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PlayStation 5 share in France vs Xbox reaches 93% vs 7%


Gold Member
Most of those countries has lower gdp than Microsoft's market cap so...



I'm French and I'll pass on the xenophobic posts.

From what I witnessed here in France that's true that Xbox almost don't exists. I remember that on the release on Diablo IV and Street Fighter 6 I wanted to purchase them on Xbox, to give me a reason to turn it on since there's no actual interesting exclusive for me, I went to 3 shops, 3 of the biggest shops in France and none of them had the Xbox versions, on a release date. So I asked to the boss of the Micromania I went to (this company belongs to GameStop, to give you an idea) and he said that since years Microsoft don't even both to send them Xbox games because nobody buy them, to get the Xbox versions of those games you have to order them on their website and ask the delivery to the shop you want. Another shop confirmed that information.

Cédric Mimouni the new number 1 of Xbox France (he is also number 1 of Xbox Western Europe) said that there's no Xbox ads in TV or Radio or in streets anywhere because "we can rely on Twitch streamers and YouTubers". That is what they're doing since the Xbox One era and that's what they keep doing, since a decade. The problem is NOBODY GIVES A FUCK about the Xbox, so NOBODY IS WATCHING XBOX YOUTUBERS OR TWITCH STREAMERS...

I have a lot of coworkers who are gamers, let's say half on PlayStation or Switch and half on PC, nobody knows about the gamepass, or heard about it vaguely but nobody knows all the Xbox exclusives are there on day one.

I don't give a fuck if Xbox fails and switch to the dildo market, but the marketing of Xbox in Europe is DUMB. They could make ads that explains what is the gamepass that SHOWS what you can play on it, for what price, how much it is in a year. Trust me MANY students or teenagers would be happy to play on this, on XSS or XSX. And once you start to play on an ecosystem there's a high chance you keep playing on it as an adult and that you'll tell your friends and family to join you there.

But no, lets hire some random streamers who has 200 subscribers and ask them to talk about us, that's enough right ?

The level of incompetence of Xbox in Europe is just stellar.

PS : French have nothing against Xbox or the fact it's an American brand, American movies are top 1 in France. Nike, Apple, Mc Donalds, Coca Cola and so on are top 1 brands in France, nothing surpass them. The 360 was very popular here, many of my friends switched from PS to Xbox on the 360 era but went back on PS on the PS4 era.

Ev1L AuRoN

Honest question for me is why? Why are the numbers so lopsided? Technically speaking the series x is a great piece of kit.

In some of the marquee games the Xbox has a slight advantage in image quality and frames.

COD and hogwarts are two of the biggest games which have sharper graphics and more stAble frame rates according to some reviews. They have the superior gamepass platform. Why is this thing tanking compared to ps5?

I have all consoles so I’m not a fanboy console warring, I’m just genuinely questions why it’s turning out this way?

Exclusives for sure make a difference but I can’t see a 90-10 split for that alone??

Maybe time for a 399 series x sale??
My two cents, PS5 has great exclusives that showcase the hardware, it is more innovative with the controller, it has better distribution, localization and brand recognition worldwide through their marketing and presence in these territories, thanks to all that the brand enjoys higher mind share, it is beloved for a lot of people that grew up on the platform. The power difference isn't fully realized, and PS5 has objectively better games on the technical level than the Series consoles so far.
Gamepass is great but Sony has a similar product with you guessed, Sony exclusives. One last thing about performance, a lot of Xbox owners are in fact series s owners, so the whole most powerful console lives better on the market than in the real world. Also Sony has Gran Turismo, God of War, The Last of Us and Spider-man, mega franchises that Microsoft can't compete with, they did a bad job with Halo, Gears all tough still somewhat decent it is a far cry from the franchise peak and Forza mainline is also showing some crackles. Forza Horizon is still going strong.


I thought he said they would exit hardware?
“Gaming business”

Also references the reason being due to non-hardware (not Xbox) requirements not being met.


