Experiencing that weird bug where house textures don't fully load in. They look like PS1 game houses. And you can see everything if you walk inside.
I guess the aim significantly tightens up when you hold right click? I might have to start trying that more for closer range encounters where I need to get off shots ASAP.
Found the new sniper rifle in a crate. Got one whole shot off with it.
It was sweeee*BUUURP*eeeet
When will people learn that grass doesn't hide you outside of the very late game circles!?
I got a good laugh out of these three.
The solution is don't try hiding in grass when there are elevated positions around you.They need to come up with a real solution, this shit is annoying in a lot of situations.
Squad FPP seems to be available now.
They need to come up with a real solution, this shit is annoying in a lot of situations.
The solution is thisThe solution is don't try hiding in grass when there are elevated positions around you.
Squad FPP seems to be available now.
Still wouldn't matter much except at long distance. People go prone in the dumbest places expecting to magically become invisible.The solution is this
Where you render a green grass map at the same height as it normally would be over the game world at large distances.
More often than not going prone just makes it easier to hit you than if you were still running and zigzagging. It's alright if it's a hilly already, but I see people go prone in giant open areas way too often. Free kills I suppose.It's not that you think you're invisible necessarily, it's more that you know you're dead anyway if you walk, run, stand, or crouch. Prone is the one chance that you might drop out of the sight line.
The solution is don't try hiding in grass when there are elevated positions around you.
It feels like I'm lagging behind in playing this game
Like, I feel like I'm doing bad and I can't do anything about it.
Experiencing that weird bug where house textures don't fully load in. They look like PS1 game houses. And you can see everything if you walk inside.
Very excited to check out squad fpp. Now all I need is people to actually play squad fpp with.
The solution is this
Where you render a green grass map at the same height as it normally would be over the game world at large distances.
Åesop;245817882 said:I thought thats already inplemented??!
It feels like I'm lagging behind in playing this game
Like, I feel like I'm doing bad and I can't do anything about it.
Well that sucks because I already have an ssd :LTry moving the game to an SSD. This seems to be an issue with Unreal 4 texture streaming.
Well that sucks because I already have an ssd :L
School Jacket being worth £10 is niiice. Though now I'm faced with not knowing whether this is the best time to cash in or sit on it for a while. Guessing sitting on it with the crates being limited and all.
Ye, with BG it matters very little if game is on HDD or SSD.
You still at random do get issue with texture and even brige / house / wall asset loading no matter on which game is installed.
Idunno, I've read a lot of people that had that issue constantly and an SSD solved it.
My friend used to get it every other game and ever since he moved it to his SSD it hasn't happened since.
Still wouldn't matter much except at long distance. People go prone in the dumbest places expecting to magically become invisible.
can never get a sniper this game smh
snipers and AR are required for the chicken dinner imo
I watched this series when I was starting out, because I had the same feeling as you.
Zach T. - Respect Your Elders Vol. 1
Check the GAF discord, info's in the OP.
Ye, with BG it matters very little if game is on HDD or SSD.
can never get a sniper this game smh
snipers and AR are required for the chicken dinner imo
can never get a sniper this game smh
snipers and AR are required for the chicken dinner imo
That's a nice video. I'm going to check out the series which is the type of content about pubg I was looking for. I also joined the discord which I didn't know existed.
I've gotta call bullshit on this one...with respect, of course.I consistently had loading crashes, things slow to load in, not getting into the lobby until 5 or 10 seconds left....
Moved it from my 7200 drive over to my SSD and it was a completely new game. Seconds to load to the lobby, literally have not once had a load screen crash since, no problems with slow loads. Night and day difference, and it was immediate and has been consistent over the past couple of weeks.
I could not disagree more about PUBG not caring if it's on a platter or solid state.
This isn't what a lot of people have reported in this thread. The big problem people find is with an HDD, the game won't be loaded by the time they hit the ground from a parachute. With an SSD there is a massive improvement in that regard.Ye, with BG it matters very little if game is on HDD or SSD.
You still at random do get issue with texture and even brige / house / wall asset loading no matter on which game is installed.