Fried Food
I like the first person mode. I haven't noticed any difference in the loot dragging speed.
sometimes i think my time would be better spent not ever fighting anyone and just learning how not to be seen after grabbing one shotgun and like 10 shotgun shells, then using all the disengagement talents i have to stay alive until the circles are small enough for shotguns to be amazing
It makes it bad, if it goes against the games philosophy. A lot of things feel good. If i could have a machine gun with infinite ammunition and drive a car while shooting, cruising through the landscape and shoot anything i see, would feel amazing. But then you have a completely different much as i agree with this particular change you have to be pretty stupid to believe something being a mistake instantly makes it bad
The point of red zone is to keep players moving around the map more often
I like the first person mode. I haven't noticed any difference in the loot dragging speed.
When things are going well and you're happy with your loot.....
Whenever you catch air on a bike tap left control to tilt the front wheel forward. 99% of the time you land on your front wheel, you'll stick the landing.
So that line in the patch notes about allowing certain actions to be toggled now... toggle sprint finally?
There's already a auto Sprint toggle, right? Press =So that line in the patch notes about allowing certain actions to be toggled now... toggle sprint finally?
My squad of 4 once got a chicken dinner by firing only a single shotgun shot to kill the last person. We were cowards and avoided any conflict for the whole game.
It's way to boring to play that way consistently though.
Playing FPP, I enjoy frontal engagements just as much if not more, but getting shot from behind (100% of my deaths so far) is almost impossible to recover from. Technically it should happen less, but eh.
There's already a auto Sprint toggle, right? Press =
I feel like camping would equally as bad at worst, but at least it's not people waiting and looking around corners with zero risk involved. I really don't see any situation where they're more powerful than they currently are in 3rd person.Still only like 5 games in to FPP, but I really don't know why people think camping is going to be better or the game will be less frustrating.
Yes, if you know someone is camping you have a better chance than third person, but the campers you don't know about are now far more powerful / likely to kill you without giving you a chance to retaliate.
I feel like camping would equally as bad at worst, but at least it's not people waiting and looking around corners with zero risk involved. I really don't see any situation where they're more powerful than they currently are in 3rd person.
Camping isn't the problem and wasn't the problem. That's the nature of this kind of game scenario. It's not Halo.
1st person makes risks way higher by the need to peak-confirm a visual on an enemy. I have spent a lot of time in the open now because people have less godlike awareness.
I mean, plenty of people clearly expect camping to be less of a problem. Furthermore, I understand the difference between 3PP and 1PP in terms of the risks of gaining information, but the perception that it's a problem is something I don't personally agree with.
This sounds exactly like solo before the update so 🤷Try playing it dude, there's way more situations where you have less information about people who are camping than the other way around.
Loss of 3pp camera is not a synchronized loss of information between camper and victim.
Camping dude makes no noise, waits til you're ahead of him (because he can hear you), pops out and mows you down. If someone isn't in front of you in 1pp your ability to react to someone shooting you from the side or behind is severely hampered.
edit: Here's how my 6 games of 1pp went
1st: school, got 2 kills, died shot from behind in a hallway, no big deal
2nd: dropped solo to south george, got massively looted, never saw or heard another person, had to move to the third circle, ran around the mountain, some guy hiding behind a rock waited for me to run past, pops out and shoots me, i die in 3 shots
3rd: dropped to military island, got 1 kill on the guy who landed in the building with me, died in a firefight moving to apartments
4th: dropped middle of nowhere tried to find a vehicle, couldn't, looted random farmhouses and stuff while heading towards the circle looking for a vehicle, guy hiding behind a fence (white picket) pops out after i move past him and kills me before i can react
5th: dropped to school again, no kills, died after i fired a vector on full auto and missed every shot to a guy with a shotgun who did not miss every shot
6th: dropped and got a vehicle, drove to south george and got super looted again, drove in to the third circle, ran a km or so to a house, as i ran past a house a guy popped up from underneath the window and unloaded on me, i was able to get a shot at him but it was too late
I'm not a perfect player, but in at least a couple of these situations I would have been able to see these particular campers with the 3p camera, and furthermore getting shot from the side or behind in 3p is easier to react to because you can understand the situation more quickly. I'm also not trying to be all doom-and-gloom about 1PP, it's just different. I really just think the people who expect 1pp to solve a bunch of the games problems are going to be super disappointed. Many of the perspectives about this stuff that certain streamers have been spreading are really narrow minded.