People keep saying that we need MS to provide competition. Between Sony, Nintendo, PC and mobile I'm not sure we need a 5th and it would appear the market agrees with me.
There is plenty of room for three players. However, I think MS will drop the hardware segment of Xbox. With Valve will be the third player in regards to having their own hardware. They successfully cut out windows with Steam OS 3.0 (Proton). I see valve expanding Steam OS to a more powerful console style (non portable) device in direct competition with Playstation. Steam machine didn't count, as it was a half-assed attempt that still required windows.
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There is plenty of room for three players. However, I think MS will drop the hardware segment of Xbox. With Valve will be the third player in regards to having their own hardware. They successfully cut out windows with Steam OS 3.0 (Proton). I see valve expanding Steam OS to a more powerful console style (non portable) device in direct competition with Playstation. Steam machine didn't count, as it was a half-assed attempt that still required windows.
I just heard PS's margins are not that great. Is this true?


Gold Journalism
I believe that MS/Xbox is still in denial. Right along with some of their most die-hard Xbox fans. it's not going to hit them until 2025. Right now, MS believes that all they will have to do is put COD alongside everything in that recent acquisition on gamepass. So we need the next COD game to be day one on gamepass and only when that doesn't move the needle, will they accept that a total course correct is needed..
This is very much possible. They may still be overestimating the impact of COD on Game Pass, just like the overestimated the exclusivity of Starfield and Redfall.

But I also believe a certain part of Microsoft is fully aware of what's happening, and that's why they have already reduced Xbox's marketing budget. This is also the reason why their investment into Cloud gaming has also come to a halt.


What time is it?
This is very much possible. They may still be overestimating the impact of COD on Game Pass, just like the overestimated the exclusivity of Starfield and Redfall.

But I also believe a certain part of Microsoft is fully aware of what's happening, and that's why they have already reduced Xbox's marketing budget. This is also the reason why their investment into Cloud gaming has also come to a halt.

I doubt MS is too blind to see the writing on the wall.
Of course they aren't. People really out here thinking Sony selling a PS5 for 75% profit? Sorry, that's Apple. Sony are probably thrilled to death they aren't making a per-unit loss on hardware, even a 1% margin is better than taking a loss on every console sold.
then the market can't sustain an Xbox console, much less a fourth console from another company.


I'm French and I'll pass on the xenophobic posts.

From what I witnessed here in France that's true that Xbox almost don't exists. I remember that on the release on Diablo IV and Street Fighter 6 I wanted to purchase them on Xbox, to give me a reason to turn it on since there's no actual interesting exclusive for me, I went to 3 shops, 3 of the biggest shops in France and none of them had the Xbox versions, on a release date. So I asked to the boss of the Micromania I went to (this company belongs to GameStop, to give you an idea) and he said that since years Microsoft don't even both to send them Xbox games because nobody buy them, to get the Xbox versions of those games you have to order them on their website and ask the delivery to the shop you want. Another shop confirmed that information.

Cédric Mimouni the new number 1 of Xbox France (he is also number 1 of Xbox Western Europe) said that there's no Xbox ads in TV or Radio or in streets anywhere because "we can rely on Twitch streamers and YouTubers". That is what they're doing since the Xbox One era and that's what they keep doing, since a decade. The problem is NOBODY GIVES A FUCK about the Xbox, so NOBODY IS WATCHING XBOX YOUTUBERS OR TWITCH STREAMERS...

I have a lot of coworkers who are gamers, let's say half on PlayStation or Switch and half on PC, nobody knows about the gamepass, or heard about it vaguely but nobody knows all the Xbox exclusives are there on day one.

I don't give a fuck if Xbox fails and switch to the dildo market, but the marketing of Xbox in Europe is DUMB. They could make ads that explains what is the gamepass that SHOWS what you can play on it, for what price, how much it is in a year. Trust me MANY students or teenagers would be happy to play on this, on XSS or XSX. And once you start to play on an ecosystem there's a high chance you keep playing on it as an adult and that you'll tell your friends and family to join you there.

