Ugh the sks is so annoying to use.
One thing I don't get is that when I watch the top streamers like Doc or Grimmz they never zero there guns regardless what gun they use, yet manage to hit long distance shots and don't seem to compensate for the shots either only leading shots where people will be.
Is this just the stream not really picking it up well.
I see, I've always sucked at knowing distances. :/
There's something weird about the way they've crated assets. In some areas sandbags and barrels are like 3 times the normal size (which are already big). I honestly don't really get it.They need to work on why the character height feels so short and the proportions of objects like in houses sometimes look huge. FOV slider doesn't fix those issues that make it feel strange.
I assume it's for everything to look normal from the 3pp camera position. But idk about game design and haven't played many shooters that do both views.There's something weird about the way they've crated assets. In some areas sandbags and barrels are like 3 times the normal size (which are already big). I honestly don't really get it.
Yep. My fps is halved in the test server and I'm getting constant stuttering/freezing.Anyone else feeling a performance loss in the test servers? Either that or i guess whatever framedrops i had feel alot more severe in first person.
The new drag looting system is noticeably clunky to the point that it's annoying. I really hope they roll back this change.
Found a Kar98k to go with my 8x, but without any surrounding ammo.
Is this what a heartbreak feels like?
I agree with this. It just feels like the game is lagging.
I know right click everything because dragging is now worthless.
Man seeing everyone bitch about drag looting remains to be hilarious, I'll never understand why people can't comprehend that it was always unintentional. The game has a design philosophy that every action should have a risk associated with it...if you need to loot something, you need to take the time to do it, end of story.
Got 4th place not firing a single bullet. Is this normal in this game?
That's... a huge improvement.
Yeah... combos wouldn't be a thing if design philosophies were something fixed.
Being able to perform combos in Street Fighter was originally a glitch. It wasn't intended for you to be able to chain multiple moves together without the opponent being able to do anything. Yet it became a core component of fighting games as a genre. That's the point he's making.
Being able to perform combos in Street Fighter was originally a glitch. It wasn't intended for you to be able to chain multiple moves together without the opponent being able to do anything. Yet it became a core component of fighting games as a genre. That's the point he's making.
Yeah, there's a lot of cool building exits too that few players know about that to me gives a higher skill gap too. I really hope they don't patch the apartment fall to first story balcony/roof for example.
Is the game newcomer friendly? Im interested, but never played any game in the genre and dont have friends that play it.
I have a i7 4790k with a 970, guess I should be fine in this regard?
I agree with this. It just feels like the game is lagging.
I know right click everything because dragging is now worthless.
Being able to perform combos in Street Fighter was originally a glitch. It wasn't intended for you to be able to chain multiple moves together without the opponent being able to do anything. Yet it became a core component of fighting games as a genre. That's the point he's making.
Edit: Here's a wikipedia quote, I'm sure you may not even care, or you just didn't get what he was referencing, but I love fighting games so here's the quote:
The combo notion was introduced to competitive fighting games with Street Fighter II by Capcom, when skilled players learned that they could combine several attacks that left no time for the computer player to recover if they timed them correctly.[4][5][6] Combos were a design accident; lead producer Noritaka Funamizu noticed that extra strikes were possible during a bug check on the car-smashing bonus stage. He thought that the timing required was too difficult to make it a useful game feature, but left it in as a hidden one.[7] Combos have since become a design priority in almost all fighting games,[7] and range from the simplistic to the highly intricate. The first game to count the hits of each combo, and reward the player for performing them, was Super Street Fighter II.
Yeah, these two story buildings you can actually get on the roof of by opening the door, jumping on the railing, crouch jumping on to the door, and crouch jumping on to the roof.
Yes. It's not particularly hard to get to Top 10 without killing anyone or firing any bullet. It might be a bit boring, but it's definitely doable.
Yeah, game is fun, but most often than not I get stuck with just a hand gun and a shotgun. Not good chances for a game that require a you to travel big distances.
Is luck a big part of this game, or maybe I'm just playing it wrong?
Yeah, these two story buildings you can actually get on the roof of by opening the door, jumping on the railing, crouch jumping on to the door, and crouch jumping on to the roof.
There's SO many people playing that there's tons of people who will be at a newer skill level just like you. It's not super hard to learn by just starting to play, although it might be worth it to watch a couple youtube videos.
I'm playing with an i7 3770k and a 970 and i rock a solid 60fps on all medium settings. Get some stutters if I go a bit higher, but I imagine it'd be better for you.
It was a bug before. This is how it is intended. Its not rolling back. Adapt.
Drag looting != combos in functionality lol. While I get your point they are not even close to being similar when it comes to gameplay.
Thank you, just purchased the game. Can always return it in case I hate it.
Installing test server is recommended?
Is the game newcomer friendly? Im interested, but never played any game in the genre and dont have friends that play it.
I have a i7 4790k with a 970, guess I should be fine in this regard?
Where are you dropping at? Are you continuing to loot throughout the game?
It's not particularly hard to find at least one rifle.
Random places along the airplane path. Mostly secluded houses. Is it better to drop on more populated areas?
Definitely! I'm terrible at shooter games but do pretty decently in this game (usually). You learn really fast, and people start out without weapons so there are no advantages. There are great players but a lot of the game is pure luck/RNG or/and smart thinking (especially at the last cirles). Saw you bought it since you made this post, just wanted to chime in. You're gonna enjoy it~
Being able to perform combos in Street Fighter was originally a glitch. It wasn't intended for you to be able to chain multiple moves together without the opponent being able to do anything. Yet it became a core component of fighting games as a genre. That's the point he's making.
The last 5 people in a small circle in solo FPP is rough. It get's so quiet and then a sudden crack of gunshots behind you and you're out. I really enjoy it though.
I have been having a rough time with loot lately, so you aren't alone. I will say that more densely populated towns and such tend to have better loot, but of course they are pretty high risk. I recommend learning how to fly far out of the plane by looking toward the horizon when you hold forward and then pulling your chute early. You can fly A LOT further than you think and can give yourself a nice town all to yourself and just drive back into the circle if you need to.
is FPP harder than TPP overall would you say?