
Squad FPP is here.
can never get a sniper this game smh
snipers and AR are required for the chicken dinner imo
Good to hear.
Also there's a YouTube channel called Fugglet. Dude has a lot of technical info that can be useful.
Is that why I saw an ESL spray last night? I did think it was weird.They added grafitti from streamers all over that are competing in the gamescom thing I guess, and I really don't like it. Normally I'm ok with any dumb crossover 4th wall type stuff in games or movies but they just look completely out of place here and bother me...
duck hunt
Bought this yesterday. Got to 18th in my first solo game, though I didn't do anything other than getting 1 kill with a pistol. Took me like 3 game to figure out how to use sights lol. Now I just need to learn about which bullets and attachments go to what to start being somewhat efficient looting. Might have to rebind the interact button to E as playing so much Hitman makes to always think to use that button instead of F
Limited Twitch loot price has decreased over the last 2 weeks. When the gamescom hype is over, prices for not so cool items like the simple white/black jacket will do the same. Especially if there is a new limited lootbox on the horizon.
They added grafitti from streamers all over that are competing in the gamescom thing I guess, and I really don't like it. Normally I'm ok with any dumb crossover 4th wall type stuff in games or movies but they just look completely out of place here and bother me...
Is that why I saw an ESL spray last night? I did think it was weird.
Maybe it's just a matter of time until we get neon green / anime character gun skins.
First person mode is so much fun, it just adds to the tension that much more. I think I like ti better than 3rd person now.
You can get to the end game without even firing a shot, and once you're there you don't need a sniper. 4 out of 5 of my solo wins have been with the UMP for the kill shot. The other was with the AK in full auto after throwing a grenade close enough to make the guy panic and rush me.
Snipers and ARs with zoom optics are more useful in the mid game for killing people and taking their stuff, or killing people to make your area less contested, or killing people just to kill them.
Except the pistols, early game fodder, super useless otherwise. Actually pistols are good for looting because holding one is just as fast as running empty handed, and if someone surprises you you at least can get some shots out. I dunno, I'm really stretching to think of a way in which pistols are good.
Will you still be able to buy the keys for the Invitational crate after it ends or do you need to buy them now?
Thanks. Just saw they were trading for $7+ and I certainly don't want to pay a price like that when I can buy them for $2.50. What's the reason for this inflated price on the market?They confirmed keys will be purchasable after the crates are gone.
Thanks. Just saw they were trading for $7+ and I certainly don't want to pay a price like that when I can buy them for $2.50. What's the reason for this inflated price on the market?
You're limited to 6 crates per week and people want more than that so they are buying them or are you saying keys are going for $7?
Encountered someone who glitched their pan last night. He had both his pan & his gun in his hand, so when he was aiming, the pan blocked his face. Good thing he was an idiot & was easily flanked.
The actual keys are, it's pretty bizarre.
You're limited to 6 crates per week and people want more than that so they are buying them or are you saying keys are going for $7?
Encountered someone who glitched their pan last night. He had both his pan & his gun in his hand, so when he was aiming, the pan blocked his face. Good thing he was an idiot & was easily flanked.
What allotment?So you can only buy 6 keys per week? If they're going for $7, that means it's an easy $27 you can make just by selling your allotment of keys if you don't want them, right?
Sweet. Sold my cargo hotpants for $160
Got stuck in a door in my very first game today. Now where's that axe.
Jesus Christ.
Is that why I saw an ESL spray last night? I did think it was weird.
Maybe it's just a matter of time until we get neon green / anime character gun skins.
I saw an ESL spray last night too and wondered if that was new or not. I don't mind toooo much but they are a little out of place.
I've been playing exclusively FP since the solo servers dropped, way prefer it. Gonna get my squad to try it out next time.
Smoke grenades are severely underrated
Using them for cover is worthless. Past 150-200m the smoke doesn't render, so snipers can easily pick you off
However, i have gotten at least 15 kills in the past two days by throwing smokes far away from myself, only to have the guy im looking for peek/run out to investigate.
Isn't that what they're doing by banning high profile streamers who break the rules? They wanted to make it clear that team killing wasn't allowed so they banned DrD. They wanted to make it clear you can't take advantage of bugs and exploits so they banned Destiny. Now people know.I really disagree with Bluehole banning people because their game glitched out.
If you want people to quit the game when their game is glitched out, be clear and convey that to the community. I mean, it's the only thing you can do to avoid a ban; you can't continue and not use the glitch when you can see people through walls. Are you gonna pretend they're not there?
Such a weird banning policy these guys have.
I really disagree with Bluehole banning people because their game glitched out.
If you want people to quit the game when their game is glitched out, be clear and convey that to the community. I mean, it's the only thing you can do to avoid a ban; you can't continue and not use the glitch when you can see people through walls. Are you gonna pretend they're not there?
Such a weird banning policy these guys have.
Isn't that what they're doing by banning high profile streamers who break the rules? They wanted to make it clear that team killing wasn't allowed so they banned DrD. They wanted to make it clear you can't take advantage of bugs and exploits so they banned Destiny. Now people know.
I really doubt they favor Grimmz in some way, but one possible reason Grimmz is not banned yet is because he's hiding his match ID with an overlay.