But no, lets hire some random streamers who has 200 subscribers and ask them to talk about us, that's enough right ?

The level of incompetence of Xbox in Europe is just stellar.

PS : French have nothing against Xbox or the fact it's an American brand, American movies are top 1 in France. Nike, Apple, Mc Donalds, Coca Cola and so on are top 1 brands in France, nothing surpass them. The 360 was very popular here, many of my friends switched from PS to Xbox on the 360 era but went back on PS on the PS4 era.

What you did sounds like pity sex. Lol. You went through so much trouble just to find a reason to turn on your Xbox? Like a guy going up to that fat obese girl with bad breath and saying OK tonight I'll try to put my dick inside you. See if it fits.

I'd do one phone call. Two max. If they don't have it. Fuck it. I'll get it on other platforms.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
This is very much possible. They may still be overestimating the impact of COD on Game Pass, just like the overestimated the exclusivity of Starfield and Redfall.
Must be, otherwise why would the complete a $70 Billion acquisition from that point of view?
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He's trying to show u how strong the Microsoft warchest is. Standard Xbox fanboy behaviour. When they get rekt in console sales or reviews etc they'll fall back on reminding everyone of the warchest

That's why it's even more embarrassing ChuckeRearmed ChuckeRearmed for MS to lose to the 2 tiny companies (Sony and Nintendo) in the console market. Getting trounced and demolished even with that war chest is hilarious actually.

It is the equivalent of a grown-ass man being beaten by a 10-year-old girl. All we observers could do was point and laugh at that dude and cheer for the kid.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
That's why it's even more embarrassing ChuckeRearmed ChuckeRearmed for MS to lose to the 2 tiny companies (Sony and Nintendo) in the console market. Getting trounced and demolished even with that war chest is hilarious actually.

It is the equivalent of a grown-ass man being beaten by a 10-year-old girl. All we observers could do was point and laugh at that dude and cheer for the kid.
If the adult then grabs a lead pipe when the kid is facing a different direction and the crowd wants to stop the adult you may have some people yelling “not fair, the child beat his ass before, you need to allow the adult to sucker punch the child with a lead pipe to ensure you have fair competition”.
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Gold Journalism
Must be, otherwise why would the complete a $70 Billion acquisition from that point of view?
I think the timing is very important here for context.

Microsoft initiated and approved this acquisition in Jan 2022. That was the time when:
  • The Xbox Series was outselling PS5 in the US (because of PS5 shortage), and Satya Nadella was bragging about it.
  • Game Pass had grown from 18 million to 25 million subscribers (also announced in Jan. 2022), and
  • Xbox Series was still the fastest-selling Xbox console, outpacing Xbox one.
  • Starfield and Redfall had yet to be released.
However, since the approval of that acquisition by Microsoft:
  • PS5 has been comfortably outselling Xbox Series consoles.
  • Xbox market share shrank even further in the US, UK, and EU markets.
  • Xbox Series consoles is now tracking behind Xbox One, their worst console generation ever.
  • Game Pass has missed its targets for the 3rd consecutive year.
  • Xbox yearly revenue decreased.
  • Starfield and Redfall launched to poor reviews and/or couldn't help move consoles or increase Game Pass subscribers.
Canceling the acquisition later meant a very hefty multi-billion dollars penalty.

I am very confident that Microsoft wouldn't approve the ABK acquisition at this point in time. Jan. 2022 was very different for Xbox.
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I think the timing is very important here for context.

Microsoft initiated and approved this acquisition in Jan 2022. That was the time when:
  • The Xbox Series was outselling PS5 in the US (because of PS5 shortage), and Satya Nadella was bragging about it.
  • Game Pass had grown from 18 million to 25 million subscribers (also announced in Jan. 2022), and
  • Xbox Series was still the fastest-selling Xbox console, outpacing Xbox one.
  • Starfield and Redfall had yet to be released.
However, since the approval of that acquisition by Microsoft:
  • PS5 has been comfortably outselling Xbox Series consoles.
  • Xbox market share shrank even further in the US, UK, and EU markets.
  • Xbox Series consoles is now tracking behind Xbox One, their worst console generation ever.
  • Game Pass has missed its targets for the 3rd consecutive year.
  • Xbox yearly revenue decreased.
  • Starfield and Redfall launched to poor reviews and/or couldn't help move consoles or increase Game Pass subscribers.
Canceling the acquisition later meant a very hefty multi-billion dollars penalty.

