explicitly saying the crux of your reasoning lies on something completely besides the mechanics; the playerbase split. I'm not sure why you're shying away from stating that you want the entire removal of custom games altogether, you should be doubling down on wanting less options for players, otherwise you're dancing around your point. I'm not sure what actual case studies you can cite where the addition of modding and player choice was a detriment to the core audience, but I'm happy to hear them.
If it was designed with first person they would never have implemented third person in the first place. This is a non argument. By the time a game hits early access it's already had EXTENSIVE gameplay and been through thousands of hours of design spec.
Serious question, have you ever played Arma before?
You are missing the point. Saying "If you want to play first person just do it" is not a valid argument here because it puts you at a significant disadvantage when everyone else is using third person to look around obstacles and you aren't.
Since when did multiple modes become a bad thing? You could make the same argument by your logic for any game with more than one game mode. Dota with custom games and ability draft? Call of Duty with deathwatch and objective games? Arma with it's smorgasbord of ways to play? Ark having both a survival game and battle royale type game?
Why are the zombie servers always locked with Twitch streamers? Why not let a couple of those run for everyone like the 1st person servers?
Since when? Since it fractured super small playerbases in similar games.
Since when? Since it fractured super small playerbases in similar games.
This game looks interesting but every time I watch a stream it's just a guy camping in a house
This game looks interesting but every time I watch a stream it's just a guy camping in a house
3rd person isn't being removed. The genre isn't changing. First person only will be a different hardcore playmode. It's something that has been planned.
I think I need some tips on making it past the part of the game with 40-30 people. I always die there and usually it's because I get shot from somewhere while I'm sort of in the open. I'm also always playing catch up to the circle.
You need some Grimmmz in your life.
Finally got my first solo chicken dinner. 0 kills, 0 hits. Just me crawling through the grass as the other 2 dudes shoot at each other and are killed by the unforgiving blue.
Never played ARMA. You could go into first person (though without a gun visible) in Socom too, so maybe the definition of third person shooter is off (Gears I guess is only that?). Either way for me I love this style of third person experience. I understand those that don't, but I don't think think it's a design flaw or bug that has to be fixed (and most people aren't really saying it is). Adding servers that only do first person is certainly an option though as others have said there is always the worry about player base. In principle it's fine though.
Server seems down just now.