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Playing GTA:SA in front of the rents sucks...argh.

I love the game, but fuck, my parents STILL think games are for kids and don't understand how a title rife with cussing and mature subject matter can be made in this day and age. Their mentality, "Can someone please think of the children!". I can watch movies with lots of cussing and violence without my rents making me feel uncomfortable, but once that shit enters a videogame its deemed inappropriate. I'm 20 BTW, its not as if they're forbidding me from playing the game, but they friggen won't get off my back when I play the game. "Why are you playing a game that's so violent, why is there so many swears". Its annoying as fuck, as I have to justify my position on the whole videogame violence issue MULTIPLE times while I play the thing. Bah.


If you like the game so much, why do you feel so uncomfortable playing it? Sounds like a bit of conviction here, my friend.
Where are you from? I've never heard "rents" used to shorten the word parents.

Maybe you should play in your room and lock the door, or move out.


DIrtyWeasel said:
Where are you from? I've never heard "rents" used to shorten the word parents.

Maybe you should play in your room and lock the door, or move out.

I use it all the time, but I'm from South Jersey, haha.

If he enjoys playing he can still feel uncomfortable because his parents harass him about it.


RevenantKioku said:
I use it all the time, but I'm from South Jersey, haha.

If he enjoys playing he can still feel uncomfortable because his parents harass him about it.
Why should he feel uncomfortable? Have a bit more pride :p.


dude, you're 20... and your parents are still involved in your choices of games movies exc? Damn, Im 15 and they haven't cared since I was 10

Dave Long

KarishBHR said:
dude, you're 20... and your parents are still involved in your choices of games movies exc? Damn, Im 15 and they haven't cared since I was 10

Um...that sounds more like your parents SHOULD still be involved but are neglecting you a bit.
KarishBHR said:
dude, you're 20... and your parents are still involved in your choices of games movies exc? Damn, Im 15 and they haven't cared since I was 10

Well they usually don't care. But my living room is connected to the kitchen, so my mom watches me play and is constanly comenting on the game...bah, I need to get my own gaming room.


Catalyst said:
Why should he feel uncomfortable? Have a bit more pride :p.

Yeah, why did that girl feel uncomfortable when I slapped her ass? She had a great ass, she should have had more pride!
I should probably clarify a bit, it makes me uncomfortable cause I know my rents are going to give me some snide remarks whenever I boot up the game. But in the end its more annoying than anything, I think they have more of an issue with the intense violence and swearing in a videogame than with me playing it.


RevenantKioku said:
Yeah, why did that girl feel uncomfortable when I slapped her ass? She had a great ass, she should have had more pride!

She was only offended because you didn't buy dinner first. ZING!

In Pedigree's defense, I would also feel a bit awkward playing GTA:SA in front of my parents... now my parents don't really care, but it is a matter of principle. :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Does your tv have a headphone jack..that would take care of the cussing part,atleast then they wont hear the game.


I handle this by getting them involved in the plot. I've played through most Final Fantasy titles in this manner to the point that my mother has frequently asked me what's happened since the last time she saw me playing. If you take the time to actually explain the relevance of the violence etc. in the game (eg. give it context) they'll probably be more willing to accept its place in the game.
Mike Works said:

I should have typed:

""Why are you playing a game that's so violent, why is there so many swears". Its so fucking annoying I could kill a man"


Look if your parents are giving you trouble, just beat them with a baseball bat and then take the money that drops out.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I say "rents" sometimes too and I'm from the Midwest. I do believe that I picked it up on the internet however.


Dave Long said:
Um...that sounds more like your parents SHOULD still be involved but are neglecting you a bit.

Nope. My parents have raised me perfectly, I've never gotten into trouble in my life, and am a serious aset to the community :D From my observations:

Strict Parents = Kids more likely to do wrong things
Loose Parents = Kids make own decision (coin/toss)

My parents are 65% loose in parenting and 35% strict... so just right


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Catalyst said:
Pedigree Chum, can you tell your parents to just get the fuck over it already? Then maybe you'll become free?

With this thread and the one where you lectured people on the use of drugs and alcohol, I think this forum has had about enough of your advice for the evening. Please sign off now. Thanks.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well I call my dad the Grand Dragon he makes me dress up in a funny white robe and burn wood.

Anyway he doesn’t like me playing GTA:SA because he doesn’t like CJ I don’t know why?


Do The Mario said:
Well I call my dad the Grand Dragon he makes me dress up in a funny white robe and burn wood.

Anyway he doesn’t like me playing GTA:SA because he doesn’t like CJ I don’t know why?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Perhaps it's because it's 3:43 am (4:43 really, since we changed the 'locks, but that was funny. It's time for a Grand Double Dragon KKK beat 'em up.


Do The Mario said:
Well I call my dad the Grand Dragon he makes me dress up in a funny white robe and burn wood.

Anyway he doesn’t like me playing GTA:SA because he doesn’t like CJ I don’t know why?

LOL, Brilliant.


Minotauro said:
With this thread and the one where you lectured people on the use of drugs and alcohol, I think this forum has had about enough of your advice for the evening. Please sign off now. Thanks.
And you expect me to comply?

:lol :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
KarishBHR said:
dude, you're 20... and your parents are still involved in your choices of games movies exc? Damn, Im 15 and they haven't cared since I was 10

There's this one fellow I know from school who has some truly crazy "rents". They are of the hardcore religious variety (really hardcore), so anything that MIGHT be offensive should just be left at the front door. Oh, is that Dark Tower VII there? That's considered contraband in that household. That's right, he can't even read a damn novel that may or may not be evil.

When it comes to games, if you were to bring a copy of Silent Hill 2 or GTA:SA into that house...you'd be deemed a heretic and kicked out of the house.

They treat the guy like a 10 year old kid despite the fact that he is more than twice that age. I'd just up and leave in that kind of situation. Can you imagine your parents searching your room during the day for something they might find offensive?

That style of parenting does nothing but damage...


the man who sold the world
Heh. Do The Mario, that was damn funny.

As for the problem, I dunno. I thought my parents would be weird about GTA when I first got them (they're not strict as such, but do have an odd opinion about certain things somtimes), but they just found it funny when I let them have a go. Maybe that's what you should try...?


RevenantKioku said:
I use it all the time, but I'm from South Jersey, haha.

If he enjoys playing he can still feel uncomfortable because his parents harass him about it.

I have a friend who says rents. Central Jersey

He's not saying that his parents have a choice of what games he plays/buys, but that they don't understand why there would be a game that is so violent and filled with curses. Just tell em it's a movie, and you're just holding the controller for shits and giggles!


Unconfirmed Member
The answer is simple.
Steal your dad's car. Go on a bloodthirsty rampage. Blame the game and a lack of parental guidance. You win!*

*Don't reallydo this
the answer is simple. get a job and buy yourself a tv for your room if you don't have on already, and if you do, then move the PS2 into your room.


Your parents are always going to have something to say about what you do. And why shouldn't they? It's not like turning 18 means that one day you're a kid, and the next you're some kind of master at living in the world and you don't need any guidance.

The fact that you can't justify playing GTA to the point that they'll leave you alone shows that they might have the right idea.


Start openly doing some crack in front of your parents, and subscribe to 'High Times' and 'Guns & Ammo'. Your parents will then wish playing violent video games was the worst of your hobbies.
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