I am very confident that Microsoft wouldn't approve the ABK acquisition at this point in time. Jan. 2022 was very different for Xbox.

This is a good point. Things were a lot different and ms has a habit of getting high on their own supply. Like ignoring that the lack of ps5's was driving up series sales. Or betting the farm that xcloud on phones clipped to $70 controllers was going to be the next big thing. They might just have thought they were on top of the world.


Good lord guys,I know the US is a very important market for this type of stuff.....but dismissing these figures because it's just France seems crazy to me.I can't get my head around how this is even possible,Microsoft are a huge global tech brand,this is their gaming console and gaming is a huge market these days......how can they get beat out 93-7 anywhere,lol.


It's essentially gone there. That's not a reasonable spread for a product that is supposed to be competing toe-to-toe. "They don't have Xbox in France" is a reasonable assessment for the layman. If they made some miraculous recovery, it would be "Xbox is back in France".
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Xbox is becoming the gaming studio branch of Microsoft. It’s no surprise all the games come out on pc as well, the Xbox is just a pc in a box (much like the steam pc was years ago) with prefixed hardware.
They make the money off of subscriptions, a 90-10 split while absolutely embarrassing for them, it will be interesting to see the subscriptions of game pass on that 10% and on the pc


It's a brand problem, but more so, a content problem.

I don't think Xbox offers any exclusive content worth buying a console for. Europe is a very large PC gaming space, and most of Xbox is on PC.

Microsoft as a brand isn't cool. They lack the image of Playstation and Apple.

Microsoft released the Series without an exclusive, and went on with it for a year. It was pretty much an Xbox One with better performance. Its controller also didn't revolutionize anything, everything felt very samey. They kind of got away with it because of shortages and next-gen output being low on PS5 as well, but this has changed since. Sony ramped up its output and MS is still MS, and shortages are a thing of the past as well.

I've always said, once the production problems have been fixed, we are going to see the real picture. But Series is actually doing worse than I imagined. The console was on time, appropriately priced, its a good, stable and silent console.. they did everything better than Xbox One... except for new releases you really need a Series for. And to me it seems the acquisitions backfire. Its similar to Paris Saint Germain, thinking if they sign Messi and Neymar they are going to dominate football. It never happened. As the late Cruyff once said, i've never seen a bag of money score a goal. You need more than just that, and MS seem to lack an actual vision.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Portal is being tracked as a console as the aim is PS Cloud Streaming. From the outside it appears the plan appears to release it in limited amounts to create artificial demand higher than supply. Additionally the main purchasers will be hardcore gamers, not casuals, having researched the portal and will buy if the broadband is good enough for them. The first impressions should be extremely positive.

Sony will be able to test cloud streaming by limiting the units revealed rather than have a shite cloud streaming from the start and the first impression taints the accessory. Once cloud streaming is successful then production could be ramped up.


Can’t Git Gud
I think the timing is very important here for context.

Microsoft initiated and approved this acquisition in Jan 2022. That was the time when:
  • The Xbox Series was outselling PS5 in the US (because of PS5 shortage), and Satya Nadella was bragging about it.
  • Game Pass had grown from 18 million to 25 million subscribers (also announced in Jan. 2022), and
  • Xbox Series was still the fastest-selling Xbox console, outpacing Xbox one.
  • Starfield and Redfall had yet to be released.
However, since the approval of that acquisition by Microsoft:
  • PS5 has been comfortably outselling Xbox Series consoles.
  • Xbox market share shrank even further in the US, UK, and EU markets.
  • Xbox Series consoles is now tracking behind Xbox One, their worst console generation ever.
  • Game Pass has missed its targets for the 3rd consecutive year.
  • Xbox yearly revenue decreased.
  • Starfield and Redfall launched to poor reviews and/or couldn't help move consoles or increase Game Pass subscribers.
Canceling the acquisition later meant a very hefty multi-billion dollars penalty.