I'm not a perfect player, but in at least a couple of these situations I would have been able to see these particular campers with the 3p camera, and furthermore getting shot from the side or behind in 3p is easier to react to because you can understand the situation more quickly. I'm also not trying to be all doom-and-gloom about 1PP, it's just different. I really just think the people who expect 1pp to solve a bunch of the games problems are going to be super disappointed. Many of the perspectives about this stuff that certain streamers have been spreading are really narrow minded.
the number 1 most annoying thing in the game to me is a cover standoff where nobody can make the first move because the other one will see them. the person who camps longer always has the advantage.
I'd say it increases the effectiveness of camping inside buildings and close quarters in general, but decreases the amount of easy kills people can get by using third person to get free information. I'm fine with that trade-off since buildings were off-limits to me after the initial looting phase in solo anyway.I'm not gonna argue, but I definitely feel like the threat of dying to people who are exposing themselves to no risk is the same or higher. Higher because the 3p camera is literally high enough in the air where you can see people hiding behind player-height obstacles like small rocks and fences.
They know where you are approximately by sound, they don't need to peak to see you because you don't know where they are, they can just wait until you are in view. Unless you're running directly at them, by the time you're ahead of them, it's too late.
I needed to hear this. I haven't played the game in two days. Few more hours before I can play!!The game plays far better in 1st person imo. Engagements are more intense and logical now.
I'd say it increases the effectiveness of camping inside buildings and close quarters in general, but decreases the amount of easy kills people can get by using third person to get free information. I'm fine with that trade-off since buildings were off-limits to me after the initial looting phase in solo anyway.
Nope, third person is cheap. People can enjoy cheap that's fine, but that's what it is nonetheless. It's gaining free information with zero risk. Please tell me what similar thing happens in first person. Sitting in a corner with your shotgun pointed at a door isn't even close to being at the same level.I know I said I wasn't gonna argue, but this phrase just triggers me, haha.
3pp is not easy or cheap. It's a different game. Situations where you die to someone abusing their ability to see you while you can't see them are absolutely going to happen, but equally bullshit deaths are also going to happen in 1pp, some of which I experienced already.
The biggest problem with the game, something that would alleviate frustration in ALL circumstances, and make the differences between 1pp and 3pp less important, is having high tickrate servers, so that the client-side hit detection feels less bullshit when you die behind a wall, or a moment after shooting someone in the face.
Nope, third person is cheap. People can enjoy cheap that's fine, but that's what it is nonetheless. It's gaining free information with zero risk. Please tell me what similar thing happens in first person. Sitting in a corner with your shotgun pointed at a door isn't even close to being at the same level.
Nope, third person is cheap. People can enjoy cheap that's fine, but that's what it is nonetheless. It's gaining free information with zero risk. Please tell me what similar thing happens in first person. Sitting in a corner with your shotgun pointed at a door isn't even close to being at the same level.
Tell me why free information with zero risk is cheap or bad? Maybe it sounds to you like that is a joke of a question, but I'm 100% serious. I haven't ever really heard a convincing argument that explains why it's bad - I just hear people say that it is.
being seen by people who are completely hidden inherently discourages mobile and aggressive play
Can you enable that in the options?btw.: how do you make it so, that you switch from 3rd person to first person when aiming down your sides(right click) ?
One thing I don't get is that when I watch the top streamers like Doc or Grimmz they never zero there guns regardless what gun they use, yet manage to hit long distance shots and don't seem to compensate for the shots either only leading shots where people will be.
