So much for everyone insisting that the monthly patch was coming this week. Bummer.
Just got a 20% off voucher from GMG. Is that the best deal currently available?
How did you get that? Wouldn't mind jumping on that.
Ugh, bumping a hay bale at low speeds should not cause your military vehicle to lose half its health and cause you to get severely injured.
I think GMG codes are still multi-use, so if you can find someone that would share their code, you should be able to use it.
I would totally buy this if I could get 20% off. Is the community still going strong?
I just dodged gunfire and grenades while running through the blue for 200m, got to a house with a car outside, pulled my Vector out and hid and healed, heard the occupant run out, peeked around corner to gun him down and take his car...
...and somehow while going prone I had hit both X and Z, and I had put my gun away without noticing.
What are your specs? Next week we're due for a client performance focused update so there's a chance things could improve.Tried this, and while I can see how this would be fun, it runs really poorly on my machine. Refunded, will definitely give it another go when it actually releases.
I had the drop on someone with my UMP the other day. I hold LMB to unleash all my 40 bullets on him. Single fire.![]()
I think GMG codes are still multi-use, so if you can find someone that would share their code, you should be able to use it.
This is the voucher I got today for GMG: 5M5JRI-5GG96J-0RLMFV
Don't know if it will work for anyone else, but I bought the game today using it and it's letting me use it again.
Finally! After 115h my first chicken dinner!
Ugh, bumping a hay bale at low speeds should not cause your military vehicle to lose half its health and cause you to get severely injured.
Man, I really really really hope they add solo killcams soon. It doesn't feel fulfilling or encouraging me to try harder when I scan a horizon for a solid minute after the blue comes in (from the direction I came from), take several steps outside, keep watching again, step outside again, keep watching, then take one more step forward and an M16 burst fires from the empty field that sounds like it's right next to me and instantly headshots me.
This is incredible.
Last weekend was full of GAF on GAF crime:
Sometimes I wonder whether it's me or the person I've killed that's more surprised about the range of a choked shotgun.
I could try to describe what led to this scenario, but I'll just let you all enjoy the clusterfuck.
I could try to describe what led to this scenario, but I'll just let you all enjoy the clusterfuck.