I am very confident that Microsoft wouldn't approve the ABK acquisition at this point in time. Jan. 2022 was very different for Xbox.
xbox series?
We should be talking about xbox series x for fair comparison.
Adding cheap console to the mix to then brag about that xbox "series" sold well, is Satya bragging apples to oranges


Gold Journalism
Xbox is becoming the gaming studio branch of Microsoft. It’s no surprise all the games come out on pc as well, the Xbox is just a pc in a box (much like the steam pc was years ago) with prefixed hardware.
They make the money off of subscriptions, a 90-10 split while absolutely embarrassing for them, it will be interesting to see the subscriptions of game pass on that 10% and on the pc
The revenue from their subscription is only 10-15%. The rest of the 85-90% revenue doesn't come from subscriptions.

It mainly comes from selling games, in-game purchases, console hardware, and console hardware accessories.


The revenue from their subscription is only 10-15%. The rest of the 85-90% revenue doesn't come from subscriptions.

It mainly comes from selling games, in-game purchases, console hardware, and console hardware accessories.
Aren't Xbox consoles being sold at a loss? They are negative revenue.


I think the timing is very important here for context.

Microsoft initiated and approved this acquisition in Jan 2022. That was the time when:
  • The Xbox Series was outselling PS5 in the US (because of PS5 shortage), and Satya Nadella was bragging about it.
  • Game Pass had grown from 18 million to 25 million subscribers (also announced in Jan. 2022), and
  • Xbox Series was still the fastest-selling Xbox console, outpacing Xbox one.
  • Starfield and Redfall had yet to be released.
However, since the approval of that acquisition by Microsoft:
  • PS5 has been comfortably outselling Xbox Series consoles.
  • Xbox market share shrank even further in the US, UK, and EU markets.
  • Xbox Series consoles is now tracking behind Xbox One, their worst console generation ever.
  • Game Pass has missed its targets for the 3rd consecutive year.
  • Xbox yearly revenue decreased.
  • Starfield and Redfall launched to poor reviews and/or couldn't help move consoles or increase Game Pass subscribers.
Canceling the acquisition later meant a very hefty multi-billion dollars penalty.

I am very confident that Microsoft wouldn't approve the ABK acquisition at this point in time. Jan. 2022 was very different for Xbox.
Im also 100% sure they would make COD exclusive asap but regulatory blowback in the UK made them change their plans and fucked this acquisition even more ...


Gold Journalism

Aren't Xbox consoles being sold at a loss? They are negative revenue.
They are sold at a loss per unit.

There is no such thing in accounting as 'negative revenue'. If you make loss per unit, it will reflect in operating profit/loss (which Xbox, of course, hides). The selling price of any hardware unit, regardless of its operating profit/loss, will be added in full to the total revenue amount -- the only figure that Xbox shares.



Whatever plan Phil had did not work. I wonder what's Microsoft's / Xbox's management thinking right now and what plans they will implement next.
Judging from how it went the last time around, maybe implementing a plan is where they went wrong.


xbox series?
We should be talking about xbox series x for fair comparison.
Adding cheap console to the mix to then brag about that xbox "series" sold well, is Satya bragging apples to oranges
A fair comparison is comparing combined models of a console to the combined models of the other consoles.

That's what all the professional trackers do.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™

Whatever plan Phil had did not work. I wonder what's Microsoft's / Xbox's management thinking right now and what plans they will implement next.

  • Beat the ps5 on power with XSX
  • Beat the ps5 on price via XSS
  • Beat PS+ with GamePass see GP numbers swell
  • Buy a few publishers and studios and ramp up the content on GP
  • Expand PC rapidly
  • Release streaming device running xCloud and see GamePass adoption flourish
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