Is this just the stream not really picking it up well.
Because information is key in games like these. It's one of the biggest ways you can give yourself an advantage and giving it away for free with no risk creates an imbalance between the person getting the information and the person who's he's getting information about.Tell me why free information with zero risk is cheap or bad? Maybe it sounds to you like that is a joke of a question, but I'm 100% serious. I haven't ever really heard a convincing argument that explains why it's bad - I just hear people say that it is.
One thing I don't get is that when I watch the top streamers like Doc or Grimmz they never zero there guns regardless what gun they use, yet manage to hit long distance shots and don't seem to compensate for the shots either only leading shots where people will be.
Is this just the stream not really picking it up well.
One thing I don't get is that when I watch the top streamers like Doc or Grimmz they never zero there guns regardless what gun they use, yet manage to hit long distance shots and don't seem to compensate for the shots either only leading shots where people will be.
Is this just the stream not really picking it up well.
Because information is key in games like these. It's one of the biggest ways you can give yourself an advantage and giving it away for free with no risk creates an imbalance between the person getting the information and the person who's he's getting information about.
Information wins you games.
If you think hearing people is the same level of information as seeing half the map from you safe bit of cover than I don't think this is gonna go anywhere. Also, everyone being able to abuse the third person camera may balance things out over time, but in a game where one death means the end of your game that doesn't hold up. People can get the drop on and you and even pre-fire you based on information you literally can't know they have unless you just assume everyone sees you from everywhere all the time.Eh, this isn't really an argument. All players can utilize 3pp the same way to gain information in the same way. Not everyone will have the same information at the same time, but that's true in 1pp also - and people who can hear you but not see you, and you can't see or hear them, is even worse in 1pp.
It comes down to utilizing positioning which benefits 3pp the most. That positioning does lead to less mobile play, but I think it also leads to more strategic play that is more exciting in most cases (the rest admittedly being pretty bad - hiding in shacks/huts which have no weak points).
There's little bullet drop atm in the game. AR can shoot pretty straight up to 200m.
The game is too fast to keep zeroing your gun for every engagement. Even with a sniper it's faster to compensate manually for the drop rather than messing around with zeroing.
Muzzle velocity on the 556 ARs is pretty high, don't need to compensate all that much if they're within 400m or so, which is where I'd say 90% of those engagements happen. Lots of players prefer to just feel the bullet drop naturally, instead of having to fiddle with the zeroing - potentially forgetting about it later.
I think the only time zeroing is worth it is when you're hunkered down and watching specific locations - such that you have time to calculate the distance on the map, etc.
they definitely account for bullet drop
So this link here
When he's shooting at the car as it's driving off, what range would you say that is? He doesn't appear to be aiming above the car.
Also the fight afterwards when he's shooting in the woods, distance? Doesn't seem to be adjusting sights.
If you think hearing people is the same level of information as seeing half the map from you safe bit of cover than I don't think this is gonna go anywhere. Also, everyone being able to abuse the third person camera may balance things out over time, but in a game where one death means the end of your game that doesn't hold up. People can get the drop on and you and even pre-fire you based on information you literally can't know they have unless you just assume everyone sees you from everywhere all the time.
So this link here
When he's shooting at the car as it's driving off, what range would you say that is? He doesn't appear to be aiming above the car.
Also the fight afterwards when he's shooting in the woods, distance? Doesn't seem to be adjusting sights.
that's not far enough to have to worry about drop on a rifle. it's less than you think.
It's not the same, you absolutely get more information from 3pp than 1pp, even considering audio and all that, that wasn't the argument I was making.
That's 100-200m or so, don't need to account for drop nearly at all and you only really need to lead shots when your targets are moving laterally across your screen. He does shoot slightly ahead of the car, but once he switches to the M16 (the AR with the highest muzzle velocity) he doesn't really need as much leading. The fight in the forest was also 100-200m, and with an M16 it's basically going to be a laser. Even more so when you're aiming down hill.