I am so confused as to why when I run this game at 720p with everything on Very Low it's even worse framerate wise than when I do at 1080p on High
In a lot of games the lowest settings offloads stuff onto the CPU, which can hurt performance in a lot of cases.
Yeah I screen tear constantly on low/med/high even though I'm able to play better looking games on high/ultra without any issues.
It's very easy to make it to the end of the game as long as you don't get completely screwed in some regard. Just grab a gas can or 2 and drive in a vehicle all game away from the plane's path and hot zones. Or camp. Or just hug the blue circle. Ect.
Winning and getting far is one thing, that's why my group usually plays to get kills, have good fights, and win. Feels less cheap.
Yeah I screen tear constantly on low/med/high even though I'm able to play better looking games on high/ultra without any issues.
The LAN starts at 10:30AM on Saturday - its a Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC) event - hosted at Verizon's HQ.
I've now had multiple games where I pick a house or compound that's so hot endgame that I can't make a run for the circle because of how many people keep pulling up.
I forgot how easy it was to get Top 15-10 by just:
Avoiding conflict
Sticking to the shacks for looting (most people don't set traps there)
Getting in a car
Fuckin' about
They need to bite the bullet and make going prone force first-person perspective.
maybe then id a ctually get to use the AWM, M24, Groza, or M14. 100+ hours and have never actually gotten to use most of the crate weapons.
No they don't. 3rd-person should stay how it is, if you're so worried about prone camera "abuse" then play on 1st-person servers only when they come out.
You need to be more aggressive and chase the crates down. If you don't ever do that the chances of actually killing someone with a Groza or AWM aren't that great if they see you first.
"This fucking game is so stupid, the developers are pathetic waaaaa *RAGE*"
*Launches into another game*
No they don't. 3rd-person should stay how it is, if you're so worried about prone camera "abuse" then play on 1st-person servers only when they come out.
You need to be more aggressive and chase the crates down. If you don't ever do that the chances of actually killing someone with a Groza or AWM aren't that great if they see you first.
"This fucking game is so stupid, the developers are pathetic waaaaa *RAGE*"
*Launches into another game*
Eh, I think I'm gonna be done with the game. The biggest problem I had in solo was that 95% of the game was absolutely beyond boring besides those few encounters with other players, and just jumping to school repeatedly got old and there's much better shooters for deathmatch type play. The survival horror jumpscare aspect of it wore off after like 3 games.
Squads rebirthed it for me months later because it turned it more into a military sim and during the insanely boring running/driving/looting/anything but shooting phases, I at least had someone to talk to and BS with. But even that can only keep my interest so long looting the exact same stuff, seeing the exact same buildings, and doing the exact same thing monotonously over and over again just waiting for either a cool encounter or the last 20 players left.
The whole game is a bunch of crests and troughs in fun. The lulls need to be there though, that's what makes the highs so high, and the huge time investment is what makes the end so amazing and tense for everyone there. I just wish the lows weren't so low and long. Add in the games where you never even get a chance to come out of the trough because you die off before the final 20, and yeah, it's just, bleh.
Maybe they'll spice it up with a bunch of patches in the coming months, I'll probably give it another try then maybe.
To be fair he ended his stream not long after cause he was bored to death of the game. I can relate to him, I'm not a streamer and have a love & hate thing going on with pubg. Game could be so much more but many infuriating things about it.
Okay, had some okay rounds where I'm less salty and tilted.
I did have a baffling moment where I shot a guy on the first balcony of a garage.... and after 30 seconds, he ran out onto the roof like he was looting. Okay, then.
Oh, and this is my least favorite kind of circle and it happens a lot to me.
I always get caught on the east side of the little bay and am utterly fucked when the circle comes. You'd think I'd learn my lesson, but I never do.
Oh damn, never got to try a 15x yet, it sounds pretty crazy for camping.Was playing a game of duo with a friend the other day and this happened. It was like our luckiest game ever, earlier at the crates near the military base a team ran out got a crate and we killed them for a 15x and a ghillie suit. Right after that we went across the pond and killed another team for 8 health kits and a silencer for my Kar98k. Got a nice double kill during it though with the Karwe still lost though
I just watched a FPP game and it was nuts.
It's like a different game now.
I just watched a FPP game and it was nuts.
It's like a different game now.
Holy Crap red zones are instant in the new patch?
Watching a streamer and as soon as the red zone came up they got immediately bombed
Imo AKM is the best AR in the game.
The key to AKM beasting is tap firing, always wait recoil to come back down to enemy before firing again.
Full auto mode is only useful in close range situations, other than that always tap fire with the AKM.
I rarely lose 1v1 fights with the AKM, it's recoil is not too bad.
Red zones shouldn't exist at all. The game doesn't need MORE RNG. Strange if it's true they decided to make them even more unpredictable.
yup, that confirms it, shitty change
What was the reasoning behind this change anyway? That looks horrendous.
What was the reasoning behind this change anyway? That looks horrendous.
to balance it with f looting because some people don't want to bother learning the superior looting method
I imagine originally the only reason inventory screen looting didn't have animations attached was an oversight. They were probably in the process of implementing the move-while-looting when they were originally changing inventory screen looting, so it would have been a waste back then bother tying it with the old pickup system. Mechanically it makes less sense that identical actions would have different gameplay implications.
Man seeing everyone bitch about drag looting remains to be hilarious, I'll never understand why people can't comprehend that it was always unintentional. The game has a design philosophy that every action should have a risk associated with it...if you need to loot something, you need to take the time to do it, end of story.
Red zones shouldn't exist at all. The game doesn't need MORE RNG. Strange if it's true they decided to make them even more unpredictable.
They need to raise the camera height in 1st-person mode, you feel like a dwarf with a GoPro strapped to your head.
What's wrong with RNG? Loot is random, vehicle spawns are random, if none of this were true this game wouldn't be fun.
I understand the need to randomize spawns, but I never saw the benefit to red zones at all. The game already has enough shit that can happen to you without warning, and it already has enough loud noises that prevent you from hearing your friends over voice chat -- which, to me, is the worst aspect of it.