I love the Twitch Prime ski mask!
Made it to #2 last night. So close...
So can someone explain the "match ends in" timer? I understand this changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute in the latest patch. What happens if that timer expires and multiple players are still alive? How does the game determine a winner?
Made it to #2 last night. So close...
So can someone explain the "match ends in" timer? I understand this changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute in the latest patch. What happens if that timer expires and multiple players are still alive? How does the game determine a winner?
Made it to #2 last night. So close...
So can someone explain the "match ends in" timer? I understand this changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute in the latest patch. What happens if that timer expires and multiple players are still alive? How does the game determine a winner?
Made it to #2 last night. So close...
So can someone explain the "match ends in" timer? I understand this changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute in the latest patch. What happens if that timer expires and multiple players are still alive? How does the game determine a winner?
Good question, I assumed it just ended in a draw but with no wins given, and simply was a way to force action...OR MAYBE the zombies come out after the countdown (now that would be an ending! lol)
Wish I would have known this last night. We were down to the last two teams. Ours was holed up under a cliff face right near the center of the final circle with the other team above us. Neither could really get a line on the other. So we ended up risking it just for the sake of playing the game rather than waiting. Went poorly, obviously.The circle would hold for about five minutes at the smallest size and then start to shrink rapidly to nothing. I won my only solo game by quickly running to the center of the circle and taking a few shots at the other guy.
The circle takes almost 20% health a click at this point so the match ends pretty quickly.
There is ZERO chance this game gets discounted below 20 on the summer sale right?
There is ZERO chance this game gets discounted below 20 on the summer sale right?
I wouldn't say zero. The game was ~$10 off (maybe a bit less) on GMG with a coupon code a month ago, 25% off during the Summer Sale isn't out of the realm of possibility, though I wouldn't bank on it.There is ZERO chance this game gets discounted below 20 on the summer sale right?
Apologies if I'm incorrect about this, but doesn't the "match ends in" timer start once someone wins? So basically it will boot you out of that server after five minutes if you are still spectating/idling. By reducing this to one minute, it would free up the server faster.
Really hope we get the game preview soon on Xbox One.
All crates are the same aside from price.Do the more expensive crates have a chance for better gear? Or should I just wait until the weekly BP reset on Sunday and spend my BP then rather then waste my all my BP on one 2800 BP crate?
Does anyone know how to get rid of that Twitch Prime banner in PUBG? Googling didn't help.
My apologies if this has been answered already- but what is the best place to grab this from (steam?)- any upcoming sales to wait for, etc? I want it, but some of the technical reviews make me a smidge skittish for the full $30.
Thanks guys!
Does anyone know if you can get the Twitch loot with the trial?
Awesome!This game is pretty fun!
My first kill was memorable (well, to me anyway). I landed in a house far way (thinking I would be the only one), but then I noticed a guy entering first on the other side (he saw me too), I enter the house and suddenly I see him looking for me with an assault rifle in hands. I hide behind some furniture. I can see him in the same room looking for me, but for some miracle he didn't see me. The moment he steps out of the house to check if I'm outside I rush to a room he didn't open and find a shotgun there. I close the door and patiently wait for him. I'm sure he will come back to check all the rooms, so he is coming. As soon as he opens the door, surprise motherfucker! So satisfying...
Needs more violence, speed, and momentum3rd game of the day, 2nd chicken dinner of the day, 4th chicken dinner ever. Ooooh, feels so damn good.
Needs more violence, speed, and momentum